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The Coming Sports Day

The Golden Week that felt long yet short ends, and it is school again from today onwards. However, it feels like there is an awful lot of attention on me both from my way to school until I arrive at the classroom for some reason. Perhaps Yae is feeling similar gazes as well; she is looking around restlessly.

We entered the classroom while finding it strange and

"Oohata! As expected, you guys are dating, aren't you!?"

"Are you alright, Yae-chan?"

were surrounded by our classmates. As I was baffled as to what I should do, my eyes met with Nishikida-san's. I looked in her direction thinking, 'Please do something about it', and perhaps she guessed it, she made an okay sign to me with her fingers.

"Here, here, both of them are feeling troubled, and you'll be a hindrance to those who are entering as well if you're over there, won't you. Wait for them until they put away their belongings"

Nishikida-san says while clapping her hands, and everybody dispersed. I think this part of her is amazing.

"You are a lifesaver. Thank you. And sorry about yesterday"

"Mutsumi, thanks"

"You're welcome. And don't worry about it. Your precious Yae-chan went through something like that after all. It's normal to get angry"

I was readily forgiven, but I feel a hidden meaning in what she said afterwards. It is a given that Yae is precious to me, but it somehow feels like there is some nuance between Nishikida-san and me.

"And the reason for this uproar is because what happened yesterday was uploaded as a video onto the SNS¹. Although the faces and so forth weren't taken that close-up, those who know you would know if they saw it. And because that video itself is being rapidly circulated, I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that not only our classmates but everybody in the school know about it"

"Is that so......"

Hmーm, it is true that there were loads of onlookers back then, and I suppose in this day and age, there are also people who upload it on SNS. I guess I am out of luck that it caught the eyes of the people I know.

"In any case, I'll return to my seat as well. I can't be the only one talking even though I made everybody dispersed, right"

"In any case, I understood the reason. Thank you"


"It's nothing. More importantly, good luckー"

My cheeks instinctively stiffened at Nishikida-san, who said that and left with a smirk. I am sure she is saying that knowing what is going to happen after this huh.


"Well then, I would like to decide on the participants for the sports day's

events next week"

The voice of Nishikida-san, who is talking on top of the teaching platform², follow up on the attack on me, who is exhausted from dealing with my classmates. After Golden Week comes the sports day huh......

"Besides the long rope jumping that everybody participates, the seven events are the interclass relay, 400m, 100m, long jump, scavenger hunt, obstacles relay, and the cavalry battle³. Each person write one event that you'd like to participate in"

Now then, I wonder what should I do. The cavalry battle is the best for me, who has completely no athleticism, but......it is composed of the well-built and also tall guys starting from Murayama-san, so it looks impossible. If it comes down to this, I am left with either the scavenger hunt or the obstacles relay.

"Ou, Kazunari. Looks like you're having a hard time huh"

"I am having a hard time, Renya. And I am sorry for yesterday"

"Don't worry 'bout it. So which one are you participating?"

"I guess the two options are either the obstacles relay or the scavenger hunt. Athleticism comes into play for the events besides these, so I will undoubtedly hold them back"

"Make it the scavenger hunt then. The points for the obstacles relay is higher, and you'll inconvenience others as well"

In our school, the classes compete amongst each other within their respective school years with points. It is not that there are prizes or whatnot if they win, but as expected, everybody is aiming to win, so I am thankful for Renya's advice.

"I will do just that. As expected, Renya chose the interclass relay?"

"Ou. Well, only those who are quick on their feet participate in these"

If I am not wrong, Renya should be able to run 50m in 6 seconds range, so I can even say that it is set in stone that he will participate in the interclass relay, which has the most points. It looks like the person himself is also motivated, so I will be looking forward to it on the very day.

"What did you choose?"

"Ah, Yae. I chose the scavenger hunt"

"It's the interclass relay for me! What about Nakamatsu-san?"

"Interclass relay for me as well"

Yae is also quick on her feet, so it is a yearly thing that she participates in the interclass relay. I have to make sure to take photos and send them to Yae's parents.

"Leaving that aside, are you fine with the scavenger hunt?"

"Is there something to it?"

"For the third years, rather than scavenging for items, it's scavenging for people"

"Aah, there is something like that huh"

I ask in detail what is it about, and apparently, they always give out questions like the opposite gender who 〇〇 for the third-year students. It is the scavenger hunt's rule to hold whatever it is in your hands when crossing the goal, but there are also those who are hesitant to hold hands. Come to think of it, I remember the seniors crossing the goal embarrassedly last year.

"It would be great if Yae fits the requirement then. We always do it, so there is no hesitation after all"

"Nn, that'd be the best"

"Something like that only applies to you guys......"

Renya droops his shoulders, but I have nothing to say. I mean, holding hands is an everyday thing for us.


¹: Social Networking Services

²: 教壇(Kyoudan), a platform in front of the class.

³: 騎馬戦(Kibasen), teams of three people carrying another person competing to disqualify the other team by knocking them over or stealing their bandana or so forth.


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