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How We Came Around (1)

Runwalker March


"Look, you're not paying attention to your feet"


When I sweep his legs with my spear, Dry fell face-first onto the ground. It sure reminds me of Roy when I see this. That fellow too, he initially often tripped and tumbled face-first.

He would have Mei-chan wipe his face whenever it happens, and he would make a face that says he's not exactly unhappy with that. Before I know it, he no longer tumbled.

"Sh, shit! It's unfair that you're using a spear even though I am using a sword! ......it is¹!"

......that's beyond the level of being bad at using polite form, you know. Chrona is glaring at him an awful lot at the back after all. He'll have to fix it if he's going to continue being Filia's escort hereafter. Since it'll be scorned by other nobles. Furthermore

"Dry, was it? Are you going to tell your enemy that? It is hard to fight you when you are using a spear, so will you please change your weapon for me, is that what you'll say?"

"Uuu, tha, that is......"

"Naturally, nobody is that kind. On the contrary, if they know that you're bad with it, they'll gladly use the spear against you. You have to think about how to take on that opponent. Alright then, three of you together this time around"

And then, Filia's three escorts stand, surrounding me, and ready their swords. If I have to say why I'm doing something like this, it's because I'm free.

After we captured the intruders, we confirmed the mansion's situation, the dead, and the wounded; the mansion's damage is roughly just the traces of magic on the front gate and the wall that I broke, there were about ten dead, and many wounded, but because they're already treated, and I've also put up the magic barrier, there was no longer anything to do.

It looks like there was no damage done to the town, and it's decided that the townfolks will do the repairs for us. The war's side as well, a messenger turned up saying that the enemies retreated for today, so there's no need to go there either. It seems that Sieg and the others will also come back in a bit.

That's why because I'm free until then, and just as I thought of moving my body, Mirumi, was it, she told me she wants me to train them, so I'm keeping them company.

"Alright, here we「kyururu!」buheh!"

Just as I was about to say 'here we go' to Mirumi and company, somebody came from the sky and clung onto my face. It then wiggled up my face and went limp on top of my head. It's slapping my head going, 'pay attention to me as well'.

"Thanks for your hard work, Eclat. Where did Hilde-san go?"

When I ask Eclat, Eclat points her finger firmly. When I look over there, the spot where Eclat points her finger starts shining, and Hilde-san appears.

"Lei-kun. I delivered Sylphy and the others to their destination. After that, I went for a slight walk in the sky with Eclat"

Hilde-san laughs, 'ufufu', happily. I'm glad both the parent and child enjoyed themselves without any outsiders. Eclat looked like she had fun as well after all. It's just that

"O, Onii-sama, what, what is that dragon? Fur, furthermore, who is this beautiful woman who suddenly appeared?"

Filia, who was watching behind, comes to me and asks. Chrona also nods her head going, 'uh-huh, uh-huh'. When I look around, Mirumi and company and the maids are also surprised; even Elise is surprised.

Huh? I should have already told Alene-sensei to relay the message for me though. When I look at Alene-sensei who's beside Elise

"Ah, I forgot"

she said. Alene-sensei laughs, 'tahaha'. Well, it doesn't really matter though. And then when I was about to explain about Eclat, Hilde-san, and the others

"Excuse me. Madam Elise, Madam Alene, Sieg-sama has returned"

a soldier showed up. Elise and Alene-sensei head towards the gate while smiling happily. The explanation comes afterwards huh. I follow behind the two of them as well.


"Lei. You were really a great help this time. Had you or the Headmaster and the others not come, it'd probably had turned into a rather dangerous situation"

Sieg says and bows. We've currently come to the mansion's conference room. Because we can fit everybody if we're here.

The ones here are, Sieg, Elise, Alene-sensei, Shishou, Hilde-san, me, Alexia, Ferris, Caro, Aerith, Eclat, who's on top of my head, and behind me, Tigris, Filia, Chrona, Chloe, Marin-san, Dorothea-san, and the escorts, Mirumi and company.

Everybody besides Tigris, Chloe, Mirumi and company, is seated.

"I am glad I made it in time. If we had not heard about it from Tigris, we probably would not have made it in time either"

We talk about the whole story, from what happened at the Royal Capital until we came here.


January Fourth

Nanor Kingdom Royal Capital

"Tigris is calling for me?"

"Uh-huh. It looks like he has something he wants to talk about regarding the war"

It has been three days since Grutas' rebellion. After that, due to Grutas' death, the rebellion concluded, and the soldiers who were on Grutas' side all surrendered as well.

If we sentence all twenty thousand of them to death, the military strength will decrease, and there'll probably be a backlash from the citizens as well, so it was wrapped up with sentencing only the nobles who were involved to death, and sentencing the soldiers to work without salary for half a year.

Well, it's this light punishment only because it didn't result in any casualty though. If there were casualties amongst the Royal Capital's citizens, as expected, it probably wouldn't wrap up with just working without salary. It seems they're being properly provided with food after all.

After that, today, the King instructed an investigation on Grutas' mansion, that's in the Royal Capital. A person called Marcus-san, the First Chivalric Order Captain, was picked to be the Commander, and I followed along as well. The Grutas faction soldiers who were inside resisted, but they were all either arrested or otherwise killed and subdued.

And then the more we investigate inside, the more we find out that Grutas had involved himself in quite a bit of shady matters. Abductions and extortions are a given, and it looks like he had been selling Nanor Kingdom's classified information to the Regalia Empire.

It appears that the compensation for that is things like the cooperation this time around, the supply of the Demon Swords, the coordination of the war's timing, and so forth.

And then there's naturally a basement in this kind of mansion, and there were women and so forth, who I suppose were abducted, placed inside the dungeon over there.

And then I suppose one person inside there was

"Duke Lambert! Why are you here!"

acquainted with Captain Marcus. He saw a golden-haired man who's placed inside one of the prisons and was quite surprised. This person is Tigris' father, Duke Lambert huh. Although his body looks washed-out, the sense of intimidation he gives out is no joke.

"If I'm not wrong, you're Captain Marcus huh. What happened to Grutas?"

"Grutas started a rebellion, but it was stopped. Grutas died during that rebellion"

"Is that so. That idiot is"

After that, including Duke Lambert, we rescued the people who were trapped in the prison, but everybody is washed-out, and amongst them, there were also those who were ill, so we made use of the empty rooms in Grutas' mansion and treated them.

Who we found at that time was, Tigris' mother. Her attending maid is also there beside her; it appears that Tigris had his father and mother, both parents, taken hostage. Duke Lambert rushes over upon seeing his wife and confirms his wife's condition with the maid who's beside her.

"Martha, how's Myria's condition?"

"Sir! Are you hurt!?"

"Forget about me. More importantly, how's Myria?"

"......these few days, because the healer did not come, her condition kept deteriorating. At this rate......"

If I'm not wrong, Grutas was saying that the Madam had a curse placed on her. That ones who placed it were, Benjarl, who betrayed Grutas, and the fellow called Einz or something, who disappeared off somewhere.

"Light. Can we do something about that with 『The One Who Severs』?"

I verify with Light, who's beside me. But

""It is probably impossible with The One Who Severs because we do not know what kind of curse it is. However""


""Lei-sama's Light Magic's Level is 8. If it is at that level, you can use Purification Magic, a type of the Light Magic""

.......huh? I don't get your point, you know.

""If it is a curse that is below Level 8, it should be fixable if you cast Anti-curse""

I'm confused as to why he's saying something like this at this point in time, but I guess it's fine if I can save her with that.

I do as Light said, and get closer to the Madam's side. Duke Lambert makes a puzzled look, and the maid gets angry telling me not to get closer, but I ignore her and move closer. And then I place my hand on the Madam's head


When I activate my magic, my hand illuminates, and that light envelops the Madam. And then a black mist-like thing came out from the Madam and disappeared. Immediately after

"U, unn"


"De, dear, is that you? You, became, so, worn-out"

"You idiot! You're the one who has become worn-out! Good grief! Good grieffff!"

Both Duke Lambert and his wife hugged each other and started crying. Uu, if you show me a scene like that, even my tears are going to fall. The maid is bawling.

After that, I was thanked a whole lot by Duke Lambert and the others. The maid bowed at me so far that she's about to touch the ground after all.

With such things happening as well, after we helped everybody, who was imprisoned in Grutas' mansion, and returned to the Royal Palace, I was called out by Tigris. I wonder what exactly is it?


¹: In the original text, Dry initially ended his sentence with だぞ(dazo), he then went on to say です(desu). It's because 'dazo' is more casual and impolite, so he corrected himself.


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