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The Shout Of A Young Girl

a certain mansion

"NO.258 was captured by the Sword Saint, you say?"

"Yes. She failed to assassinate the Sword Saint and was apprehended. After that, she is left in the care of somebody who is the Sword Saint's disciple"

"Sword Saint's disciple? The First Royal Princess?"

"No, it is an individual called Leivelt・Runwalker. He is currently the most famous man in this country; the individual who has achievements like the stopping of the Kingdom's incident four years ago and the Demon Race's attack at the Papal State, the subjugation of a goblin horde, and he is the individual who is engaged with the princess of the three countries, Nanor, Worvest and Arcadia"

"When you say 'Runwalker', is he of that Margrave's descent?"

"Yes, exactly so"

"I see. ......it can't be helped. Activate the system we had prepared for the Sword Saint. It feels like a waste to destroy that greatest masterpiece on somebody besides the Sword Saint, but the war with the Nanor is also near. I guess if we can elicit even a little bit of unrest from the Margrave with the death of the Margrave's child, it'd be a brilliant outcome"

"Understood, I shall make the preparations"

"Margrave's son or not, he probably won't be able to win against that which we created"


"......that was a close call"

I, who got out of the bath, collapse and lie on the bed in my room. I, who was made to wash the three's body after that in the end, am exhausted both body and soul.

I somehow persuaded them and have them let me do just their backs, but even so, the softness that's peculiar to women, along with their beautiful blemishless backs. And then, the three of them let out seductive voices whenever I touch them. It was really a close call. I mean, whenever I touch them


they let out such voices, so that was cutting it close. My rationality was hanging by a thread.

......there hasn't been a single instance in which they enter when I'm inside until now, I wonder what's the matter all of a sudden. As I thought, I wonder if various things snapped because of yesterday's announcement? That's the only explanation huh.

I guess I'll probably have to go in again since the three who went into the bath with me went back in satisfaction, but Aerith, Ferris, and Priscilla, the three who didn't get to go in were slightly disgruntled.

I'm happy that they're going in with me, but as one would expect, I don't want to lay my hands on them in the heat of the moment. That's why I want them to restrain themselves but......I guess it's impossible huh~.

I was thinking about such things while lying down, but perhaps I was more exhausted mentally than I'd thought, I'd fallen asleep before I know it.


"......uun? What is it?"

......I, who had fallen asleep before I know it, realised that it's slightly noisy outside and woke up. It feels like I was having an amazingly pleasant dream, but I've completely forgotten it. But there's just a terribly soft sensation remaining in my hand. I wonder what it was?

As I'm thinking about such things, 'thump thump!', the sound of running in the corridor reverberates even though it's late in the night, and my room's door opens vigorously.

"Onii-chan, wake up!"

And then the one who came in was a fairly flustered Mei-chan.

"What's the matter, so late in the night? You're going to bother our neighb......"

"Haku-chan is in trouble! Come quickly!"

As I'm about to say, 'You're going to bother to our neighbours', Mei-chan interrupts me and says that. But, Mei-chan looks flustered, and she's making an expression like she's about to burst into tears at any moment.

I stand up and head to the room where Priscilla and the others sleep right away. Immediately after

"Haku-chan, calm down! You're fine! You're fine here!"

I can hear the voice of Priscilla shouting from the room. What in the world happened? I arrive at the room and over there, inside the room, is Haku who's holding a knife and rampaging about; Aerith, who's trying to stop her; and Eclat, who's flying around and keeping her in check. Priscilla, who's trying to approach Haku; and Roy and Ferris who are stopping her.

"What in the world happened!?"

"Lei-san! I'm begging you! Please help Haku-chan! I'm begging you!"

Priscilla clings to me while crying. All she says is, 'help Haku', no matter how much I try to ask her. When I was about to inquire Priscilla what happened one more time




An enormous Black Magic Power tempests from Haku. What an amount of Magic Power! It's slightly lesser than me, but nevertheless, it's not an amount of Magic Power that one can possess at this age. Aerith and Eclat were blown away because of that tempesting Black Magic Power's wind.

However, when I look closely, she's clutching her head and holding her right arm that's wearing the bracelet, seemingly in a lot of pain. Her right arm's bracelet is probably hurting because she attacked Aerith and the others, but why is she clutching her head in pain? I wonder if it has something to do with this Magic Power? But Haku didn't give me the leisure to think about such things.

"Uuu, Dark, Magic, Assassin From The Depths Of The Shadow (Shadow The Ripper)!"

Haku activates her Dark Magic. Don't tell me this is......Level 9 Magic, isn't it. The Black Magic Power that was tempesting until just now changes its shape into a black shadow and envelops Haku.

The shadow that enveloped her, changes its shape again and becomes like a mantle. Her entire body is covered by the mantle, and only a pair of crimson eyes are visible. Before I know it, she's holding a red-bladed knife and an entirely black knife in both hands.

And the Restriction Bracelet that's worn on her right arm was also forcefully broken and removed by the Magic Power. She's bleeding from that arm. However, it's quite bad if it carries on like this.

It's thanks to that bracelet that she couldn't attack the surroundings, but if that restriction is gone, I don't know how she's going to move. I don't know the effect of that magic either.

It's just that, ever since that magic is activated, Haku's existence is becoming nebulous. Even though she's before my eyes, her presence has reached the point that it feels like she'll disappear if I take my eyes away.

And then, Haku readies her kniv......wha! Haku's figure disappeared in the instant that I blinked! I activate Presence Sense and Magic Power Detection right away, but I can't find her. Shit, where......behind!?

All of a sudden, my Presence Sense and Magic Power Detection reacted behind me, so I rolled forward and dodged. I felt the sensation of a knife passing above my head at that moment. ......she's aiming for my head with all her might huh.

And then Haku's presence disappears again in that time. She disappears before my eyes suddenly and then instantly moves behind me. She's slipping through my senses. There has to be some gimmick. I entrust my back to the wall so that I don't get taken from behind.

Immediately after, black spikes fly out at me from the ground. Tsk! I jump to the side and avoid the black spikes. The black spikes pierce the wall, but Haku doesn't show herself. And the current me is showing my back. I take Rolgar out from my Item Ring and turn around right away. And then


, there's the sound of weapons clashing. In front of my eyes was the figure of Haku showing just half of her body from the ground and swinging her knives.

......that's how it is huh. The mantle of black shadow has the ability to dilute her existence and make her difficult to find and move inside between shadows. And then it's also possible to change the shape of the shadow and attack with it. I guess that's probably what it is. What an assassin-oriented magic it is.

They're magic that can be used individually with Dark Magic, but with this magic, she uses all of them simultaneously, and her abilities also increase. It's quite troublesome.

"Over here, Haku!"

I jump out from the window while calling Haku. It's rather disadvantageous to fight against an assassin indoors. I can't swing Rolgar in that confined room either. In that case, it's definitely better to go outside and fight. Haku also jumps out from the window, chasing after me.

I ready Rolgar and look at Haku. However, the state of Haku, who jumped out from the window after me, is slightly strange. She has been hanging her head and muttering something since just now.

I couldn't quite catch her initially, but little by little, I could hear what she's saying, and my tears came out at the words I heard. Haku is muttering, 'I don't want pain', 'Don't beat me', 'Don't lock me up in the dark', repeatedly over and over again, muttering 'I won't be hurt if I kill', 'I won't be beaten if I kill', 'I won't be locked up if I kill', repeatedly.

She didn't say such things in the afternoon. The possible cause that I can come up with is that action of her clutching her head. It looked rather painful. It's probably a switch that awakens Haku's traumas.

......in order to make her obedient from a young age, she's probably been treated in ways that I can't even imagine. In order to create the assassin, Haku.

Haku's eyes are vacant, and she gives off the vibe that she can no longer see me. I guess to the current Haku, she doesn't see me as anything but a prey that's there for her to suppress her agony. That's what I had thought but

"Guu, uuuaah!"

Haku clutches her head again. And when she raises her head after that, there stood the figure of Haku who looks at me agonizingly, and sorrowfully. Her eyes aren't vacant like just now, there's light dwelling in them.

"U, uu, o, nii, ru, run"


Although with difficulty, Haku is telling me to run away. However, it looks rather painful for her to even say that.

"O, nii, I, don't want, to hurt. I, don't want, to, kill, anybody!"

Haku shouts while crying. However, Haku words are entirely mistaken. Those are not words I want to hear.

"Haku, I won't leave you behind and run away. If you can hurt me, then try. On top of receiving everything, I'll stop you!"

"W, h, y? ......uuuu!"

Haku, who's baffled by my words, asks me, but it looks like she's nearing her limit.

"'Why', you ask? Isn't something like that a given? I've told you the second you arrived at this house; that you're already our family. That's why it's a given for me to stop Haku. That's why Haku. Tell me what you want now! Haku, tell me what you want me to do for you now!"

Haku opens her eyes widely and looks at me when I use the word 'family'. And then, tears pour out unceasingly from Haku's eyes. And then, as though she resolved herself, she shouts the words that I wanted to hear.

"O, nii, hel, p, me!"

Haku shouts while crying. ......she finally said it. However, in the next instant, Haku clutches her head again and shouts loudly. And then she drops to her knees like she lost all her strength. In the eyes of Haku, who raised her head shortly afterwards, there wasn't the light that was dwelling inside just now. But

"......Light, we're doing it!"

""Understood, Lei-sama""

Wait for me, Haku. I'll definitely save you.


Otaku Hikikomori

Hmmm, will it be possible if the regular release can be more frequent? There are about 10 chapters difference between the Patreon and NU. I read some of the readers complaining about the infrequent releases. Thanks for considering.


Yeah, I understand that there's quite a disparity between the number of releases on Patreon and NU. I'll try to even out the releases as soon as I get the time. Thanks for telling me about it! d(≧▽≦*)

John Williams

I can’t imagine what Haku must have gone through, it sounds horrible beyond words 😢. I know that the Empire made her do some bad things, but she’s clearly not a bad person, and Lei knows it.