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Blood-Seeking Impulses

After returning, I was led by Fiー to a place called the 'Nine-Tails Shrine'.

A spacious room, wooden floor and wall, a triangular ceiling. Before my eyes is a strange painting of a white-furred Nine-Tails.

"This place is?"

"......it's originally the place where the Nine-Tails was worshipped. Leaving that aside, Egil, lay Setsuna down here"

I drop Setsuna off in front of that painting.

Fiー then stared fixedly at me,

"......undress her"

pointed at Setsuna, and said.



She doesn't explain to me the reason.

But I suppose it's for sure that Fiー isn't messing around.

'Can't you just undress her yourself', is what I think but she shows no sign of moving.

I don't understand what's the deal.

Even while thinking that, I trust Fiー and undress Setsuna's traditional clothes.

I gently untie her light green sash and remove her red-clothed traditional clothes, making sure I don't burden she, who's unconscious.

It seems she didn't wear any underwear; I removed her traditional clothes, and her voluptuous breasts and her genitalia became exposed.

"What's, this......"

However, I'm not getting any indecent feelings. Leaving that aside, I looked at her back and ended up letting out a surprised voice. 

On her back are red markings. Unlike blood, they don't disappear even when I touch her bouncy skin. Mysterious characters that I can't read, that have been seemingly engraved directly onto her body.

"......it's the mark that's engraved on the individual who made a contract with the Devil God Nine-Tails. If she's just living normally, then there's no problem"

"If, she's just living normally. Is her losing her consciousness, related to this?"

"......the Devil God Nine-Tails summons through siphoning the contractor's blood. ーーso if it's being made to appear for a long time, it will siphon all of the blood that flows within the bodyーーand kill the contactor"

"Kill, you say......"

It's an ability to that extent; I thought there'd be some kind of compensation. Still, I didn't think that she'd actually expend her own blood.

This concept is the same as Magic that uses Mana; the blood is seemingly similar to Mana but completely different. Dizziness is as bad as it gets when Mana runs out, but unlike dizziness, the current Setsuna is unconscious.

"Is there no way to treat her?"

"There is. There are two options"

"Which are?"

"Let her sleep like this for several days and regain her consciousness"

"How many days?"

"......from the way things are looking, she might've expended most of her blood, so I think it'll take a few weeks"

"What's the other option?"

When I ask, Fiー casts her eyes down and answer.

"......share another person's blood with her"

"Blood? It's as though she's a Vampire"

It's a non-existent being inside the fairy-tale known as, Tale of the Vampire.

It's a being that's fond of human's blood and lives off drinking human's blood.

And then, Fiー stares fixedly at me.

"......not, as though......Setsuna, she's a Vampire"

"......Setsuna is a Vampire? Isn't that just a being inside a fairy-tale"

"In this continent, the Tale of the Vampire isn't a fairy-tale. Setsuna belongs to a Vampire Clan. It's the Devil God Nine-Tails that's inherited generation after generation and that she uses"

"No way......"

I look at Fiー with a bitter smile, but Fiー's countenance doesn't change a single bit.

Is she serious? It's impossible. But impossible things have been happening too much that I have the illusion that this might also be possible.

"In that case, will Setsuna regain consciousness if I give her my blood?"

"Uh-huh. No doubt about that. ......will you give her?"

"I want her to regain consciousness, and there are various things that I want to ask her after all"

I materialise a sword and slightly cut my fingertip.

Red blood surfaces from the line that the sword traced, and I bring that closer to Setsuna's mouth.

ーーat that moment.

Setsuna lifted her head and licked my index finger's blood.

She sticks her tongue out, and then, she holds my index finger in her mouth and starts sucking the blood. Her consciousness didn't return, because her eyes are closed.

And after sucking continuously for several seconds, Setsuna slowly opened her eyes.

"......huh, what is the matter......with me?"

While holding my finger in her mouth, Setsuna blinks her eyes.

"Morning, Setsuna. And congratulations on becoming partners"

Fiー clings to my back. Setsuna then realises what she's holding in her mouth, and her face turns red in a twinkling.

"Do, do do do, don't tell me, I, Egil-han's blood......"

"Yeah. You drank Egil's blood. And you established as partners. ーーwith Egil"

"Oi, Fiー, what's going on"

At that moment, the markings on Setsuna's back give out a bright light.

What's that. I was immediately whispered and told about it by my ears.

"Although the Vampire that Egil knows of is fine with anyone as long as it's a beautiful woman, Setsuna's clan can only drink the blood of one person in their entire life. And then they recognise the individual who gave them their blood as their owner. ......Isn't that great, Setsuna. Egil became your owner"

"No, no way......Even, even though, I had been holding back and not drinking anybody's blood! ......Fiーchan, why did thou do something like this!?"

"It's because I thought if someone's going to be your owner, then it's got to be Egil. How was it? The taste of Egil's blood?"

"No, no way......even though, I have yet to decide"

A flustered-looking Setsuna. But she doesn't try to move her mouth away from my finger. Instead, she's inserting my finger into her mouth, so as to hold it all the way inside her mouth.

Fiー, who was behind me, then move away from me and walk towards the exit.

"Setsuna, it's better to talk to Egil about everything, before they come attacking again. ーーalso, enjoy the taste of your first time thoroughly. See ya"

"Wa, wait, Fiーchan!?"

It was shut tightly.

And then it's a space with just the two of us. Me, with a nude Setsuna, who holds my finger in her mouth.

"E, Egil-han......did thou know, about this"

"No, I heard from Fiー that your consciousness would return if I gave you my blood......was it, no good?"

"......something like this, is obviously no good, is it not"

When Setsuna, who blushes, makes a popping sound and releases my finger, she starts bawling like a child.

"I had been holding back the whole, whoーle time, why, why did I drink blood!"

"I'm, I'm sorry, I didn't know either"

"Egil-han is not at fault; it is my fault; I drank Egil-han's blood!"

Setsuna continued crying for several minutes after that and I was sitting beside her.

And when she finishes crying, Setsuna, who re-wore her traditional clothes, sits before my eyes.

"ーーEgil-han, I will talk about everything. About us, the clan of Devil God Nine-Tails' Mistletoe"

"Devil God Nine-Tails' Mistletoe?"

"Outside the continent, a devil who sucks blood is being called a Vampire, right? However, we go by Mistletoe. It is something like heredity, and generations after generations, this blood-loving disposition and Devil God Nine-Tails are inherited"

Setsuna slowly continues her words, like she's explaining to me.

"The timing to inherit is decided by the parents, but before my father passed away, this Kyu-chan was engraved onto my body. Thou have already seen the markings on my back, right?"


"It is alright. And so, we devote our blood as compensation for acquiring the ability to protect our clan. And, we end up losing consciousness like this time when we run out of blood"

Setsuna is making a slightly sorrowful expression while she's talking.

"Nevertheless, by no means does the Mistletoe's clan only expend their own blood. If we drink the blood of the individual who is our partner, besides summoning the Devil God Nine-Tails, we are able to control our blood freely and recover the blood that was lost. And that partner is, the individual whom we drank blood from for the first time, in other words, it means that my partner ended up being Egil-han"

"I......but, Fiー didn't say anything, you know?"

"That girl, she probably made thou do it, knowing full well about it. Knowing that I will not try to drink anybody's blood"

I wonder why she did something like that. I guess it's fine since it's because she's trying to get Setsuna's help. But I can't imagine Fiー hiding the reason because of just that reason. There's probably some reason.

"I am being told that other people's blood is not delicious, and the lost blood will also not recover. And above all else......my body, has ended up changing in a way that it finds Egil-han's blood to be more delicious than anything"

Setsuna looked at the blood that surfaced from my finger and blushed.

"I have not drunk anybody's blood before until now. There was also a period when I thought; I shall one day drink the blood of the individual whom I will remain married with for the rest of my life. Nevertheless, nobody considered giving me their blood. ーーdo thou know, why?"

"......no, I don't know"

Setsuna hangs her head with a sorrowful expression.

And she wept tears of sorrow this time around.

"Those who become the Mistletoe bloodline's partner give their blood continuously, and the child that is born will inherit the same suffering. Losing consciousness when they run out of blood, and in the worst-case scenario, running out of blood and killed by the Devil God Nine-Tails like my father"

"......is that, how Setsuna's father died?"

"Indeed. This ability of the Devil God Nine-Tails is powerful. It is a cross that somebody has to take over. Nevertheless, we crave for our partner's blood like insane when we run out of blood, and we have to continue fighting for the sake of protecting this River Metropolis no matter how painful it is. ーーnobody, would want to make their child shoulder such a destiny, right?"

"......that Mistletoe bloodline, is Setsuna the only one left?"

"It is only my family lineage right from the start. So I have to protect everybody"

A trembling voice. I could understand her sorrow and suffering, through her desolated voice.

"Besides, there was nobody who says that they are fine with devoting their blood to me! It is because there are rumours that my mother had too much of her blood sucked and died prematurely floating about....... Something like that is a given; their own well-being is more important than trying to protect this place; if I did not belong to such a bloodline, I too would do the same. Hence, I thought, without joining with anyone, I will use this ability until I die trying to protect everyone...... And yet, I ended up drinking Egil-han's blood"

"Setsuna....... If that's the case, why did you try to test me?"

Setsuna was ascertaining whether I am the being she should stand next to.

If she's trying to stop her bloodline here, she wouldn't say such things to me.

And after a short pause, she answered.

"It might be because I......ever so slightly, wished for happiness. It might be because I thought I wanted to love and be loved by somebody as an ordinary girl, that I tested Egil-han"

"You did say you want me to shoulder half of the heavy cross even when you're drunk"

"......I had said, something like that huh......as I thought, alcohol is no good. My weakness end up showing"

A pair of sorrowful eyes.

And then I was met with a forced smile.

"Nevertheless, I just have to endure my desire to drink blood. It has become a strange body, but I just have to, endure it....... Hence, Egil-han, I want thou to not get too close to me from now on. ......since I will end up craving for thy blood"

"I see. In that case, I just have to give you my blood huh"

"Wai, Egil-hann!?" What are thou doing, all of a sudden!?"

I embrace Setsuna from behind and bring my bleeding right hand's index finger close to her lips.

Setsuna trembles slightly. She then shakes her head multiple times, trying to refuse.

"No, noo! Now that it has come to this, I will not be able to endure"

"How will you not be able to endure?"

"Once I tasted blood even once, I cannot stop......I get excited when I smell the scent that slips into my nose, even now, I am thirsty from just being by thy side and smelling the scent. My body is aching on its own, going, 'I want, I want more'! I will not be able to endure it with my self-control. So let go of mee!"

"In that case, you just have to drink it. Here"

I insert my finger into her half-opened mouth.

"No, oo......something like thisーーdeli, ciouss......no! Noo! At this rate, I will end up drinking all the blood in Egil-han's bodyy......let goo"

Her mouth says that, but her refusing body has no strength, and the finger that invaded into her mouth goes deeper and deeper without any resistance.

And when the wound touched her tongue, her tongue moved in a way that it coils around it.

"If you crave for it then I'll give you however much. If you can only drink mine, then crave for mine"

"No......no, oo......something like this......something like this, I will end up craving for more......Egil-hann, stop itt......I do not want to, kill Egil-han......"

"I won't die easily. Besides, I'll shoulder it as well. Both your suffering and your bloodline. So, don't make such a sorrowful face anymore"


Setsuna, while holding my finger in her mouth, turned just her face at me and poured out a whole lot of tears.

"Why......are you so kind, to me?"

"I want to protect those who are suffering as much as you. I guess that's why I surely want to protect Setsuna as well, and also want you to grasp ordinary happiness"

"......what is, with that"

Setsuna giggled.

"You are too soft-hearted, really......"

"I'm often told. But, I'm happy if people become blissful"

"Egil......han, is it really......is it really, alright?"


"I, am bad at holding back and whatnot. Egil-han's blood, it is extremely delicious. If I taste something like this over and over, I will not be able to hold back, you know?"

"It's fine not to hold back. I'll take all of it"

Setsuna, who separated her lips from my finger and licked the blood and saliva that stuck onto those lips of hers with her tongue.

"......really, you are exactly as Fiーchan described"

"Fiー? What, did that fellow say?"

Inside my chest, Setsuna muttered.

"A person who saves women who are in hell. Is what she said"

"She was saying something like that huh"

"Is it alright, for me to tell you one more thing?"


"After sucking bloodーー"

Setsuna exposes the underneath of her traditional clothes.

A transparent fluid drips from her crotch towards her ankles.

"I cannot control, my sexual desire. I have, already......become so hot that it is like I have a fever. It is the first time, I have a sensation like this......even though I do not understand anything, I know what I want. My body is hot, aching; I want to be messed up by Egil-han already, I want all of Egil-han......"

"I see"

I bring my face closer to Setsuna's lips while embracing her tightly.

"What of mine do you want?"

"Like, like I said......everything......"

"I won't understand with 'everything'. What do you want, say it clearly"

Setsuna, who blushes brightly and rubs her crotch together.

"I want......Egil-han's, cock"

"I see. Then firstly"

"......nn, haah......I, like this a lot......more, do it moree"

When I steal her lips, Setsuna, who lets out a sweet voice, yearns for it on her own.



New continent new harem huh