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Physical Examination

It has now been slightly over three weeks since the fact that I am living with Yae was exposed. It will be the start of Golden Week the day after tomorrow.

"Kazunari, I was badly scolded by Okaa-san¹ yesterday......"

"Of course you were. You received those kinds of marks after all"

The proficiency tests' results were returned yesterday. Yae and my marks were the same as usual, but Renya's were horrible, they were marks that I hesitate to even put into words.

"Why didn't you help me this timee"

"In the first place, it is Renya's fault for not doing the homework"

"Okaa-san said that to me as well......"

Like I swore on the day of the opening ceremony, when I was interrogated, this time, I did not help Renya with his homework at all. Renya pleaded me for a while when I contacted him after I went home, informing him I will not be helping him, but I ignored him completely. As a result, Renya messed up his tests, and he did not manage to submit his homework on time either. It was all Renya, who did not do it during the spring break, reaping what he sowed.

"Leaving that aside, it will seriously be bad if you receive similar marks for the midterm tests. What are you planning to do?"

"Kazunari-sama, please save me......"

"Even if you say that to me, I might also have my hands full with my own matters this year. Look, we are already final year students after all"

"No way......"

Renya looks over at me with a face like he was abandoned by God. Judging from what we prepared during the autumn break, and the progress of the lessons currently, there is some leeway in the curriculum during the first semester, but I guess I don't have to tell him that. Renya should slightly rely on me less and do things by himself.

"As for now, please do as much as you can by yourself. Look into what you know and what you don't know specifically; so I will be able to teach you with certainty"

"I got it......I'll make sure to do it......"

"Hey, are you sure you want to keep that up? It is physical examination day today. Weren't you going to get 'A' for twelve consecutive years?"

"That's right!!!! It's not the time to be doing this!!!"

His spirits make me wonder what was it with him lying face down on my table until just now. Renya, although he possesses such an unfortunate brain, he is outstanding when it comes to sports. He is proficient at almost anything you make him do.

In contrast, I am bad at sports. I am hopeless at all of it without any exception, be it track-and-field or ball games. It is honestly to the extent that I want to sit out because I can already see today ending up terribly......

"Uoooo!! Let's do thisssss!!!"

"Renya, you are noisy......haa......"


And then the physical examination started. The first event is handball throwing² huh. Even if I am told that I can throw it twice, it will not make much of a difference anyway, so once is enough though......

In handball throwing, 12m and below is 1 point, and 37m and above is 10 points, full points. What I am aiming for is 3 points, 16~18m. Ideally, I want to exceed 20m, but honestly, I think it is impossible.

"Next, Oohashi!"

"Yossha, let's go!!"

It is already Renya's turn huh. His turn came quick thanks to it being done in the order our names. I have never before detested the surname, Oohata, as much as I have at this moment.


The ball he threw along with his strange yell easily went over the heads of the classmates, who are on standby near the 30m mark, picking up the balls......

"42 meters!"


He scored full marks right from the first throw. It exceeded by 5 meters on top of that. It was 40 meters last year if I am not wrong, so it increased even in comparison to that; what a monster.

Renya's subsequent second throw also beat the record of 40 meters, and the class was roused up. I suppose Renya is happy as well huh, he is still making a ruckus. Ah, he got warned by the teacher.

"Next, Oohata!"

"Ah, yes"

Now then, my turn has finally arrived. I honestly wonder every year if it is some torture, for me to throw right after Renya's huge record. As I thought, the fault lies with the surname, Oohata.

"18 meters!"

"Amazing, Nakamatsu-san!"

And then there is another reason why it is difficult to do it; the girls from the same class are doing it next to me. Although the events are basically divided into boys and girls, and we do it freely, what we do in the beginning is designated.

And because of the incident during the opening ceremony, even now, the guys are saying things like, 'Show Nakamatsu-san how cool you areー', 'I want to see a bit of it, Oohata-kun's good sideーー', to me, it is irritating. Rather, you guys know that I cannot do sports, right.

I pour the irritation within my heart into the handball I received and throw it. The handball I threw fell a good distance short of the classmates, who are on standby near the 20 meters mark, picking up the balls.

"16 meters!"

I know. It is the same old record every year. Or should I say; it increased ever so slightly instead. Nevertheless, the guys start provoking me triumphantly upon seeing this result. Saying things like, 'Hey, hey, I said to toss it all the way here!', and, 'You lost to Nakamatsu-san, you know!', as much as they like to me.

I ignored them and threw the second time. Carried by the wind, the handball that flew in a wobbly trajectory......


Can I go home already? I can't huh, is that so......




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