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Studying For Tests ①

""We are home""

""Pardon our intrusion""

The first test week for the third year students finally started. We are having a study group at our house after school as promised previously. Our aim is for Renya to avoid failing.

"In any case, for the sake of also verifying the extent of Renya's understanding, I guess let us have a quiz meet. We will do it in the way where the three of us will take turns giving questions, and everybody other than the questioner will write the answers in the notebook"

"Got it"

"We just have to give questions from what the test will cover, right?"


"I'll do my best......"

And thus the quiz meet started. The subjects are all over the place, and the difficulty also varies from the fundamentals to slightly obscure. The result was......




"Stop it! Don't look at me with such eyes altogether!"

the envisioned result in which Nishikida-san got every question correct, Yae and I got a few questions incorrect. However, Renya produced the terrifying result of getting a few questions correct.

"Renya, Matsuyama is the capital city of Ehime Prefecture. Kagawa Prefecture's capital city is Takamatsu"

"That huhー!"

"Oohashi-kun, name the alkane in sequence"

"What's 'alkane'?"


"Renya, what's 'the lord is pregnant'¹......?"

"Eh, I mean the head-of-family is expected², right?"

"If you're talking about Ootono-gomoru³, then a lord⁴ is typically a man, right?"

is how it feels. Met with this, our evaluation is unanimous

"He is guaranteed to fail every subject huh"


"Maybe this is beyond help?"

"Darn itーー!!!"

Renya is somehow frustrated, but it is a valid evaluation. I wonder if he did not reflect on the proficiency test right after spring break.

"What do you normally do?"

"Eh? I guess I grind social games, work out, read manga, and so forth"

"What about studying?"

"Not at all!"

Yae receives a shock upon listening to Renya's lifestyle. But I think there are not few who are like Renya amongst high schoolers either though.

"I'll ask Renya-kun's Okaa-san to keep an eye out so that Renya-kun doesn't play games or read manga until the tests are over, alright"

"Committee Chairperson, anything but that!?"

"Nope. This is decided"

"No wayー......"

Renya hangs his head at the entertainment prohibition decree from Nishikida-san. Let's at least endure until the tests are over so that you don't fail.

"Rather, why can you guys do so well"

"Even if you ask why......"

"We listen in class properly every day"

"We just revise after that, you know?"

"Is everybody diligent or what! Do I have no ally!"

Renya has no ally at this very moment. It is the best to do it earnestly every day so that you do not fall behind in any subject. Renya looked at me with eyes like he is saying he cannot believe it when I say it to him though.

"In any case, for the sake of increasing Renya's academic capability, Nishikida-san, please teach him the things in the liberal arts subjects he should remember at the bare minimum. Yae and I will consolidate the science subjects' formulas and exercises"

"Understood, leave it to me. I guess we'll start with English's grammar"

"Please go easy on me......"

I find Nishikida-san's figure as she chooses from the textbooks with a pleasant smile very reliable. Renya is shaking like a prisoner awaiting his execution is pitiful, but it cannot be helped. It is for his sake after all.

"Now then, shall we start too. I will do mathematics"

"I'll do physics. The one who finishes first will do chemistry"

"Got it. Let's do our best while revising for ourselves as well"

Renya Academics Elevation Project, start.


¹:殿様が妊娠する(Tonosama Ga Ninshin Suru) 

殿様: A respectful way of calling an aristocrat, a feudal lord, or a lord

妊娠(Ninshin): Pregnant

Lord Is Pregnant

²: 大殿が身籠る(Ootono Ga Migomoru)

大殿(Ootono): one of the definition of this word is a respectful way of addressing the father of an aristocrat head-of-family, or, the respectful way of addressing the son of an aristocrat who succeeds as the head-of-family.

身籠る(Migomoru): expected/pregnant

The Head-Of-Family Is Expected

³: 大殿籠る (Ootono-gomoru): It's a respectful way of saying going to sleep or going to bed. 

大殿(Ootono): another definition of this word is the respectful way of saying a palace or the residence of an aristocrat.

籠る(Komoru): to stay inside/ confine inside

⁴:殿様(Tonosama): A respectful way of calling an aristocrat, a feudal lord, or a lord

Here, Renya mistakes the definition of 大殿(Ootono) in ³ with ², and mistakes the 籠る(Gomoru) in ³ as 身籠る(Migomoru) in ². 

Hence, he thought 'the lord' is 'expected'.


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