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Edited Chapter 70 (previous chapter): Changed 'Soulless' to 'Heartless


The True Identity Of The Shadow And Sun Mask Girls 3

One step after another, we approach our destination.

"Will it really be alright?"

I ask Levia while we're walking inside the castle.

Immediately after, she turns just her head to the back and nods firmly.

"It'll be alright. If you do it according to the method that I taught you, there'll be no problem"

"Is that so"

The method that Levia taught me; it was quite simple.

I just have to crack their Sun and Moon Mask; if I do that, albeit only half, the curses with restrictive capabilities will be dispelled.

If the two of them, Kurona and Shirona, turn back to their original state, I'll likely be able to tell them about Serina and also return from this continent.

ーーbut there's just one problem.

That is; if I destroy the masks, their souls will disappear, and they'll end up as genuine puppets.

It seems the masks are fragile, and against the two of them who are targetting us, it's quite challenging to control my strength and only crack the masks without destroying it.

If I can't recover the two of them, and I tell Serina that, she'll surely be sad.

Hence, I could tell that I'm mysteriously sweating from my entire body for reasons that I myself don't know either.

"It's here"

It's in front of a typical door, where Levia stopped her feet.

And then, she's about to return from the path that we came without trying to enter.

"No help huh"

"We may be talking amicably like this, but we are not comrades. Whatever happens from here onwards, I'll leave it to you guys"

"Is that so......"

"I hope you can recover them safelyーーand then, I shall have you fulfil your promise the next time we meet"

Levia left those words and went off.

Indeed, we aren't comrades. The guild she's affiliating with is the Dark Guild that makes murder their trade.

So I sigh and move my eyes to the two people who will fight with me.

"Are you, ready?"

"......un. I want to return the two of them to Serina's side"

"I heard the reason that we are helping them from Egil-han, and I want to help them as well......I mean, that 'Serina' girl, I think she will feel sad if she cannot meet them"

"Both of you......thanks. Alright then, we're going"

I lay my hand on the doorknob.

I'll definitely bring them back; because I want to see Serina's happy face quickly.

"You're here"

"You are here huh"

Upon entering the room, the Sun and Moon Mask wearingーーKurona and Shirona look at us.

Shirona; the Sun Mask young girl who carries a long blade that creates an explosion on contact.

Kurona; the Moon Mask young girl who's holding poisoned short blades.

And now I can tell.

I can tell the fact that their glossy pink hair, is the same as Serina who's always making a cheerful expression beside me.

"As I thought, they're her younger sisters huh......"

They were searching for their elder sister the whole time, seeking the strength to kill the slave trader who stole her and ended up in such an incommunicable state huh.

I'm sure, they had cheerful personalities like Serina up until that point.

When I think about that, the inner corner of my eyes became hot. However, being sad can't save those girls.

I materialize a sword in my hand and resolve myself.

"I'll definitely bring you back; back to your elder sister's side"

"Elder sister?"

"Elder sister?"

Even that, they'd ended up forgetting huh.

"Fiー and Setsuna will guard the vicinity and tell me if anything comes"

"Just that?"

"Egil-han, are you doing it alone?"

"It's because their weapons are troublesome"

If I'm taking on an explosive blade and instant-kill short blades, then I ought to let the two of them guard the vicinity.

This place is the enemy territory, so who knows what might happen.

"Well then, let's go back, shall we, both of you"

"If you're going to get in the way then"

"We shall eliminate you"

The two of them aim at me and run over.

In response to the two of them who run over hoppingly, I hold my sword and respond to their attacks.

I dodge the explosive blade that's swung down from above and block the two nimble short blades that are smeared with poison with my sword.

I'm forced into a tougher fight than ordinary battles because I can't kill them.

"Elizabeth, distract them"

"Hit, Nine-Tails Soul"

By no means are they attacking the two of them; the White Rabbit Elizabeth loiters around, and the bluish-white ball of flame floats in the air.

"I'm not particularly going to attack, but I don't want to do nothing"

"I do not want to do nothing and let Egil-han be hurt, so I will not let you get in Egil-han's way"

"......both of you, thanks for the help"

Kurona and Shirona's attacks slightly lessened thanks to that.

Hence, first of all, I made up my mind to save Shirona.

"What a nuisance"

"A nuisance indeed"

"Fiー, Setsuna, obstruct Kurona's movements for me! I'll return Shirona to how she was originally first!"

It wouldn't go smoothly if both of them came simultaneously.

Fiー and Setsuna understood my intention. Kurona's movements dull and she's going up against Elizabeth and the bluish-white flame, not me.


I lower my upper body and focus on a single blow.

I'm only aiming for the mask's surface; with an amount of strength that won't destroy it.

As Shirona runs towards me, I dodge the blade that's swung down and make contact on the full of opening-Shirona's face with my sword.

I'll end up destroying the mask with just the slightest slip up in controlling my strength, so I swing my sword with an amount of strength that barely brushes it.

I retreated after making a faint vertical line on the sun mark that's carved on the surface.


I felt the tip of the sword making contact.

Whether I injured her with this, or I was able to dispel just half of the curse; that I don't know.

However, Shirona's movements abruptly came to a halt.

And then when I confirm that the sun has been lightly halved vertically, I lowered the large sword.

"Huh......why am I?"

A modulated voice.

And then she's looking at both her hands.

"It worked out somehow huh......"

I headed towards Kurona as it is.

The sensation is the same. I guess even if her abilities have strengthened with the curse, she doesn't know the fundamentals.

In the end, I just have to not touch that troublesome weapon. I make a vertical line on that mask that has a moon's drawing carved on it, as I did with Shirona.

And then like Shirona, Kurona's movements abruptly came to a halt.

"......huh, what happened to me"

Although it's just half, it looks like dispelling of Shirona and Kurona's curse is successful.

"Egil, it's over?"

"Aah, one way or another"

"I'm glad, that it ended safely"

Both of them smile at me.

And then, I approach the two of them who give out a clueless atmosphere and call out to them.

"What's the last thing you remember?"

"What's the last thing? Uh, what do you mean?"

"What exactly happened to us......also, who are you?"

"It appears that you guys have no memories of what happened up until now......you guys, are Shirona and Kurona, right?"

I want first to verify how much they know about themselves, so I asked their names.

Immediately after, both of them shook their heads.

"I am Shirona・Maverick"

"I'm Kurona・Maverick"

"Is that so"

As expected, their family name is Maverick, the same as Serina.

So I tell the two of them.

"......do you know Serina・Maverick?"


In that instant, both of them picked up the weapons that they dropped in the vicinity and pointed them towards me.

"Re, return, Onee-chan"

"If you lay your hands on our Onee-chan, we will kill you"

It seems they somehow remember about Serina.

I was delighted by that; so I gave them the gentlest smile that I can make and shook my head.

"Don't worry. Serina is waiting for the two of you at a safe place"

"Re, really?"

"Aah, although she's not here, I'll let you guys meet right away"

"Onee-chan is......that's great, isn't that great, Kurona"

"Un, un......we can finally meet huh, Shirona"

Although their faces aren't visible because they're hidden from the forehead to the jaw by the masks, I could tell that their tears are falling.

I guess they're happy; knowing that their elder sister, whom they had been searching for the entire time, is safe.

"Alright then, let's go back. I'm sure Serina will be delighted as well"


I can tell that they don't have a shred of distrust in me, whom they just met.

I guess they're honest because they're children.

It's precisely why they ended up knocking on the door of the Dark Guild huh.

All that's left is to go back.


"......Egil, something is coming"


At the same time as Fiー said that, the door opened vigorously.

And then looking at the group that appeared, Fiー and Setsuna changed their expressions and reacted.

"Wh, y......"

"There is no way, right; why, why is everybody here?"

Their appearances are humans. However, whether or not I can call that group 'humans', that I don't know.


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