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A Conversation About Hereafter

"Good work today, Margrave and Lei"


"Hahaha, Lei still has some way to go. You have to get used to the high society"

Sieg says and smacks my back firmly. We're currently in the Royal Castle's government office. Inside, there's the King, the Prime Minister, Gayn-san, Shishou, Alexia, and me.

It was really exhausting today. We were made to get on a carriage and parade around the Royal Capital from the afternoon right after we got to the Royal Castle. Driving the carriage between rows of soldiers; we spent about three hours going around the Royal Capital. During that time, we were waving our hands with a smile on our face.

Alexia and the others were used to it, and the cheers from the guys were non-stop. 'Hahaha, aren't you jealous!' 'They're all my fiancee, you know!' while getting hyped up by myself, I was copying them and waving my hand as well.

When I wave my hand, the cheers from the ladies reverberated this time around, and it was amazing. It felt good. Although my leg was pinched by Alexia, who sat beside me.

When we finished the parade with such things happening as well, it's the victory celebration party this time around. It started with the King's greetings, and various people went and spoke to Sieg and the others. Of course, to us who are his family members as well.

Like the party at the end of the year, there were nobles who recommends their daughters to me, in hopes of establishing a relationship with me, but the formation of Alexia on my right side and Caro on my left side managed to block it somehow. Or rather, the pair's pressure was too scary that the daughters who were brought over teared up. I ended up feeling slightly sorry for them.

Also, the sons were gathering around Filia and the others as well. To be precise, Filia, Mei-chan, and Haku.

The last time Filia attended a party in the Royal Capital was President Marina's birthday, but she responded to them with a majestic atmosphere. I suppose Elise trained her strictly. The sons were smitten by Filia, who gives out a dignified atmosphere.

Mei-chan and Haku, they had a similar vibe to the time during the end of year party. Roy pays close attention at the back when the sons gather around Mei-chan and Haku just replies indifferently.

But, well, it's a good thing that the three of them came to get along. When I saw them today, Mei-chan and Haku were replying to Filia with, 'Fi-oneechan', 'Fi-nee' after all. They probably had a talk about something.

We somehow finished the victory celebration party as well even as there were such happenings, but it was really exhausting. After everything was over, we were summoned by the King, and here we are. If it's a conversation about hereafter, then it's probably the matter about Alexia's magistrate. It concerns me as well, so I have to listen properly.

"First, I wonder what I should start with. Aah, that's right. Headmaster"

"Aah, that's right. Lei. You don't have to come to the academy anymore"


I wonder what exactly is Shishou on about. What is it with me not having to go to the academy even though I just became a second-year student?

"Headmaster. That way of putting it is slightly inappropriate, you know. Lei. To put it correctly, I want to have you help Alexia out. In other words, in the form of fieldwork"

The King supplements Shishou's completely inadequate explanation. Shishou is listening and nodding to that. Oi, Shishou. Do your job.

"That domain, I think you already know, but it is the location that will serve as the foundation for building Lei's country. It's meaningless if Lei, who's supposed to be the King, is not there. It's just that, it's not very good for the reputation to hand it to Lei right away. That's why we decided to make it the domain for once, and dispatch Alexia, who's Lei's fiancee, as the magistrate"

As I thought, that's what it's about huh. Besides, I'm happy as well if I can help out near Alexia. When I look at Alexia while thinking of that, Alexia smiles sweetly at me as well.

"You can use the Kingdom's troops that are currently in the domain. You'll be succeeding General Melia・Alstad as the General, so you can probably just learn how to command an army and so forth from her.

Regarding territory management, both Alexia and Lei should have already learned. Besides, Helen, the Prime Minister's daughter, is also around. I'll assign advisors to you as far as it goes, but try doing it yourselves for the most part"

It's quite a tall order, but it'll probably impossible to build a country or whatnot if I can't do this. I guess there's no other choice but for all of us to work together and do it somehow. It looks like he'll assign advisors to us as well after all.

"The topic has been about domain until here. The next topic is about Regalia"

About Regalia? Did something happen at Regalia? I'm reminded of Kana's matter when it comes to Regalia. I wonder if she's doing well? I wonder if they're doing things she hates to her? It ends up stuck in my head once I think about it.

"Just the other day, a messenger came from Regalia. They said they want us to participate in a party because they want to reconcile for this time's war and greet their new neighbour. Furthermore, the location is at the Imperial Capital"

......no no no no, that's obviously a trap, isn't it. Furthermore, isn't it usually the other way around? Isn't the country that lost the war the one to pay the visit?

"Of course, I tried to refuse as well, but they say that it's fine for us to bring soldiers to the Imperial Capital, and to participate armed. The other side should also know that it will not end with just a cessation this time around if they aggravate the situation. As proof of that......"

The King looks at my face and hesitates to say something. I sure have a somewhat bad feeling.

"From Regalia's side, they came and talked about an engagement with the Regalia Empire Second Imperial Princess Luciana・Regalia for Lei. Under the pretext of wanting to establish a friendly relationship"

......as I thought, my bad feeling was on the mark. Alexia, who's beside me, is rapidly getting colder while her expression maintains a smile. In other words, it's what they call a political marriage huh.

"......Alexia. Don't make such a scary face. This is something that'll be quite beneficial to your governing of the domain as well. From the perspective of the former Regalia citizens, Nanor is an invader.

However, if you were to be engaged with the Regalia Empire's Imperial Princess, that will make you intimate with the Regalia Empire. It should become easier to govern the territory in the future as well"

"I understand, something like that! But. But! I hate for Lei to be used for something like that!"

Tears overflow from Alexia's eyes. She got angry for my sake huh. I can tell that my heart is getting warm. I grab Alexia's hand

"Thanks for getting angry for my sake, Alexia. I'm fine. It's a good thing if it becomes easier to govern territory, isn't it. If it manages to settle down quickly, I'll be able to have more time to be lovey-dovey with Alexia and the others"

I say while winking lightly. Alexia smiled at me even as she's muttering, 'idiot'.

"I'm sorry, Lei. I end up using you for politics in the end"

"I don't mind. I have already been dragged into various things after all. So when should we go?"

"Hmm. Now, General Melia is making sure that there is a certain degree of safety within the domain. Besides, I also have to reply to the Regalia Empire, so it will probably be about one month later. You can do whatever you like until then.

Also, the Headmaster gave permission saying that if there's anybody you want to bring, you can bring them. It seems she'll treat it as fieldwork for everybody"

"I understand. One month huh"

Alright, I shall get various things ready until then. I have to get a new spear made as well after all. Besides, if they say I can bring anybody, then I guess I'll ask those fellows.



For some reason the chapters 173 and 174 are blocked for barista the 175 no, excellent work with the translations continues like this.