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Dark Sorcerer vs Four Divine Angels

"Fufu, here I come then!"

One of the Four Divine Angels that possessed Melkar's body, Raphaela. He......she, flutters her wings and approaches me with a smile. Tsk, she's using Melkar's body, and yet why is she faster than Melkar!


Raphaela swings her sharp sword down at me. I leapt to the side and avoided the sword, and the sharp slash split the ground without touching me.

And then, without losing the momentum, she carries on to slash upwards at me from the bottom right. Thinking that I will just end up getting cornered even if I carry on avoiding it like this, I clad both hands in Dark Sorcery. Both my arms dyed entirely in black. I punch the side of the sword that's swung upwards and deflect it!

'Gann!', I managed to punch and deflect the sword, but the portion of my arm that's covered with Dark Sorcery smoked and melted. This......it lost to the light that's given out by that sword?

"......this is a surprise. Anybody who hears that it's a sword capable of cutting anything, won't attempt to touch it, and yet you actually punch and deflect it. But, it looks like you're no match for Fistoria-sama's Divine Power huh"

The power that's released from that sword is called Divine Power huh. Somehow, her saying that my power loses to that shitty woman pisses me off.

Perhaps wary of my reckless fighting style, Raphaela takes her distance slightly. Now then, what to do. For the time being, I know that I can punch the sword. If it doesn't cut me even if I touch it, then there are numerous ways to do things.

However, I must be the one to do it. Since even if I try doing it with Sorcery, it'll probably end up being erased like the Sorcery that I clad my arm in because of the shitty woman's Divine Power that envelops that sword.

It's just that; there wasn't any harm to my arm. Although my arm was clad in Dark Sorcery, there isn't any wound nor burn mark; only the Dark Sorcery was erased.

Which means, that Divine Power that possesses the power to cut anything, is at least possible to be guarded by Sorcery. If it's the side of that sword.

That effect that can cut anything is at the sharpen part; I guess if it's a sword, then the effect will activate on the blade part. In that case, if I pay attention to just the blade part, then I should be able to manage one way or another.

In which case, what I currently need now is, an armour to protect my body from that shitty woman's power. I create an outer-skin that protects my body from the Divine Power with Dark Sorcery. Relcend's appearance when she Dragonified was what came to mind.

Calling to mind that Jet Black Dragon, I construct an armour that protects my body.

"......doing something dangerous again huh"

Because I clad my arm, that'll probably make contact the most, with numerous layers, it gigantify into something like a Dragon's forefeet, and maybe it's because I was conscious of that appearance, I even grew wings and a tail.

"Black Dragon Exterior. If it's this, even if it makes contact with your Divine Power, it can endure"

If I think about it carefully, going back to the roots, the Dark Sorcery was also a portion of the power that God had. There's no way that power can't endure the Divine Power.

I spread my wings. Just that and the wind blows fiercely and blows away the buildings that turned into ruins even more.

"......well, whatever. It doesn't matter how many layers of armour you put on, you can't defend against this『Absolute Sword』's power. It's my victory if I get even one stroke in"

"Try it!"

I say and head towards Raphaela simultaneously. Raphaela aims and thrusts at my face with her readied sword, but I strike the side of the sword and deflect it with my left arm.

At that time, although the armour that I'm cladding my left arm with is smoking and disappearing like just now, it didn't reach the armour below. And then, I immediately create the part of the armour that disappeared and return it to how it was initially.

"How troublesome!"

"Still, not as much as that sword!"

I punch with my right arm the side of the sword that she swings down at me diagonally, deflect it, and swing with my left arm at Raphaela's face. Raphaela crouches and dodges, and swings her sword upwards, trying to slice off my left arm from below, but I strike the side of the sword with the tail that's created by the armour.

After Raphaela cut my tail, she fluttered her wings, went into the sky, and started taking her distance. And then, she started swinging her sword over and over. What in the world is she doing?

"I'm going to cut off your escape. Rain down, Prison Slash!"

A chill runs through my entire body the moment Raphaela said that. 'If I stay at this spot......I'll die', came to mind. I hurriedly move from that spot.

The next moment, the location where I was until just now, was chopped up in an instant. There were numerous slash marks left on the ground. That fellow, she's dropping slashes from the sky huh. In addition to that, they're unblockable slashes.

Naturally, Raphaela is flying in the sky, chasing after me. I'm hastily running away, but there's not much difference in speed between us.

"Tsk, Eclipse Sol"

I activate several tens of Eclipse Sol above my head and make them into walls for the slashes that were released. Naturally, I know that I can't block them with these. I have a different objective.

However, because I slightly concentrated on Eclipse Sol, Raphaela ended up catching up to me, and she dropped a slash in front of me as well to block my path. And then

"Die, Dark Sorcerer!"

The moment my movements stopped, the slashes that'll cut anything were released, surrounding me. I pour Magic Power into my entire body to my utmost limit. To find a way out of this predicament......I have to put my life on the line.

I intersect my arms and wait for the slashes to pour down. And then the next moment......my entire body was mangled.

......the surrounding is filled with the smell of blood. I fell to my knees at that spot from the intense pain and the giddiness due to the amount of blood I lost instantaneously. I raise my face while holding onto my dizzy head, and over there

"Guuu!? When.....did......you!?"

a shortsword was stabbed into Raphaela's flank. It's a shortsword that I created with Dark Sorcery. Raphaela lands slightly away from me while holding onto the spot where she's stabbed by the shortsword.

"Ouch......I activated lots of Eclipse Sol just now, right? I had you slice them up into tiny pieces with your slashes. I simply gathered those remaining Eclipse Sol that was pulverised near you and stabbed you"

"Kuu, then, why are you alive? Even though the slashes have certainly hit you!"

"Although the slash you released can cut whatever it makes contact with, I knew that that effect diminishes if it makes contact for even a slight bit. Otherwise, the slashes that were released at the ground wouldn't have stopped and would've ended up cutting deep into the ground.

So I fixed the armour where it's cut. I focused quite a bit for this. My body would be sliced into tiny pieces if I got distracted even the slightest after all. Unfortunately, I couldn't defend against it entirely with just the armour and suffered severe injuries on my body though. It's painful to even stand now"

Raphaela started laughing when I said that and sat down at that spot . What is it?

"Ufufu! Ahahaha! To think that, you actually defended against it with such a method! I didn't even think of it! Not bad huh, you. I've, become interested in you. Although this body is probably going to die because of this shortsword, I won't die.

I'll face you in my true form next time"

"That's an honour. However, you'll be the one to die, you know?"

"Fufu, I'll be looking forward to the day we can meet. Dark Sorcerer"

I snap my finger simultaneously as Raphael says that. Immediately after, the shortsword that's stabbed in Raphaela's flank split up, and they penetrate Raphael, Melkar's body from the inside.

Raphaela's presence disappeared simultaneously. I suppose she's really just using Melkar's body. But, that capability with somebody else's body huh. The currently me is pretty seriously injured. Looks like this is going to be quite a handful huh.

As I'm thinking of that, the ground suddenly started shaking. What in the world is it?, the moment I thought that; the roof of the castle was broken through, and a yellow-shining monster appeared.

That's, it flew off in the blink of an eye, but that direction is......the direction where Elize and the others are!

"Hardt-sama! There's trouble!"

As I'm looking in the direction that mysterious monster flew off to, Mylene and the other whom I had go ahead first came back from the Imperial Castle. Everybody is looking flustered.

"What in the world happened?"

"The Imperial Prince who was cornered, embedded the Four Beast Houses' treasure into his body, and then......"

He embedded the treasure? I look at Shertia who's behind Chrono. The Azure Dragon's Tear is properly worn on her neck. Which means it's a different treasure huh.

......looks like, it's not the time to be resting.


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