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Moderation to Temperance

The Devil

The man who wore a white vestment started spewing fresh blood and collapsed. Asch, he gets down from Mira's back and moves to the man fascinatedly. The Magic Wall(Magic Barrier), a typical Magician's defence, is more durable than an Offensive Magic. However, for her to break through the one he put up himself all so easily, he surmised that she's a Magician specialised in attacks that's plentiful amongst assassins and the likes.

"If you can walk, you could have gotten down before we were attacked"

Fixedly, Mira glares at Asch.

"Humph......more importantly, there are still things I want to ask him. I wonder if it is possible to treat him?"

"I will try, but I suppose he will likely not make it"

She immediately casts Healing Magic and tries to stop the bleeding as instructed, but his wound is way too deep. That was how powerful the magic the man released was. And, Mira is bad at Healing Magic......if he says that, she'll probably let leak her dissatisfaction. It's because hers possesses the capacity of a High Ranking Priest class. In the first place, users of Healing Magic itself, they are rather scarce.

Even Mira, who can handle the highest ranking『Holy』Magic, is unable to heal someone who is seriously injured. It's because there is the tendency for one who is proficient with magic that is for the sake of attacking, to be weak in the power of『Healing』, that works the other way around.

Asch diagnoses the man's condition and confirms.

"......about, five more minutes huh......Cis! Please come over here"

He shouts, but she shakes her head with both hands covering her face. Asch was silent for a bit, but before long, he started walking to Cis.

"Mira, please move this man to Cis' side"

"......currently, I am in the midst of treating him magnificently and cannot take my hands off, but I understand. I will somehow move him while I am treating him"

While saying sarcastically, Mira skilfully shouldered the man while holding onto the spot that's bleeding with her palm and dropped him near Cis. Asch stood beside the trembling Cis, held her shoulders, and turned her towards the man.

"Cis, open your eyes. It is a valuable opportunity to observe the death of a person'"

Asch whispers gently, but Cis shows no signs of opening her palms.

"Alright, listen carefully. You mustn't avert your eyes. When somebody precious to you is threatened by death; when they collapsed and covered in blood, will you avert your eyes and run away like you are currently? You won't, right. You won't be able to gain anything, not by averting your eyes from what you don't want to see......『Jisga=Leore』"


Cis opens her trembling palms and stares at the man's figure timidly.

"That's right. Watch and study how he dies. Know that death exists for anyone, at anywhere, and at any time. From his agonising expression, please imagine how painful it is. Please let it be etched in your mind that if you try to kill someone, there is the risk that you'll be killed like this man"

Asch, while holding her shoulder, says indifferently.

"......Mira-san, is there......anything I can do?"

Cis approaches that man and starts rubbing his trembling body.

"That's right......how about you hold his hand?"

Mira had been continuously casting Healing Magic on his wound, but colour already drained from the man's face and his life is about to run out. Cis also understands that he won't make it anymore. All that's left is......how he's going to die. Cis, she held his hand tightly, as Mira said, and shut her eyes.


At that moment, the white vestment wearing man let out an incomprehensible voice.

"What......what is it!?"

One word, at least. Cis desperately brings her face close to the man's lips.


Before he finished saying, his strength slipped from her palms, and his breathing stopped.

"Wait......what did you say......I still......I still......"

While tearing up, Cis asks him over and over again while holding both his hands tightly.

At that moment,

The man's complexion gradually improves. Asch opens his eyes widely and stares at Mira, but there was nothing strange about her actions. And then when he moves his gaze to Cis, her palms were emitting a warm light.

"Wake up......I still......haven't heard your last words......wake up......please......"

Cis, she's engrossed and didn't realise what's happening to herself.


Before long, the man's breath returned, and he started breathing. 

Asch, he is simply watching over the spectacle that is happening before his eyes curiously.

The resurrection of a person at the brink of death. Mira may have performed the treatment on the wound, but be that as it may, it is not a feat that's possible without any chant or seal. Something......there is something special in this child. That, he was certain.

"If it is like this......it looks like he will make it somehow"

Mira mutters, and Cis makes a relieved expression. Before long, perhaps she felt a sudden wave of exhaustion, she collapsed on the spot.


When Asch rushes over and carries her, she was sleeping soundly.


Asch muttered fascinatedly while staring at her.


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