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It has been two weeks since I came back from the Student Council exclusive use labyrinth. After that, we, who returned to the surface, heard about various things from Shishou. As I had expected, it seems that the labyrinth's irregularity and the horde on the fifth floor are the results of Shishou's tampering.

It seems that originally, Magic Power is distributed evenly between each floor, and slightly more only at the end of the fifth floor, but it seems she tampered with it out of amusement because I'm around this time.

I thought of hitting her when she said that to us while laughing, but I stopped myself since we managed to clear it safely. Everybody looked happy as well after all.

Afterwards, Vice President Brook, whose arm was broken and had fainted, and Aerith, who had fainted from Magic Power Exhaustion, also woke up a short while after exiting the labyrinth.

Vice President Brook's injury also healed when he exited the labyrinth and he was looking at his arm wonderingly. However, Aerith suffered from Magic Power Exhaustion so her face is pale though. I decided to piggyback her home because she wasn't able to walk either after that, and her face was beet red. It was adorable.

Despite such things occurring, the academy enters winter break without any problem, and I lie on the sofa at home with nothing to do.

It's partially because it's the winter break, but there's also a message from the Royal Castle yesterday, and it seems Second Prince of Sheila will arrive in the Royal Capital in about five days. I have been told not to leave the Royal Capital in that period in case the prince arrives early.

That's why I'm coping up in the house, unable to even take on the guild's requests.

As for everybody else; Alexia and Helen have leftover work because they rested too much and they've gone to the academy. Aerith, Ferris, and Caro have gone shopping.

Mei-chan and Roy went to play at their friend's place, and Haku was dragged along by Mei-chan. She was looking at me slightly sorrowfully, but it's a good thing to play with friends. It'd be great if Haku learns to have fun at all kinds of things.

And when it comes to Priscilla, she has gone to work. Her reason is what she had said previously, that she wants to work because she wants to send money to the Sister, and she put it into action.

I was surprised that she'd already decided on the store to work at on the weekend that we had that conversation, but she has been going to work every day joyfully.

"Yeah. Maybe I'll go to the store"


I mutter, and Eclat, who's rolling left and right on top of my stomach, looks over at me with a 'what?' feeling. While I'm rubbing that adorable belly of hers

"There's nothing to do for the whole day today, right? That's why I was thinking of going to watch how Priscilla works. Eclat, do you want to go as well?"


Eclat slaps my stomach with her right paw, as though she's saying 'of course!'. Alright, in that case, let's get ready and go.


"......it's gotten cold huh"


It's the 12th month. The chilly wind pierces my skin when I go outside. It seems it rarely snows, but it doesn't take away from the fact that it's cold. Eclat doesn't seem very bothered though. Maybe it doesn't matter to Dragon Species?

Nevertheless, the store where Priscilla works huh. I asked about it when she said she decided on the store that she's going to work at; it should be a restaurant if I'm not wrong. From what I remember, she said, 'the employees are mainly female, and everybody is nice!'.

I walk to the destination while thinking of such things. Eclat had been receiving food from the Oji-san and Obaa-san of the stands around. It's because she's quite famous around these parts.

I also buy from them on the way back from the academy; Mei-chan, Eclat, and the others also go there and play, so they've probably been taking care of them. However, we're going to a restaurant from now on; you won't be able to eat later if you eat that much, you know.

And then I walk for about thirty minutes. I place Eclat, whose belly is slightly bloated, on my head and look at the store that I finally arrived at.

"Light Dragon Tavern is it. Priscilla is working here huh"

A brand new store with a beautiful exterior was over there. It's a store with refreshing white walls that appears to have been built recently. There are lots of people going in and out; it looks like it's bustling. It's just that

"The people that are going in and out are more of women"

Since just now, those who exit the store are mostly women, and those who enter are also mainly women. It's about 7:3 in terms of ratio, with most of them being women. It looks like the men that go in are mainly going in as couples as well.

"I guess let's go in for the time being"


Nothing is going to come out of standing outside, so I decided to go inside. Eclat is also slapping on my head with both her paws and tapping me with her tail like she's saying 'quickly go!'. It's because there's a pleasant smell coming from the store. She probably got drawn in by that.

And when I go inside


I was greeted energetically. I look in the direction of the voice, and a Fox Tribe woman was standing there. Even though her attire looks like a black one-piece dress, it's attached with an apron with white frills. Her tufty tail is swinging at the back.

"Table for one person?"

"Uh, I guess one person and one creature"

"Kyuii, Kyui!"

Eclat, who's on top of my head, hits my head like she's emphasizing, 'I'm also around!'. We got it so calm down.

"Wawa, my apologies. Well then, I will lead you to your seats!"

The Fox Tribe woman leads us to our seats in a hurry. I look around the inside of the store in the meantime, and the employees are really mainly women. The store can fit about fifty people, and there are about six employees on the floor. Most of the tables are round tables that can seat about four people, but there are also rectangular tables that can seat just two people alongside the walls.

......oh! Priscilla is taking orders and stuff as well. She still hasn't noticed me, but there's no need to deliberately call out to her and get in the way of her work either. I'll watch her secretly.

I was then lead to a rectangular table alongside the wall, and I take a seat there. It's a seat for two people, so I place Eclat on the other side. Eclat, perhaps curious about the smell, is looking in the kitchen's direction the whole time. I wonder what's the matter?

"What would you like to order?"

Oops, as I was looking at such Eclat, the Fox Tribe woman just now brought over water and carried on to ask for our order. I'm greeted with names that I'm seeing for the first time even when I look at the menu, so I don't know what kind of dishes they are.

"Kyururu! Kyui!"

Immediately after, Eclat points at what the women, who are sitting in the seats beside us, are eating, and starts chirruping. Are those......pancakes?

"Excuse me, the same thing as those ladies beside us for this child, and this Steak Set A for me"

I order the pancake-like dish for Eclat and Set A out of Steak Set A, B, and C for myself. I'm looking forward to what's going to come.

"Understood! Please hold on for a bit!"

The Fox Tribe woman says and brings the order to the kitchen. Her swinging tail is adorable. Eclat is restless because there are pleasant smells here and there.

As I'm looking at such Eclat

"Eeeh! Why are you here!"

I hear a disarrayed voice from behind. Priscilla was standing over there with a surprised look when I turned around towards that direction.

"Yo! You're working hard huh"


I lightly raise one hand and greet her. Eclat mimics me and raises her right paw as well.

"Geez, you could've told me if you're going to come"

Despite saying that, Priscilla approaches me happily.

"Haha, well, it's fine, isn't it. So how's work?"

"Yes, I am enjoying my work every day. Everybody is nice after all"

"Is that so, I'm glad"

As Priscilla and I are chatting joyfully in that manner

"Thank you for waiting......eh what's the matter, Priscilla. Somebody you know?"

the Fox Tribe woman, who carried the dishes that I ordered in both hands, showed up. And then upon looking at Priscilla, who's talking to me joyfully, she looks alternatingly between Priscilla's face and my face.

"Fallnar-san. He is......um, my......fiance"

Priscilla blushes and says to the Fox Tribe woman, Fallnar-san. If you say it like that, I'm going to get embarrassed as well, aren't I.

"No way! You're engaged to such a cool person!? I'm jealous~, well done huh, Priscilla!"

Fallnar-san places the dishes in front of Eclat and me while saying. A pancake that's garnished with an abundance of fruits is placed in front of Eclat, and a steak that's about 300 grams is placed in front of me.

"Ooh, it looks delicious!"

"Kyuru Kyuru!"

Eclat eats the pancake that's garnished with an abundance of fruits that's placed before her eyes intently. Around her mouth is sloppy with fruit juice though; what a hopeless girl.

Before I know it, Priscilla was brought to the back by Fallnar-san. I guess she's probably being asked about her relationship with me. ......ah, this steak, I forgot to ask what meat is it. Well, it shouldn't be anything strange since it's edible so I guess let's eat it.

I hold a knife and a fork and cut into the steak. Ooh, it cut through like a hot knife through butter when I insert the knife. And then juice pours out from the steak.

I cut it up into bite-size and carry it to my mouth. Ooh! The juice spreads in my mouth whenever I chew; it's delicious. Although the sauce that has been nappe over is slightly spicy, it goes well with this meat, and it's delicious. Furthermore, the meat melts in my mouth.

I eat one mouth after another without stopping my fork. Eclat is also eating deliciously.

"Heh~, that person is"

"Eh, isn't that person the Hero!? You know, the one who's engaged with three princesses"

"Ah, you're right. Then Priscilla is marrying into money?"

"In that case, why are you working at the store?"

The other employees are glancing over at me as I'm eating in that manner. It sounds like such a conversation from the voices that I hear. It looks like Priscilla is being asked about various things at the back.

"Eclat, I'll wipe your face for you so come over here"


Eclat, who finished eating her pancake, had gotten her face sloppy with fruit juice, so I take out a towel from my Item Ring, dampen it with Water Magic, and wipe her face. Eclat lets me wipe her face pleasurefully. Hey, you've even gotten your paws wet.

And then when I was about to leave the store after I finished wiping Eclat since I finished eating as well

"Oh, there's really nothing but beauties huh! Oi you girls, serve us some alcohol and accompany us!"

some Adventurer-like fellows came in. There are about six people in total huh. However, they have swords hanging from their waists. Over there, Fallnar-san, who led us just now, goes over

"Sirs, our store does not offer such services, so please look for another store"

and she bows. But,

"Huh? I don't care about something like that! If we say to serve us some alcohol and accompany us, then you do just that!"


the man says and strikes Fallnar-san. Fallnar-san ended up falling at the force of that. That bastard. The employees around gather by Fallnar-san. Priscilla is around as well. And then

"Oh, you, serve me"


he grabs Priscilla's hand. There's the sound of something snapping in my head when I saw that. And the instant I was about to go to where the man is

"Why the hell are you people making a racket in the store!"

A thunderous yell reverberates. Furthermore, I've heard this voice before.


Eclat reacts to that voice as well.

I looked in the direction of the voice, in the direction of the kitchen, and

"Why the hell are you making a racket in MY store?"

Eclat's father, Levine-san, was standing there.