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Angel's Ability

"You really are sickening huh. Locking me in" 

"I'm the sickened one, Fistoria. Sorry but I'm not gonna let you escape. I'll have you receive the punishment of defiling my precious thing"

I materialize black spears around myself and release them towards Fistoria. Fistoria erects a barrier when she puts her hand out in front, like when she blocked Liscia's sword just now, and blocks the black spears.

A barrier appeared; enveloping Fistoria's surroundings. I have to do something about that first.

"Haa. It can't be helped huh. I don't really want to fight either since it expends the Divine Power that I gathered, but I have no choice but to treat it as a necessary expenditure for breaking out. Come forth, Ernality"

Fistoria extended her right hand horizontally, and over there, a pure white spear appeared. It's a spear that's packed with an absurd amount of Magic Power.


A chill ran down my spine the moment Fistoria grabbed the spear that appeared and pointed the speartip at me. When I jumped back from that spot immediately, a hole opened up at the location where I was until just now. From there, holes open up on the ground one after another. Tsk, is it that spear's ability?


Liscia slashes at her there. But, she was hindered by the active barrier. Fistoria points the speartip at Liscia and fires something from the spear. Liscia senses the thing that was fired and repels it with her sword.

In the meantime, I make Eclipse Sol disk-shaped, create footholds, and head towards Fistoria. I hold a jet-black scythe in my hand and brandish it at Fistoria.

It was hindered by the barrier as I'd expected, but I release shortswords in every direction. Liscia also clad her sword in wind and slashes along with that, but

"Humph, what do you think that's going to do!"

When Fistoria spreads both her arms, the barrier expands along with it as well, and Liscia and I were blown away.

"Even if it's a temporary body, it doesn't change that it's a Divine Power. Attacks of that calibre, they have no meaning"

"We won't know whether it's meaningless unless we try, right!"

I release shortswords once again. Fistoria, who makes a disgusted-looking expression, headed straight over. The shortswords were repelled by the barrier before they hit Fistoria, and Fistoria swung her spear down at me as it is.

I catch it with the scythe, but the scythe dispersed the instant I caught it. This......the Magic Power dissipated?


The spear approaches me with me not understanding what's going on, so I hold the shortswords that fly around in both hands and repel the spear. However, the shortswords also dispersed the moment they touched the spear. What a troublesome power it is.

"It's futile. Ernality has the ability to absorb the Magic Power of whatever it touches. Your Magic Power weapons will be nothing but replenishments to Ernality!"

Shit, what a troublesome weapon. I use weapons that are created with Magic Power and don't carry any weapons. What a terrible match-up.

......however, I can't just complain. I dodge Fistoria's spear that she's thrusting at me over and over again. I'm hindered by the barrier when I try to get close and grab her, and I have to dodge the attacks from her. I have to shatter this situation somehow. As I'm thinking that

"Third Sword(Sword Three)・ Explosive Crimson Sword of Flames (Prominence Nova)"

Liscia summons a new sword and slashes at Fistoria from Fistoria's back. It was hindered by the barrier like just now, but when the barrier touched the shining red sword, it exploded.

Fistoria was unharmed because of the barrier, but Liscia slashes at her over and over again without giving up. I also take a page from her and fire Eclipse Sol.

I hurl numerous spheres towards Fistoria. They were all hindered and repelled by the barrier, but they head towards Fistoria again after being repelled.

Over and over and over and over and over again, no matter how many times they're repelled, no matter how many times they're blocked, I fire them over and over again. It may be a Divine Power, but be that as it may, with Mylene's body, there should be a limit. Even if that's not the case, the fellow's a fake God. A crack ought to show up somewhere.

"......you really are annoying huh! Ernality, Burst!"

The irritated Fistoria thrusts the spear's speartip into the ground. Immediately after, a shock wave centred on Fistoria was released to the surroundings.

Both Liscia and I were blown away by that shock wave. Buildings around collapsed; paved ground cracked; everything was blown away.


I wonder how far we were blown away. I can't tell, but pain courses through my entire body. Perhaps having crashed into the rubble, blood is running down my forehead and dying my vision red. Inside the enshrouding dust cloud, a figure suddenly jumped out. The spear the figure swings extended straight towards me.

The spear extends straight towards my heart. I create a shortsword and avert the speartip right away. Although the shortsword dispersed the moment it touched the speartip, I managed to avert it from my heart. And then the spear stabs into my flank. I could tell that I was losing my strength the instant the spear stabbed me.

Even as I'm clenching my teeth at the pain that courses from my flank, I, who thought of this as an opportunity, get up towards Fistoria, the spear's owner, going against the spear that pierced into me.

Naturally, the spear that stabbed into my flank pierces deeper and penetrates through my back, but I get up without minding it and grab her spear holding arm.

"Wha!? Are you stupid!? Ernality is stabbing into you, and yet you......"

"If it's to catch you, then a wound of this extent is nothing. Mylene! If you're still inside, then remember! Remember the pain that I gave you that remains inside you! Phantom Pain(Phantom Pain)!"

I grab Fistoria......no, Mylene's head with my empty right hand. And then, I activate my sorcery. Remember it with this, Mylene. Remember the pain I gave you. Remember the twisted bond that belongs only to us!


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