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In the staff room after school, the teachers are extraordinarily busy. That is, because they have to prepare for students' lessons tomorrow during the after-school period. Furthermore, since they also have to perform their daily miscellaneous tasks and so forth, there are not few who greet the midnight chime in Bognar Magic Academy either.

"Fuu......it sure is tough for those who are lacking in knowledge. Preparing like crazy for the sake of merely teaching the students Magic"

Asch, who mutters something like that without malice while elegantly drinking his wine. The thinking of the teachers who heard that all aligned.

'Just die'

Beside such Asch, Mira is speedily completing the miscellaneous tasks.

"Is that, not because I am completing all the preparation for the lessons and miscellaneous tasks in Asch-sama's place?"

"Fuu......as expected of the doll I created. Aah, how competent you are"

"......it does not make me happy at all"

As they're having such back and forth, a single white-robed beauty approaches Asch. Julia=Shindle. The 22 years old newly appointed Magic Physician that the narcissistic Magician had his eyes on the other day she is. It's her, who had been running around that much from his persistent approach since the other day. For her to get close to him by herself, the people around are wide-eyed, wondering what exactly brought that on.

"Erm......Asch-sensei. If it is alright with you, there is a little something I would like you to enlighten me"

Asch immediately stood up and elegantly offered her the chair.

"There is no greater honour than to be able to grant my knowledge to a beautiful individual like Julia-sensei. However......it sure is troubling"

"What is?"

"Please pardon me for becoming slightly awkward. I am simply enchanted by your overwhelming beauty"

The teachers aligned again.

'Really, just die'

"Oh my, how flattering"

However, Julia, at the time, makes an expression that doesn't look dissatisfied. The narcissistic Magician who saw such expression of hers make a satisfied-looking smile.

"......excuse me for a bit"

Mira brings Asch and moves to a distance where their voices won't reach Julia.

"What is it? The jealousy of a doll is unseemly, you know. After all, we are a human and a doll――"

"You are being deceived"

Mira answered, straightly.

"......on what? I have no idea what you're on about"

"Having that reaction upon hearing Asch-sama's pick-up line. There is no mistake. She is getting close to you with some kind of motive"

"Fufu......it sure is terrifying to have no emotions. Since you don't know the feelings of a woman in love"

Asch looks at Mira and casts a pitying gaze at her.

"......what I don't know is, where that confidence of your is welling from"

"Well, watch. I have no reason to make a lovely woman wait for the sake of a doll like you"

Asch says and again heads to where Julia is.

"......is something the matter?"

"Why, it was a surprise for me too"


"At your overwhelming beauty, that doll is jealous. Who would've thought, your beautiful looks end up bestowing a heart even to a doll"

"My, my, someone like me"

"......excuse me for a bit"

Mira, who saw her not looking dissatisfied again, brings Asch and moves to a distance where their voices won't reach Julia again.

"What is it? I am currently moved by the happiness of having managed to encounter my soulmate"

"You are definitely, being deceived"

"Fuu......can you not see those beautiful eyes. Those beautiful genuine eyes"

"......you are saying it because your eyes are empty sockets. Julia-sama was running away from you that much, wasn't she. This change of attitude is definitely strange"

"That, just means my sincerity finally got through"

"......Asch-sama. I have never seen a man as weak to women as you. The enemy has brilliantly caught on to that weakness. In all honesty, the teachers other than Lioar-sama, who is on business trip......hate you more than they do a worm, especially Julia-sama"

"No way. Are you telling me to doubt a marvellous woman like her? If, for argument's sake, I'm being deceived by her. That is, namely, what they call love"


Mira's heart synced with the other teachers.

'Please, just die as you please'

"Well then, I'll be going to talk to Julia-sensei about the students' future hereafter. You can just return to the mansion after finishing the work properly"

Leaving those words behind, Asch turns around exaltedly and walks to Julia.


Mira started to complete Julia's portion of the miscellaneous tasks indifferently without saying anything more than that. There's just one thing that she knew. The enemy understands the human nature of the man called Asch=Dahl. Arrogant, confident, narcissistic. Hopelessly weak against women. They understand such an idiotic him.


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