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The Girl Who Feels Lonely Easily

We, who finished our breakfast, came to the academy for the first time in a long while. There hadn't been any interaction other than the letter Alexia sent for me. I've got to go and greet Shishou. I didn't show up for lessons at all either after all. However

"I never would've thought, that she'd throw a tantrum to that extent"

Ferris and Aerith give a dry laugh when I mutter that. As for the reason; it happened when we left the house.


"Well then, Priscilla. We'll be going to the academy, so I'm sorry, but I'll leave the house in your hands, alright. Also, the 3 of you didn't bring anything over, so you should go and buy the things you need. I left some  money behind"

"Thank you for everything you have done, Lei-san"

Priscilla says and bows. Uーn, there's somewhat a distance between us even though we became romantically involved; or should I say she's being reserved. It can't carry on like this. That's why I approach Priscilla's side, lower my head to her ear, and request for something in exchange. Immediately after

"Eh!? No, no way, doing it with everybody watching!"

she started flustering. Ferris and the others make puzzled looks, but I ignore it and stick my right cheek out. Priscilla was panicking, but after she looks in Ferris and Aerith's direction, she resolves herself after mumbling something

"Th, thanks, Le, Lei!"

and kisses me on my right cheek. Ferris and Aerith, who saw that, shouts 「Aaah~!」while pointing, and Priscilla hides her beet-red face with her hands. It's becoming so red that it looks like it's about to steam.

I guess this much is good enough for Priscilla, who's slightly more reserved than the others. I got a side benefit as well after all. Immediately after, Ferris and Aerith stand on both sides, sandwiching me. Wha, what?

"It's unfair that it's only Priscilla!"

While they're both saying that, Ferris kisses my right cheek and Aerith kisses my left cheek. Until now, the relationship between Ferris and me wasn't announced, so we couldn't do it in public; I wasn't in such a relationship with Aerith either, so we didn't do it, but I guess there's no more hesitation after yesterday's announcement. I'm happy, of course. I end up breaking into a smile.

As we're about to leave the house with such things happening in the process

"Ah, you can't, Eclat-chan!"

I hear Mei-chan's voice. A white object flies over before my eyes when I turn around and clings on my face. This is

"Kyuru! Kyururu!"

Eclat flew out from the house huh. She clings to my face with all her strength like she's going, 'I'll definitely not let go!'. I'm happy that she fawns on me, but I can't breathe....... I somehow peel off Eclat, who clings to my head.

"Puhaa! Haa, Haa. What's the matter, Eclat? Won't you watch the house with Mei-chan and the others?"

I say that to Eclat, but Eclat shakes her head, going, 'I don't wanna!'. In the end, she hates it so much that she even bites my arm. It's not painful though.......

"Eclat-chan! You mustn't trouble Onii-chan!"

Having chased after Eclat, Mei-chan shows up and reprimands Eclat.

"Kyuuu, Kyuuu"

"I know that it's lonely, but if you don't obey Onii-chan, he's going to hate you!"

"Kyururuu! Kyuruu!"

"Geez! Don't be selfish!"

Eclat, who then looks in my direction once again. Uu. Don't look at me with such teary eyes. It'll make me want to bring you along, won't it.

"......Eclat. I'm sorry, but won't you watch the house with Mei-chan today? I'll go and ask Shishou if I can bring you to the academy, alright?"

Eclat nodded reluctantly, going, 「Kyuu」, when I said that.

"Eclat-chan, let's play a whole lot with me today and forget about the loneliness!"


"Wha! It can't be helped~, hey. Even I will get angry at that!'

......I try rubbing my eyes because I didn't know if my eyes were going crazy. ......eh? What's the meaning of this?

"Hey, Mei-chan. Are you perhaps able to understand what Eclat is saying?"

That's right. I'd been finding it strange since just now, it looked like Mei-chan and Eclat are having a conversation. Mei-chan talks whenever Eclat chirrups, and after listening to what Mei-chan said, Eclat chirrups once again. It's as though they're having a conversation.

"Nn? Yeah! It happened recently, but I came to be able to understand Eclat-chan's voice! It's not just Eclat-chan, I can also understand the doggies and kitties!"

We couldn't hide our astonishment at what Mei-chan said. To think that it was the moment that we found out Mei-chan's unexpected talent.


"To think that she's able to understand what animals are saying"

"Beastfolks, can somewhat understand the voices of the animals of the same species, but it's amazing that she can understand even the contents"

It looks like Aerith and Ferris are also astonished. I was also surprised. I guess it probably bloomed when we were at the Baron Territory. Eclat and Mei-chan have been getting along well since that time after all.

We finally arrived at the academy with such astonishing things happening in the process.

"......I wonder, what's with these gazes"

"It's certainly because of yesterday. They announced it that grandly, so there's no way the students don't know about it"

Aerith says as I'm being bothered by the gazes of the students around. As I thought, it wasn't my imagination huh. There were these gazes ever since we're walking on the streets, but it evidently increased since we entered the academy.

I can hear whispers from the surroundings after all.

"Tsk, why is a fellow like that engaged with Alexia-sama. I'm definitely better"

"He's doing whatever he wants to those huge breasts huh. I'm jealous"

I hear such voices from the men,

"He's cool, isn't he~. I heard he cut off his arm by himself for the sake of saving the princess"

"I'm jealous~. I too want a boyfriend who puts his life on the line for my sake"

"......eh, what about me?"

I hear such voices from the women. ......good luck, boyfriend. And then

"Looking at it closely, he has a cute face,  doesn't he~! Aaah~I want to gouge himmm!"

"I want to be gougedddd!"

......I can't hear it. Can't hear it at all! I hope they are not in the same school year as me. I absolutely don't want to meet them!

I proceeded into campus and came to the Headmaster's Office while slightly protecting my butt. However, it's a little odd. There's no response even when I knock on the door. Usually, either Shishou will respond, or Vice Headmaster Melody will open the door, but there's no response.

"Is nobody around?"

"I wonder. Vice Headmaster Melody is usually using this room when Shishou isn't around though. Ferris, can you tell by the smell?"

"Uーn. It's the Headmaster's room to begin with. I can't go as far as to tell whether she's around or not"

......it can't be helped. At this rate, there'll be no end, so I decided to open the door. I'm going to be killed if Shishou is inside the room.......

However, differing from such expectations, there's nobody in the room at all. I wonder where she went.

"I wonder where in the world she went"

The moment I entered the room as it is


An intense killing intent was thrust at my throat. I immediately bend my body backwards, and before my eyes, a shining silver knife passes through.

And then what carried on to appear before my eyes, was a young silver-haired crimson-eyed girl. Her skin is also quite pale. Furthermore, her attire is a maid costume. I ready myself even while I'm finding it strange, and from deep inside the room

"Okay, that's as far as you go. It's Haku¹'s lost the second it was avoided"

Shishou came out while laughing. A fuming Vice Headmaster Melody was also by her side. ......what's this.


¹: In Japanese 'on' pronunciation, Haku can also mean 'White'. However, it is written in katakana here, so it is just my assumption.
