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To The Mansion

The night we heard Haku's story. I had everybody listen to the story as well. The reason is that Haku says she doesn't want to hide it from everybody.

It's just that, as one would expect, it's not a story that I can let Mei-chan and Roy listen to, so I decided to have Priscilla pass the time with them in the room.

And then, after talking to everybody about it

"Haku! We'll protect you no matter what happens! As the princess of this country!"

Alexia hugs Haku tightly with her enormous breasts while saying. Haku is struggling, you know.

In a similar fashion, everybody else also hugs Haku in turn while sniffling. Haku felt troubled, but she didn't refuse them. I'm relieved that everybody also accepted Haku.

And then a week passed after that.

In this 1 week, there were various things like the explanation to the King and the discussion with Shishou, but they're mostly completed.

I was warned and at the same time also worried by the King, but it wrapped up with me taking responsibility if anything happens. I'm also thankful that the King trusts me, saying that it'll probably be fine if it's me.

Shishou was also saying that she'll leave everything to me since she entrusted Haku to me. She also says to discuss it with her if anything happens. At the end of the day, she'll help me; that person.

I ask the reason that Shishou wasn't around the day she entrusted Haku to me while I'm at it, and it seems the academy's students committed attempted rape. She said she had her hands full because of that and she had gone to the Royal Palace.

Apparently, there's the son of a noble amongst the criminal students, so it looks like she went to talk about that. It seems that noble will be stripped of their status; the students who committed the crime will be expelled and sentenced to do labour as criminal slaves. Well, I can't be bothered with such people though.

And then today

"Haha, are you nervous, Haku?"


We're, being shaken in the carriage. The reason for that is to go to the Runwalker House's mansion that's in the Royal Capital and introduce my fiances to the Madams. I managed to meet them for just a bit when I came back from the Baron territory, but we weren't able to talk much. Various things happened from the following day onwards after all. It ended up becoming late.

Madam Eliza, who's been left with the management of the mansion, are living here; her sons, Marco and Vont are also living here; and now, Alene-sensei is also passing her time here. It appears that she'll be around until the talk about Aerith's engagement is over.

"Fufu, I'm used to meeting the wives of nobles, but greeting the family of the person I like is, more nerve-wracking than I thought huh"

Alexia and the others, the princess group, who usually attend parties and give their greetings dignifiedly in front of everybody, are also looking nervous.

Helen is also somewhat fidgety; and Priscilla, her face is ghastly pale. Is she alright?

"Everybody, there's no need to be nervous. Both the Madams are friendly people"

Besides, I think they'll be even more nervous when they talk to Sieg and Elise though.

Mei-chan and Roy, perhaps they're just thinking that they can go to my mansion to play, they're looking outside excitedly; Haku is nervous like everybody, but she's joining Mei-chan and Roy and looking outside. Eclat is yawning on top of my lap, paying no mind to such atmosphere.

"Aerith, are you nervous as well?"

"......of course I am. Even though they're my family, I'm not going to meet them normally; I'm going to greet them as the part of the engagement, you know? I can't help being nervous"

I wonder if that's how it is. But, I get nervous when it comes to me going to greet the King and the others, so I guess it's something like that.

And then we're shaken in the carriage for about 10 minutes.

The carriage slowly enters the mansion and moves to the entranceway. Perhaps it's because we'd sent a notice beforehand the timeframe that we'll arrive, the maids that are employed at this mansion are lining up at the entranceway.

And then the carriage slowly stops and the door opens from the outside.

"Alright then, everybody, shall we go"

I put Eclat, who's on my lap, on my head; Haku and Mei-chan hold hands and alight. And then, Alexia and the others alight in sequence from behind.

Before I know it, the Madam was also standing there at the entranceway.

"Good morning, Madam Eliza"

"Eeh, morning, Lei. Everybody as well, welcome. Alright then, let's go inside"

And then, we enter the mansion under Madam Eliza's lead. I rarely if ever come to this mansion huh, come to think of it. The only time I properly stayed over was 4 years ago. Afterwards, I just drop by occasionally.

"Come to think of it, where is Alene-sensei? Marco-aniue and Vont-aniue as well?"

"Alene sweated because she was training for a bit so she went into the bath. Marco and Vont have gone out for a bit. They'll be back shortly so don't worry about it"

I see. In that case, I guess I'll be able to meet them later. We're led to the most spacious room in this mansion. And when each of us took our seat, Alene-sensei entered right there.

"Everybody, I'm sorry. I couldn't calm down when I think about how I can finally meet my daughter after such a long time. It ended up becoming late after I moved my body"

Alene-sensei who says and laughs. She hasn't changed at all. Aerith is also laughing while saying, 'Geez!'. It looks like they're happy that they can finally meet after such a long time.

After that, I introduced my fiances to Madam Eliza and Alene-sensei. Although they know about Alexia and the others, as I thought, such things should be done properly.

Alexia and the others also give their greetings with nervous faces respectively. Alene-sensei was desperately holding back her laughter when Aerith gave her greeting. Rather, she burst out into laughter in the end. Well, as one would expect, I feel that Aerith didn't have to do it.

Priscilla, although nervously, managed to finish her greeting without any problem as well.  She was terribly anxious yesterday, going, 'is it alright for someone like me to go'.

'I don't know the etiquette of nobles, what if I mess up', she's so worried that she teared up.

It took some time to calm her down, but the Priscilla who fawns at me was adorable.

And when the fiances' greetings are done, it's Mei-chan and the others' turn next. Mei-chan gives her greeting energetically and mellows the site; Roy said he's my disciple and Alene-sensei's eyes sparkled.

Eclat chirruped a single, 'Kyui!', on top of my head while raising her paw and ended. Well, if I have to say, it's Eclat-like though. Haku, although nervously, managed to give her greeting properly. ......I somehow feel like a father during parents' day¹.

Right when my family finished their greetings

"Hahaue, I have returned! Woah! It's Lei! You're here already! I'm sorry for being late!"

and Marco came in. His voice is quite loud. Haku is pressing her ears with teary eyes.

"Haha, it has been a long time, Marco-aniue. You seem to be doing well"

It's because even in the academy, the first and second years are different buildings from the third and fourth years. I rarely if ever meet Marco and the others.

......nevertheless, he's huge huh. He's fat previously, so he's big horizontally, but now, he became taller and is about 190, and on top of that, I guess he trained quite a bit, he's muscular. A handsome face inherited from Sieg and a pair of unyielding eyes like Madam Eliza. It seems he's quite popular.

"Ooh, that's right. I'll introduce her to Lei as well! Arabella!"

"Geez, I'm here even if you don't raise your voice that loudly! Pardon my intrusion, Eliza-okaasama. Nice to meet you, Lei-kun. I am Arabella・Maclean. Marquis Maclean House's eldest daughter, this musclehead's fiance. Call me Arabella-neesan!"

and the one who appeared from Marco's back was, Marco's fiance. It's a woman with silky pink-coloured hair with curls and a pair of gentle eyes.

"Arabella, she fell in love with my muscles"

"Wha! It's, it's not like I like muscles or anything! No, I do like muscles as well, but I like how Marco is always kind, puts himself at risk to protect me, and there are lots of other things that I like, alright!"

......they're lovey-dovey huh. Rather, it's troubling even if you speak so fondly of him all of a sudden. It feels like Madam Eliza is used to it though. Alene-sensei is laughing loudly again. You're laughing too much.

It seems Arabella-neesan is a year older than Marco and she's the daughter of Marquis Maclean who holds a military post in the Kingdom. It seems Marquis Maclean was Sieg's senior back when he was in the academy, and it appears that they got engaged because of that connection. I'm learning about something like that for the first time though.

In contrast to Marco's 190 height, Arabella-neesan is only slightly above 150. Arabella-neesan naturally ends up looking upwards, and her neck looks a little bit painful.

"Muu, I ended up coming last huh. You're fast, Aniue. Also, welcome, Lei"

As we're talking in that manner, Vont arrived as well. And then from behind

"Ah! It's the Hero-kun~! My name is Krylnode・Teranoor~! Nice to meet you!"

An awfully energetic lady jumped out. Her hair is golden with tinges of green, and she has tied her remarkably long hair at the back in twin-tails. It's so long it reaches as far as her waist.

Her height is about 160, slightly short than Vont. She's holding my hand and swinging it up and down buzzingly. Swept along by that, her hair at the back is also swaying. She's somewhat dog-like. She makes for a good competition against Ferris. Ferris is cuter though.

"Who's a dog! I'm a wolf!"

, and I was hit on the head from behind by Ferris. It looks like I said it out loud. Krylnode-neesan, who holds my hand, also smiles bitterly.

"As expected of Lei. You discovered Krylnode's characteristic already"

And then, I was praised by Vont for some reason.

It seems the Earl Teranoor House also holds a military post like the Marquis Maclean House just now; in contrast to Marquis Maclean House, which is of a knight lineage, Earl Teranoor House is of a magic lineage. And then it seems he's Sieg's junior and is Madam Eliza and Elise's classmate.

The stern musclehead-vibe Marco, with the gentle-vibe Arabella-neesama. The serious and cool-vibe Vont, with a naive tomboyish² Krylnode-neesan. They're unexpectedly compatible.

As each of the girls is giving their greetings to Marco, Vont, and the others, and the Madams are joining them and talking, Marco suddenly

"Alright then, Lei. It's about time to fight(do it)³"

stands up. Vont nods to that and stands up as well. No, I don't get it what's going on though. ......why?


¹:  授業参観 (Ju Gyou San Kan): It's a day when the parents go to school and observe their children.

²:  In the original text, the Author describes Krylnode as a 'boku'-girl. It's because Krylnode uses the 'boku' pronoun when she refers to herself.

僕(Boku): A masculine pronoun, normally used by males.

Hence, I decided to change it from 'boku'-girl to tomboyish.

³: In the original text, the word is written as 'fight', but read as 'do it'.