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The Actual Reason

Uwaa~, what a handsome guy. He's such a handsome guy that he'll turn heads if he walks down the street.

A golden-haired elderly man in butler clothes with streaks of white hair and a beautiful purple-haired woman, who looks over at me with a sharp purple gaze, are standing behind him. She's maid-like judging from her attire, but the sense of intimidation that she gives out is that of a warrior.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, King Nanor. My gratitude for such an opportunity this time around"

"What, there's nothing to worry about. I merely provided the location. Well then, the introduction comes first. Madam Alene, Lady Aerith, this is the Second Prince of Sheila Kingdom, Prince Mistgart・Sheila.

Prince Mistgart, I think you already know, but this is Lady Aerith・Runwalker, and Madam Alene・Runwalker, who came as the representative of the head of the family, Margrave Siegfried・Runwalker. And the Margrave's son, Leivelt・Runwalker, along with my daughter, Alexia"

We bow respectively.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Mistgart・Sheila as introduced. Call me Mist, Lady Aerith"

"Nice to meet you, Mist-sama. Well then, getting right into it......"

"Aah, I'll say it in advance since it'll feel bad afterwards to hide it any further"

Prince Mistgart stands up while saying. What?

"I would like you to treat the discussion this time around like it didn't happen"

......what is this prince saying? I don't get him. He comes specifically from the faraway Sheila Kingdom personally, and yet he himself wants to drop the matter. What's going on? The King is also making a bewildered expression after all.

"......Prince Mistgart. I would like you to explain what's going on. I provided this location this time around because you said you want to have an engagement with Lady Aerith, but you are saying that you want to cancel it?"

"Yes. Honestly speaking, I have my life targetted by my elder brother, the First Prince, Kirmist・Sheila"


Everybody other than the Sheila Kingdom's side raises their voice in surprise at those words. It's because nobody thought that such words would actually come out. But, is it alright to tell such things to the people of another country?

"What is that about?"

"I don't mean to brag, but Aniue and I had been compared in all kinds of things since the past, and I'd been said to be more talented in every aspect. However, I'm not interested in the throne, so I proposed to Chichiue and had him remove me from the succession of the throne. However, I guess Aniue is still uneasy nevertheless. He hired assassins behind the scenes and tried to kill me"

How should I say; it's true that be that as it may that the younger brother relinquished the throne, the nobles around probably won't keep quiet about it; if that's how talented the younger brother, Prince Mistgart, is.

However, isn't the elder brother is too hasty as well. Be that as it may that he's uneasy; to suddenly send assassins.

"I drove the assassins away somehow, but I felt that it would be dangerous to remain in the Sheila Kingdom any longer and thought about a method to leave one way or another. Nonetheless, I will definitely be stopped by Aniue if I try to leave the country normally. The one time that I came to Nanor was right in the midst of that"

"Did you not think of escaping at that time?"

"At that time, it was a situation in which Aniue's close aide was by my side, and the maid who's behind, Clarie, had also remained in the Sheila"

Is that so; that's why.......

"Thus, you used Lady Aerith, whom you saw at that time, and brought up the topic on the engagement huh"

"......yes. It seemed that Aniue could not say no either when I said that I want to go and meet the person whom I am thinking about marrying. Sebastian and Clarie, who are behind me, are the two people who have been accompanying me since I was young. He gave permission when the two of them said that they want to see my future partner as well"

And then, Prince Mistgart stood and looked in Aerith's direction

"Lady Aerith. I am really sorry! I might have given you hope by any chance. Madam Alene as well. I'm sorry for using Lady Aerith like this! I'll do the best I can at whatever I can. I will search for a marriage partner somehow. It's fine for you to hit me as well!"

Prince Mistgart lowers his head while saying. A prince mustn't lower his head, and we'd stop him as well under normal circumstances, but just this time, it's impossible.

I understand Prince Mistgart's circumstances, and I also have the desire to help him. However, it pisses me off that he made use of Aerith even a little because of that, and first of all, before talking to another country about it, bloody resolve it in your own country; is what I think.

Aerith and Alene-sensei are also making bewildered expressions.

"Uh, please raise your head. I understand Prince Mistgart's circumstances"

Aerith says, and Prince Mistgart raises his head timidly.

"I have something that I must say as well; I actually intended to reject the engagement this time around"


"I have somebody that I like......"

Saying that; Aerith glances in my direction. Immediately after, Prince Mistgart, perhaps having thought of something, he smiles

"Is that so! That's great! Woo~, I was thinking about how I should reject you if you were seriously considering the engagement. Woo, I'm glad, I'm glad!"

, and starts saying outrageous things. I, who heard that, reached the limit of my tolerance. This fellow, fucking spouting all those rubbish.

"Mist-sama, that is going too f......uu!"

Right when Clarie-san, the maid who's standing behind, was about to warn Prince Mistgart, I emitted my Magic Power


"You bastard, don't screw around. What did you think a marriage with a lady is! Don't fucking take it lightly!"

I've reached the limit of my tolerance. How dare he say something like that frivolously before the person herself.

"This is! Bocchama! Quickly get back......"

"Leii! Calm down!"

Alexia grabs my hand beside me, but it's impossible this time around. And then, right when I shook off Alexia's hand that grabbed me and was about to take a step forward

"Lei! Stop it!"

I hear Aerith's yell. ......that's right. What am I doing, getting angrier than the person who was victimized the most. I stop the emission of my Magic Power and take deep breaths. SuーHaー, SuーHaー. ......alright. I calmed down slightly.

"I'm sorry, Aerith. Aerith should be the one who wants to get angry the most. Alexia as well, sorry. I shook your hand away even though you tried to stop me"

"I'm fine. I understand Lei's feeling after all"

"Me too, thanks; for getting angry for my sake. I was happy"

Aerith and Alexia who say and smile at me. I carry on to

"Your Majesty. My apologies for the sudden outburst. I am sorry, but it looks like I will not be able to hold back if I carry on staying here like this so I will excuse myself first"

"......ah, thank you for going out of your way to do that"

In the presence of the King, it's out of the question to leave ahead of the King under normal circumstances, but I don't seem to be able to hold back any more than this. Aerith stopped me just now, but she probably can't stop me the next time. I guess the King understood as well. He permitted me to leave first.

I head towards the door as it is. I'll ignore the gazes from Sheila's side that I feel at the back. Just looking at their faces pisses me off. I ignore them and leave the room as it is.

I'll have Ferris let me snuggle her when I get home. I'll rub Eclat a whole lot as well. Let's hug everybody. I'll end up blowing up if I don't do that. ......let's go home.