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End Of War

"If you don't get away from Takumi-kun, I'll blast you with my Magic!"

Kana says and points her staff at me. She's saying it firmly, but her face is stiff, and her legs are trembling as well. Mari-chan and the girl who had been a model are both beside her as well. These girls were sent to this world as well huh.


That model girl, she tries to rush over to Hero-kun who's down and is bleeding from his leg. However

"Don't move!"

When I release my killing intent and say, Model-chan trembles and halts. She carries on to go on her knees and breathes heavily.

Oh no, I went slightly overboard. I suppress my killing intent right away. Model-chan, who was breathing heavily until just now, is trembling, but her breathing stabilised.

Haa, looks like I got quite irritated as well. But, that's what they call barking up the wrong tree huh. I didn't think much besides, ahh, how pitiful huh, thus far even when I heard that the Heroes were summoned, but it actually pisses me off when I find out that my family and people I know were dragged in.

"My bad, but I can't do that. Even if it's Kana's request"

"......do you know me?"

Oops, I messed up. I ended up interacting with her normally. That's right. I'm no longer Katsuragi Hayato. The current me is a stranger.

"Leaving such things aside, I cannot return them. They killed too many Nanor's soldiers; they're probably quite resented"

"But, we were forcefully summoned and made to fight! Even though we really didn't want to fight! And yet to go as far as to take their lives......"

......I can't let what she just said slide. Even if it's Kana. Those words, they insult the Nanor's soldiers who fought with their lives on the line.

"In that case, will you spare somebody who says,『I was forced to fight. Please spare me』? I don't know your circumstances, but you could at least choose whether or not to fight, right? And it was they themselves who chose to fight. Don't tell me, you're going to say that it's fine for you to kill, but you'd hate to be killed, right?"

"Yo, you, are right but......"

Kana ends up hanging her head at my words. I might've said a little bit much, but that's the general knowledge of this world. ......thinking about it, I've been influenced by this world quite a bit as well huh. I don't want to kill proactively, but I won't hesitate if I have to.

However, I don't want to see Kana's sad face. It'll be my own arbitrary decision but

"If you people surrender to Nanor, I shall grant clemency, sparing their lives"

"uu! Really!?"

"Ka, Kanamin! Yo, you can't! Something like that is obviously a lie!"

"Even so, if there's a chance of being spared then......"

"My bad, but I'll have you return them!"

As Kana and the others and I are talking, a man showed up. Did he run over from Regalia's side? I catch the sword the man swings with my spear. Kuu, my body is heavy.


"Good grief, you went and did it huh. It was unexpected that there's actually somebody like you around"

Gargante? It's a name I've heard somewhere before huh. Where was it.

"Kana-chan, Mari-chan, and Ayumi-chan. I'll immediately prepare for you to escape. An order to immediately retreat was given. Good grief, why do I have to do such things"

"Di, did something happen?"

"The border was broken through by 100 thousand Arcadia State Army, 140 thousand Worvest・Sheila Alliance Army, 60 thousand Forest Fairia Kingdom Army, respectively"


"No way......"

It's what the three Kings were saying when they gathered previously huh. At the same time Regalia Army attacks Nanor, Arcadia and Worverst will attack as well. However, it's unexpected that the Forest Fairia Kingdom and the Sheila Kingdom joined in.


Worvest・Regalia Border

"Oi, Regnant. What are we supposed to carry on to do?"

"Yes, we will carry on to head towards the Nanor Regalia's border, and provide reinforcement to Nanor"

"Got it! Oi, you people! We're going!"

"Wai! Prince, that is impossible! We have not rested that much yet"

"You idiot! My little brother will be in danger if we don't go quickly, right! Besides, Ferris too"

"You people! Prepare to depart right awayy! We'll go and help Miss Ferris!"


"......good grief these fellows"


Arcadia・Regalia Border

"As expected of Gurian-sama. There are not that many casualties amongst the soldiers either"

"What, I am glad that this old man's knowledge was helpful. Besides, we're able to return the favour to Lei-dono. Isn't that right, Gullek¹"

"Yes, Ojii-sama². I will do my best as well!"


"That's why we were given the orders to immediately retreat"

The man called Gargante says and readies his sword at me. Over there

"Oh, are you running away, Gar sonny"

Shishou showed up. It appears that they're acquainted. The man called Gargante is making an annoyed-looking expression upon seeing Shishou though.

"Sylphid the granny huh. My bad, but I'll have you let me retreat here"

"You think you can retreat?"

Shishou says and draws her sword. However

"Of course"

Soldiers were sent over in the vicinity the moment Gargante said that. About ten people in total huh. Furthermore, they're no ordinary soldiers, they're Demon Soldiers.

"Kuku, it's outside the Magic Barrier here after all. Besides, if it's this distance, even the Regalia's Space Magicians can transport us. Do it!"

"Tsk! How annoying!"

Shishou cuts down the Demon Soldiers. I have to take them on as well, but I can't take my eyes off Kana. They shoulder the collapsed Heroes and go to Gargante's side. They're planning to teleport like this huh!

I throw the spear I was holding in my hand. And then it stabs the left shoulder of Gargante who had let his guard down.

"Guaaaah! Yo, you bastard!"

However, even that was tough for me, who was unsteady from simultaneously activating Level 9 Magic in the first place, and I could no longer remain standing. A Demon Soldier showed up over there, and I was struck and sent flying.


It hurts. However, I have to convey these words at least. Before I lose my consciousness.

"Kana! I'll definitely return you to the original world!"


And then several Space Magicians show up by Gargante's side and teleport Kana and the others. I ended up losing my consciousness as it is.

According to what I heard afterwards, because of the war this time around, the Five Nations Alliance Army, they occupy a third of Regalia Empire. It's about half of Nanor in terms of size.

The Heroes managed to escape, but it looks like the delinquents who were captured originally were sent to the mines as criminal slaves. I don't know what happened after that.

And then, the Regalia Empire's side fears that if they continue the war any further, it'll not just be an issue with enormous casualties, but the entire existence of the Regalia Empire will be threatened if they mishandle it, and decides on a ceasefire. With the Regalia Empire's side defeat, the war this time around came to an end.

And then, as reparations, they compensated money to Sheila and Forest Fairia and conceded the territory Nanor, Worvest and Acardia occupied as it is. That was the plan, but Worvest and Arcadia declined it.

「Investment in the future」, that is the reason the two countries declined. I suppose this had probably already been promised between the three countries. Sieg, the most distinguished individual in the war this time around, also says he's fine with being compensated money in the end.

It's decided that this conceded territory will become Nanor Kingdom's territories for the time being, and 3 thousand Nanor Army will help out until the public order stabilises.

And it's decided that Alexia will be dispatched as the magistrate of this territory. On the surface.

Both the other countries as well as Sieg declined. Moreover, if it's decided that my fiance, Alexia, will be dispatched as the magistrate, I'll realise it as well. The fact that this plot of land will, become the foundation of my country.

It's just that, I was worried about Kana's matter the whole time.


Leivelt・Runwalker・13 years old・Male・Levelー

Occupation: Kardia Academy Student?

Physical Strength: 4270

Magic Power: 7300

Strength: 3260

Agility: 3760

Physical Resistance: 2940

Magical Resistance: 2480

Title: Goddess Astell’s Agent・The One Without Limits・The One That Difficulties Visits・Bonded Ones・Genius Magician・Protector・The One Who Overcame the Large March・Harem Machine(Almost Decided)・The One Loved By The Lightning Spirit(Away From Home)・The One Loved By The Water Spirit(Away From Home)・The One Loved By The Light Spirit・Lightning Emperor・Sword Saint's Disciple・The One Who Walks With The Dragon・Dual Wielder・Future King

Skill: Spearmanship Level 9・Swordsmanship Level 7・Hand to Hand Combat Level 6・Lightning Magic Level 9・Wind Magic Level 8・Water Magic Level 8・Fire Magic Level 6・Earth Magic Level 5・Light Magic Level 9・Dark Magic Level 4・Space Magic Level 3・Lifestyle Magic Level 7・Tenacity Level 8・Body Enhancement Level 8・Presence Sense Level 7・Magic Power Detection Level 7・Stealth Level 4・Etiquette Level 5・Language (Continental Language) Levelー



¹: The name is misspelled in the original text, but I assume the Author is referring to Gullek

²: Grandfather


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