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Consume The Alcohol Don't Let The Alcohol Consume You¹

"Fuu~, I'm home~, eh, what are you doing?"

"Ou! Aerith, welcome back!"

"Kyui Kyui! Kyururun!"

I was caressing Eclat with all I've got when Aerith and Alexia came back. I was terribly irritated when I came back from the Royal Castle, but I got considerably better after hugging Caro and the others tightly in sequence, snuggling Ferris, and patting Eclat.

Eclat was happily sticking to me and play-biting me as well. You, you! You adorable, adorable fellow!

"Geez! Even though I quickly came back because I was worried!"

Aerith is in a huff for some reason. I wonder what's wrong?

"By the way, did something happen? Just as I thought that Lei came back suddenly, he started snuggling Ferris and caressing Eclat after hugging us tightly in order, so I missed the chance to ask"

Caro tilts her head and looks alternatingly at me, who's caressing Eclat continuously; Aerith, who's in a huff; and Alexia, who's smiling awkwardly. Ferris is writhing on the sofa. I guess it felt good.

I didn't talk about it because I didn't want to recall it. Aerith, perhaps having understood that as well, sighs, 'Haa', and starts talking about what happened at the Royal Palace.

During the first part, Caro and the others were celebrating, saying isn't it great that the engagement is no more, but when it reached the latter half, the part where I snapped, their expressions subsequently changed. They were making expressions that I've never seen before when it reached the end. ......so, so scary.

Eclat, who was initially rolling around on the table, also ended up coming into my arms and hiding her head because of the overwhelming scariness.

"Is that prince screwing around? His life may be in danger, but be that as it may, to use marriage, a girl's dream, for such a reason. There are political marriages and whatnot as well, but still, it's too cruel!"

To think that that Caro is getting so angry. Well, it's because Caro herself had suffered because of engagements. I guess there are all kinds of things going through her mind.

"Now that it has come down to this, let's drink alcohol!"

As I'm thinking about something like that, Ferris says out something incomprehensible. Why alcohol all of a sudden?

"At times when you're irritated like this, you should take a big gulp and forget the unpleasant things! Priscilla! Bring that out!"

And then Priscilla goes to the kitchen like she's saying, 'It can't be helped huh~', and brings bottles and glasses over. ......when in the world did they prepare these?

Apparently, the content is champagne. I shall refrain from asking why champagne. I guess it's probably because Ferris wanted to drink it. There isn't really a legal drinking age in this world. It's a, you can drink if you're capable of drinking, kind of feeling.

A large number of dishes were placed on the table, and Priscilla pours the champagne into the glasses. As one would expect, it's fruit juice for Mei-chan and the other. She was puffing up her cheeks, but please bear with it.

"Now then, let's forget the unpleasant things and have fun again from tomorrow onwards! Cheers!"


The meal began with Ferris kicking things off randomly, but I suppose days like this is also nice occasionally. I guess I'll also forget the unpleasant things and have fun.


"......how did it end up like this"

It has been two hours since we started drinking the champagne. It seems Mei-chan and the others had gotten sleepy about an hour ago, so they'd gone to sleep, but we continued drinking.

It seems Aerith and I have alcohol-resilient constitutions for some reason, and it seems Caro doesn't get drunk either because of the Goddess' Blessing. I heard that 『Ultimate Wall』 repels even poison, but it looks like it repels alcohol as well. However

"Ahahaha! Ahahaha! Amusing~!"

I don't get what's amusing at all, but Alexia has been laughing the whole time continuously.

"Gusu², somebody like me, won't be helpful to Lei no matter how much I train, Gusu"

Ferris has been crying the whole time.

"And a weird guy came to the store again that guy grabbed Fallnar-san's hand and tried to get rough with her so everybody grabbed that guy and forced him out and we had Hilde-san come and mess the guy up if we don't do that much the weird guy won't stop"

Priscilla talks continuously without taking a break.


Helen lost her usual adorable smile and went silent expressionlessly. Isn't everybody too weak to alcohol.

"Ahahaha! Lei! Ahahaha! It's amusing~!"

Alexia laughs loudly while pointing at my face. I don't get what's amusing.

"Lei too, gusu, you think it's no difference whether I'm around or not, don't you! Ueeeeen!"

"I didn't think anything like that. I'll be lonely if Ferris isn't with me"

Ferris, who continues crying even when I say that.

"Everybody has been telling me to introduce Lei-san ever since Lei-san came to the store it looks like everybody is aiming to marry into a rich household especially Fallnar-san she's already a maiden in love she's my friend so I want to introduce to her but I don't want my beloved Lei to be taken away by other people or rather I want to monopolise Lei but what do you think"

Priscilla, who's talking continuously without taking a break. I'd hate for it to turn into a scene of carnage because of what I say so I shall keep quiet.


"Are you alright, Helen?"


In contrast, Helen is silently drinking her champagne without uttering a single word. And when she finishes drinking, she silently sticks her glass out. Wai, Caro, I said you shouldn't pour for her

"......I mean, Helen's eyes are scary"

It's true that Helen's eyes are frighteningly emotionless, but it's no good to let her drink any more than this.



"And it's fine to tell everybody but......"


Alexia, who's laughing loudly while pulling the ears of Ferris, who's crying while clinging onto me. Priscilla, who continues talking ceaselessly to the wordless Helen.

"......what are we going to do about this?"


"......what shall we do"

In the end, this party? continued until everybody became exhausted and fell asleep.


¹: 酒は飲んでも呑まれるな (Sake Ha Nondemo Nomareruna)

It's a Japanese proverb that means, it's fine to drink, but don't drink until you lose yourself.

²: Sniff