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Unforeseen Situation

"Good grief, for one to come out from somewhere unexpected"

I speak to the man in front of my eyes, who holds two swords. I had thought that they probably had some kind of a plan, but I never would've thought that they would drop from the sky.

However, I'm not in the position to be saying such things either; since the soldiers are being taken down one after another before my eyes. Mars had been taken down as well.

I left the other person to Marco and Gil, and the command to Melia-dono. In order for me to stop the guy before my eyes.

"Sorry, but I'm not going to let you do any more than this"

I ready myself without letting my guard down. I won't let this guy do as he likes any more.

"My apologies, but there are things that I have to do as well!"

The dual bladed man readies his swords and heads toward at me. I immediately thrust with the Wind Dragon Spear, Tormenta. This is a spear that I created with the fang that I retrieved from a High-Grade Dragon, the Wind Dragon, that I subjugated in the past.

It's constantly endowed with the Wind Attribute, reducing the weight of the spear, and enhancing its speed. It's my partner.

In response to my rapid thrusts, the guy went on a one-sided defence. He's trying to somehow block with his swords and close in on me, but I won't let him get close to me that easily.

Furthermore, the movements of this guy are strange. Indeed, he's strong and quick, but his reaction is slightly slow. Moreover, the sword he holds in his left hand is pretty much useless. Is he not used to dual-wielding?

However, I'm not so considerate as to overlook that opening. I move to the guy's left side and target the sword he holds in the left hand. The guy somehow blocked it, but his movements became worse than before.

I spin the spear and sweep his legs. The guy jumps and dodges it, but I carry on to swing the spear upwards. The guy intersected his swords at once and caught it, but his swords were pushed overhead by the spear, and his hands ended up in a raised position.

And then, I turn and thrust again. The guy twists his body in the air forcefully and dodges it, but Tormenta grazes his flank. The guy's expression warps from the pain, but I return the spear into my hands right away and thrust over and over again.

He's blocking it with the swords in both hands, but it's probably also a matter of time before I overwhelm him at this rate. The spear's sideways sweep drives into the man's flank. The sensation of the bones snapping was conveyed to me through Tormenta, but I carry on to follow through.

The guy was sent flying as it is, but he didn't go as far as to lose his consciousness. Despite regurgitating blood, he stands up once again. He then returns the sword that he's holding in his right hand to his waist and switches to holding the sword that he's holding in his left hand with both hands.

"What are you trying to do?"

"I'm originally just a Swordsman. As I thought, rather than the dual-wielding that I'm not used to, this suits me better"

The guy says and comes attacking again. It's true that compared to when he's dual-wielding just now, the uncertainty in his movements is gone. He averts my thrusts with his sword over and over again.

I receive the guy's slashes with my spear. I received the diagonal slash with my spear and caught the sideways sweep with my spear vertically. The guy thrusts at me as payback, but I avert my body and dodge it.

I carry on to spin my spear and swing the butt of the spear downwards. The guy backs away and dodges, but I stab the butt of the spear into the ground and make use of the flexibility to jump into midair.

In midair, I return Tormenta into my hands, and while turning my body, I swing downwards at the guy with Tormenta. The guy receives the spear that's swung downwards from above with his sword, but it's a force that brings him to his knees.

I land and immediately rush towards the guy and give him a kick. The guy crashes on the ground several times and rolls over. And then the soldiers around swarm towards the guy as well.



The guy stands up persistently and slashes the soldiers. That bastard. I rush out and attack the guy once again.

I thrust, and the guy averts. Even when I do a sideways sweep, he catches it with his sword. Albeit little by little, he's becoming capable of responding to my attacks. Is it some kind of ability?

But, I didn't have the time to think about it. It's because as I thrust repeatedly, the guy disappeared from before my eyes. No, the guy brought his body down to the extent that I misapprehended it that way and dodged my thrust.

And then, I thrust the spear downwards, almost scraping the ground. I immediately return the spear into my hands, but it was slightly too late. The guy slashed upwards from the left with his sword, and unable to block that entirely, my flank was sliced.

This time around, the guy attacks me, taking advantage of that opening. Every single blow is heavy. Because the guy is attacking me aggressively, I'm defending against it one way or another.


Shit! This person is too strong, isn't he. He really has the capability that's on par with Gargante. His spear is the strongest amongst all the Spearmen that I've fought thus far.

I wasn't able to read his movements and ended up on a one-sided defence initially. However, thanks to having endured through it somehow, my spearmanship went up with the power of 『The One Who Endures』.

This is really convenient. It's because just by possessing this skill, I know a bit about the spear's movements. Thanks to that, I also became capable of slightly reading the man's movements somehow.

However, just as I thought that perhaps I'll be able to overwhelm him at this rate


there's a loud sound. It's not a sound from this battlefield, but a sound that's audible from afar. The sound of something exploding. I don't know where it's from, but it looks like the man does, and he's looking in the direction on the opposite of the battlefield.

If I'm not wrong, it's the territory of the March in that direction. Don't tell me, the explosion is there?

However, this is a chance. I attack while the man is showing an opening. Perhaps the man noticed as well, he looks in my direction and readies his spear again.

However, he's not as sharp as just now even when I attack. As I thought, he's probably bothered by it. He can't completely concentrate over here. Bit by bit, my sword has come to land its blows.

The explosion just now, it's probably part of Gargante's operation; 

using the delinquent team that's currently nowhere in sight. However, if they're trying to pass through this place, they either have to cross the Demon's Land or go through this fortress, so they probably used the power of that man called Einz.

It's because that person was saying that although the number of people he can transport at a time is few, the distance in which he can transport them is far.


Alright! The man's movements are disordered. I slash upwards from the right and repel the man's spear. I carry on to slice diagonally and cut the man! My sword carries on to run through the guy's body. The man holds onto his wound and falls to his knees

I take that chance to quickly head to the location where the ladder was arranged to be placed. The soldiers around gather, but I dual-wield again and cut them down. I cut them over, and over, and over again. And then


the sound of the ladder crashing onto the fortress reverberates. I cut the soldiers who try to destroy the ladder even during that time. And then


the Regalia Army climbed over. Fuu, the operation finally succeeded. The man is glaring at me with hatred-filled eyes, but he's giving orders to the soldiers.

I shall help the soldiers out as well.