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My Woman

"My engagement with you is over, Roland. How many times do I have to say it for you to understand?"

"Something like that does not matter. I went to train for the sake of protecting you, and then I snuck out of the house and came all the way here. I will protect you no matter what it takes, so let us return to the Imperial Capital!"


The man grabs Elise's arm forcefully without holding back. What's that guy doing to my thing. When I try to enter the mansion silently

"Halt. Here onwards lies Her Highness' mansion. Those without permission cannot enter"

, I was stopped with swords drawn on me. Liscia places her hand on the sword that's always worn on her waist and is about to step forward, but I stop her with my hand. Mylene as well, don't glare.

"My name is Claude. I'm Elise's acquaintance though, didn't you hear?"

"I didn't. Also, addressing Her Highness without honorifics is equivalent to lese-majeste. I'll have you let me arrest you"

......he's not listening to what I say at all. These guys. It can't be helped; it'll be quicker to call for Elise here huh. As I was thinking of that, she noticed me.

Elise was making a really disgruntled look until just now, but when she spotted me, her expression instantly brightens and she runs over here.

Elise pushes the soldiers, who had readied their swords at us so as to not let us pass through, aside, and stands in front of me. With her eyes twinkling

"Hardt-sama, I have been waiting!"

, she says to me happily. You adorable fellow. When I spread my arms out, Elise, even as she's looking around slightly embarrassedly, she embraced me.

I can hear an astonished voice from behind; I wish you can overlook it. Elise embraces and rubs her head on me when I hug her tightly.

I look at the source of the gaze that's pointing over here while gently patting her pink hair. The man who had been approaching Elise until just now was glaring over here.

The man glares at me even while he's looking dumbfoundedly at Elise, who embraces me. I steal Elise's lips and grab her smallish breasts to flaunt to that man.

An amorous breath escapes from Elise's nose, but I indulge in Elise vigorously without caring to flaunt to that guy. I taught Elise all kinds of things in the roughly one month period before I return so that she can't forget me. Her body is reacting to me amusingly.

Naturally, the man, who can't stand to watch it silently, comes over here with a furious expression that went beyond red and turned purple in anger.

"You bastard! What are you doing to Elise-sama!"

"Buhaa......'what', I'm rewarding my thing, Elise, for watching the house"

"Elise-sama hates it, can't you see! Get away from her immediately!"

Puu, what fallacious thing is this guy saying. How can he come to such a conclusion after seeing the current Elise's expression?

"Kuku, can you say something like that even after seeing this expression?"

"Noo, it's, it's embarassing, Hardt-samaa"

When I forcefully turn Elise's face towards the man, Elise twists her body in my arms embarrassedly. In response to Elise's face as a female that he has never seen before, the man looks over with a dumbfounded expression.

"This is how it is, so can you not get close to Elise anymore? Besides, you betrayed Elise once and went to the First Imperial Prince's side, right? Don't come acting like her fiance at this point"

I've heard about it when we were relaxing after we did it. About the fact that she has a fiance; as well as the fact that she had been betrayed by that guy. The man who flusters at what I say, mumbles pathetic excuses like he couldn't help it, or, it was his father's orders. And then

"......a woman like this, isn't Elise-sama. There's no way, such a harlot-like woman, is that lovely and beautiful Elise-sama. Haha! That's right; I had been mistaken about something! There's no way such a whore-looking woman is Elise-sama, isn't it! You bastard! Declaring war on the Empire using a fake Elise-sama! It's equivalent to a thousand death!"

Ahーah, he finally broke. In response to the current situation that he can't accept, he started forcefully imposing his own delusion and being convinced by it.

Besides, he's saying all kinds of things at the adorable Elise. I'll kill......that's right.

"If you're going that far, then try killing me"

"uu! Diee!"

I show the man me grabbing Elise's breast tightly with my left hand from behind to provoke him once more, and the man, who went mad from anger, swings his sword down at me. Even if she's different, her appearance is......rather, it's Elise herself. One way or another, his brain is probably thinking that it's the actual person. And then, it looks like he can't forgive my actions towards that actual person.


"Ye, yes!"

'Kann!', the man's sword was repelled. As instructed, Mars entered between the man and me and repelled the man's sword. He's holding a black sword that's summoned with Equipment Summon, his Dark Paladin's occupation skill, in his hand.

"If you can't win against this guy, it's impossible for you to take me on. Since he's the weakest amongst us"

"Guu! I, I will work harder!"

Even though I say he's weak, it's simply because those around are too strong, so he doesn't have to worry about it though. An ordinary adult opponent is no match for Mars' real strength. After all, Liscia is training him as his Shishou. The man is naturally also

"Wha!? Sh, shittt!"

getting overpowered one-sidedly. Mars launches the man's sword upwards and kicks his exposed abdomen simultaneously. Judging from the looks of it, the man practises noble's swordsmanship, so it probably didn't occur to him that he'd be kicked. He tumbles onto the ground with a surprised expression. And then

"Ho, how cowardly to kick, gehe!?"

the black sword stabs his chest. I've told Mars to not go easy on the opponents who point their swords at him, and Liscia also taught him so. Besides, I've made him experience the battlefield several times, so he has become slightly used to deathmatches as well. Mars, who'd experience personally with his body that he'll be killed if he eases up on his opponent, won't ease up in a fight even if he's averse.

It's because he knows that if he does something like that, other than he himself dying, those who are behind will also get hurt; those who are precious to Mars.

The man struggles, trying to remove the sword that stabs in his chest, but Mars stabs it even deeper, and the man gradually stops moving.

Elise is fawning on me even though her former fiance died. Uh-huh Uh-huh, how adorable.

Although those around are directing terrified gazes at us, we ignore it and carry on to enter the mansion. I wonder if everybody is inside the mansion?


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