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Royal Family's Family Member

"We're here at last"

We shake in the carriage from our house for about 10 minutes. We finally arrived at the Royal Palace. The carriage we're riding on stops at the carriage-stop, and we alight in order; starting from me. Immediately after

"I have been waiting, Leivelt-sama. His Majesty Raymond is awaiting"

the usual attendant, who waited for us to come, said. I feel bad for making him wait in such cold weather.

"My apologies for having you wait in the cold. Are you alright?"

The attendant starts laughing when I express my concern. It's my first time seeing this person laughing.

"This much is nothing. It is no problem at all. Leaving that aside, there is no need to speak so politely to me. Leivelt-sama's status is way higher than someone like me after all"

I wonder if that's because I'm engaged with Alexia and the others? My status is indeed high in that regard. I'm somewhat not used to speaking casually to someone older than me. But, I guess I'll oblige since this person saying so as well.

"I got it. Lead us to where His Majesty Raymond is"

"Yes, over here"

And then, we follow behind the attendant. Inside the Royal Palace, the maids are moving around busily. The soldiers are also patrolling around with nervous expressions.

......somehow, it reminds me of four years ago. It feels like there was tension in the air at that time as well, just like today. Well, they hold it yearly after all; it probably feels like this every year. In conclusion, the Christmas Party four years ago was unique.

We finally arrived at the King's Room as I was thinking about such things. We usually go to the government affairs office; it's rare for us to come here. Exactly as the name suggests, this is the King's private room. Only relatives can enter this place.

"......is it alright for us to enter this place?"

"Yes, everybody is awaiting inside"

the attendant says and knocks the door. Immediately after, the Royal Guards Captain, Gayn-san, makes his appearance from inside.

"I have been waiting, Leivelt-sama. His Majesty is awaiting inside"

It's somewhat mind-boggling that this person is treating me courteously. I see him from time to time since the past, and he's like Sieg's best friend, so inside of me, he feels like an acquainted Occhan¹.

When we followed behind such Gayn-san and entered the room, the King; the First Queen, Victoria-sama; the Second Queen, Carey-sama; the Third Queen, Ashelia-sama; Crown Prince Albert; Prince Alex; President Marina; Crown Prince Albert's wife and future Queen, Beatrice-sama; and Prince Alex's wife, Justina-sama, were inside.

Why is it a full array?

"Welcome, Lei. Alexia and the others as well; now then, take a seat"

"Hee~y, Lei-kun, it's been a while~"

Carey-sama looks in my direction and waves her hand. This person lacks any sense of nervousness.

"Haa~. Carey, have a little bit more class"

"Geez, Victoria, that doesn't matter now, right? I finally got to talk to my son-in-law after so long after all. Isn't that rightー, Lei-kun"

Victoria-sama sighs again at this attitude of Carey-sama's. Are these people really in the latter half of their 40s? They're so beautiful that they make me wonder if they're not all in their 30s. Over there

"Both of you are noisy. How about calming down a little?"

Ashelia-sama says. If I'm not wrong, this person is someone who entered the Royal Guard through her capabilities despite being a Marquis' daughter. As to be expected from the martial arts-oriented Prince Alex's mother, she's probably training even now. Magic Power is coursing through her body.

"What are you making a face like you're the only one who's calm for"

"Yeah~. Even though you were loitering about until just now wondering why he isn't here yet~"

"Wha! I, I did no such things! I was just, worried whether something had happened because he's arriving a little bit late"

......they look like they get along very well. I arbitrarily thought that the relationship between such royal family's Madams would be slightly more strained.

"Haha. Hahaue-s, please calm down a little. Leivelt is taken aback"

Crown Prince Albert says and tries to get the mood of this place back together. I don't really have much interaction with this person. I mean, this person, he said something like, he can only go around and visit the other territories now, when he's the Crown Prince, and went to observe the respective territories, so he's rarely ever at the Royal Capital.

"......(stares fixedlyー)"

I feel a tremendous gaze. I look in that direction, and Beatrice-sama was staring fixedly at me. Wha, what? Her appearance is that of a 10 years old, but I heard that she's quite intelligent.

It seems Beatrice-sama's background was originally a commoner, but she produced grades that reign at the top for generations in the academy, and she received a title that's solely hers from the King.

It seems Crown Prince Albert, who was her classmate, went on the attack and she became the Crown Princess. Naturally, the nobles objected vehemently. It seems they protested to the King and the others, saying that it's unheard of for a commoner to become the future Queen; doubting whether she can support the future King.

However, it seems that over there, Beatrice-sama talked to each of the noble who objected and defeated them in a debate respectively. Politics, economics, war, commerce. 

It appears that the nobles were confuted in their respective fields. In worse cases, there were even nobles who were driven to tears. Older men who were driven to tears by a girl whose appearance is in her 10s.......

It seems she produced quite the result even when they make her actually do it. Even now, a part of the government affairs is being entrusted to her.

It appears that since she's that talented, the other nobles acknowledged her with her becoming the adopted child of somebody somewhere. The actual reason is that they were afraid to be defeated by her in a debate or something like that.

It's close to 10 years back from now, when I was two years old, when she left such a chronicle, so I didn't know about it ......Beatrice-sama is the same age as Crown Prince Albert, 25 years old. Lolicon²?

"......nn, Albert, lolicon"

"Wha, what are you saying, Beatrice!"

"Eh? Eh?"

Did she read my mind?

"Gohon³, Beatrice is a Magic Eyes Possessor. She can read thoughts that are on the surface. Well, she rarely ever uses them because she went through painful experiences thanks to them though"

Haa~, Magic Eyes Possessor huh. Caro is the only one I know of now that I think about it. Caro herself also doesn't really use her God Eyes after all. She says it's because it consumes a lot of Magic Power.

"Let's talk about the party instead of that Lolicon Aniki, Oyaji⁴"

Prince Alex interjects over there. Him being a lolicon is recognised by the family huh. I had a scuffle with Prince Alex two years ago when Ferris came.

It seems Prince Alex liked Ferris, but her engagement with me had been decided back then, so he challenged me to a duel for some reason. It's a fistfight with Ferris as the wager. Well, I won though.

After that, he gave up on Ferris and married the fiance that had been decided from before, Justina-san. I was naturally present at this marriage.

Justina-sama is the exact opposite of Beatrice-sama; she's the personification of 'bon, kyuu, bon⁵'. She's even bigger than Alexia, who's the biggest even amongst my fiances. Her dress looks like it's about to burst.

"Yea, it's probably about time they come and call us. Let's wait until then. I'll have Lei come together with us. After all, you're the most distinguished person this year"

I don't think that's the case though, but I guess it's fine. After that, everybody had a little chat while waiting. Because the Queens and my fiances were discussing something seriously, I was curious what's their conversation about and slightly pricked my ears up; I panicked when I found out that their conversation is about the night.

They're talking to my fiances about their graphic first-hand experiences like they can please me if they do it like this, it feels good if they do it like this, and so forth. Everybody too was listening very seriously. I can't barge into that.

With a happening like that as well

Knock Knock

the door was knocked, and Gayn-san, who's standing by the door, came inside.

"Your Majesty, the preparations are complete"

"I got it. I'll head over right away. Now then, let's go, shall we"

It looks like the party's preparations are done. It appears that the other nobles are also gathering. It's slightly nerve-wracking to be with the royal family's people, but I guess here l go.


¹: Occhan(おっちゃん): An older man

²: Lolicon(ロリコン): A person with an attraction to childlike girls.

³:Gohon(ごほん): Cough

⁴:Oyaji(おやじ): Father

⁵:Bon, Kyuu, Bon(ボンキュウボン): It's used to refer the voluptuous figure of a woman.

Bon: Large Breasts

Kyuu: Narrow waist

Bon: Well-endowed Butt