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They arrived at the capital, Jezemaksiria, after being shaken in the carriage for tens of minutes from Bognar Magic Academy. It's a metropolis that boasts one of the largest scale within the country, and at the heart of the city, there are rows of beautiful buildings that represent the continent.

While staring at that spectacular sight of the streets,

"......I guess it has been 170 years, since the last time I came here"

Asch acts cool with his all might and speaks to Julia. The fact that he's unaging, is a matter-of-fact that he revealed during his self-introduction even though he wasn't asked.

"Oh my, such a long time ago"

Julia shows her astonishment exaggeratedly.

"Aah......there's probably nobody at that time who thought that it would develop to this extent. That's how rural this Jezemaksiria was"

At that time, there wasn't the Narsha Kingdom's main castle, Castle Salreinkarlo, nor was there Saint・Lizabeth Church. Inside Asch, the only scenery he remembers is that of wheatfields, orchards, and rows of windmills as far as the eyes can see.

"This too, is the will of God"

"Is that so......Julia-sensei was an Aristo believer huh"

"Do you dislike it?"

"With looks as beautiful as yours, I shall fall in love even if you are a Demon"

"Fufufu......as I thought, what a fun individual"

Julia says and smiles happily.

On the other hand, because there were rarely any women who display such an affectionate reaction to him, a narcissistic Magician who's completely on cloud nine he is.

"However......these parts, sure aren't very prosperous"

As the carriage proceeds, the gorgeous sight of the streets changes its looks. The buildings are all dilapidated ruins that look like they're about to crumble at any moment. The children were wearing rundown clothes and had lost their spirits from the looks of it.

"We arrived"

The place he was guided to was, a stand-alone church. The building's walls are stained, and the roof is in tatters. Asch pleasantly goes around that building.

"......as the location for dinner, it sure has quite an interesting appearance"

"Actually, I was born in this church"

Julia walks in front of Asch and leads him. Over there, Asch deduced that she's a war orphan. Since she can use Magic, she's either the child of a noble or a rarely born ordinary citizen's child. Whichever it is, an extraordinary amount of hard work is probably necessary for her to go as far as to assume the elite occupation of being the Bognar Magic Academy's teacher.

"I am honoured to be able to come in contact with your past. However.........nevertheless, nobody is anywhere to be found"

"......now, there is no longer anybody. Everybody ended up dying from a wide-spread plague 18 years ago"

Asch, who heard that, places his hand on his lips and mutters.

"Hmm. If it's this region, then it's either the Jainer disease or the Cixsey fever huh"

There was a cure. However, because that medication was expensive and only sold to nobles, it probably didn't reach the hands of ordinary citizens like her.

"Uh-huh. Both the sister whom I had looked up to like a mother as well as my younger sister. After that, I was left with just my older brother. The whole time, we lived with just the two of us......hey, Asch-sensei. Have you seen the residential district of Jezemaksiria's wealthy? I wonder why they are so different, even though they're living as fellow humans"


The gap between the ordinary citizens and the nobles are widening one-sidedly. Those who possess Magic and those who do not. The difference in ability that one can never hope to fill since birth gives birth to a distinctive disparity. And then, the nobles look down on the ordinary citizens, and there's pretty much no chance for the ordinary citizens to promote to nobles, who are in the ruling tier.

"For example, if the person who governs this Narsha Kingdom is a saint like Archbishop Samon, wealth and poverty will be gone, and it will turn into a society where everybody can live equally. That is, what I think"

Julia stands before the altar and mutters.

"Hmm......I don't think so though"

"......why so?"

"Well, this is just one of my conjecture. I know about Archbishop Samon as well. I may look like this, but my connections are on the broader side. I'm decently acquainted with him"

"In that case. He is a saint without a doubt"

"I suppose so. However, it is precisely so that if he were to govern the country......this country will probably perish. All the citizens, including you, will become slaves. The one attacking will probably be the neighbouring country, Canan Alliance"


"A rose that's nurtured axenically and a rose that's raised in the wild. Do you know which is more resilient? Well, it's a question that doesn't need to be asked though"


"Besides, it's difficult for fishes to live in clean water. Is it not what they call the law of nature to think that a certain extent of filth is necessary"

"......in that case, are you saying that, the death of the sister......my younger sister......is the law of nature?"

Julia clenched her fist tightly.

"Who knows. Whether or not it's the law of nature, it's not like I saw what happened at the time after all. However, don't you servants of God say this at times like these? It's the will of God"

"......I'm glad"

She, approached Asch's side and embraced him passionately.

"......doing something like this all of a sudden. In contrast to how you look, you sure are a feverous woman huh"

"――you are......a person I can end without guilt"

While saying that, Julia stole Asch's lips.


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