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"Fuu, 20 body counts with this huh"

Currently, I had come to a forest that's slightly away from the Baron Territory. Although I say 'away', it's about 5 kilometres though.

"I wonder if they strayed from the horde?"

Perhaps Cait also finished hunting; he comes towards my side. It's been 3 days since I spoke to Alexia previously. Alexia received reports that just as we were assisting the inside of the territory, there are occasional sightings of goblins outside the gate.

After discussing with everybody, it's decided that we'll subjugate them since it'll become a repeat of the last time if we leave them be, but we can't be making the soldiers leave the territory, so it's decided that Cait, Aerith and I will go.

And we've been cutting them down as they're showing up one after another upon arriving at the nearby forest though.



Ooh, Aerith just defeated a Goblin Soldier. I alone have 20 counts. Won't it be quite a number if both of them add up?

"Good work, Aerith"

I speak to Aerith, who sheathes Heat Haze(Kagerou).

"Eeh. Nevertheless, there's more than we thought huh. As expected, I wonder if they're strays?"

Aerith also says the same thing as Cait. As expected, I guess that's the case. Since there's no way this number of them will appear all over the place.

"In the worst-case scenario, the fact that Baron Mangus had left multiple be is also possible huh"

Cait says while cackling. Aerith and I look at each others' faces at that statement. ......I can't deny it since it seems possible. Isn't it quite bad if that's the case? It ended up with 3 thousand from just leaving 1 spot be. If it's multiple spots......

"Let's hurry back. That's right. Why didn't I think of it! It's impossible that that Baron has only left 1 place be, isn't it!"

I say and start running. Aerith and Cait are following behind me as well. We return to the territory in about 10 minutes and head towards Alexia's location.

"Alexia, are you around!?"

I kick open the room that Alexia is using as her workplace. It seems that inside, Alexia and the chamberlain, Benton-san, were having a discussion. Now they're looking over here in astonishment though.

"Wha, what's wrong, Lei. Did something happen?"

"I'm sorry for bursting in suddenly. But there's something I want you to hear"

I then talk about the conversation just now to Alexia and the others as well. In response to that matter, Benton-san makes a surprised expression, and Alexia holds her head, at her wits' end.

"......Indeed, it's not something impossible huh. Haa, I wonder why I didn't think about it until now. There's indeed no way the Baron, who left them be and let them fester to that extent, didn't also leave the others be huh"

"Indeed, that is true. According to my knowledge, there is only 1 location, but if there are also others, he has probably left them in a similar fashion"

As we were all about to discuss what to do, the door opens once again. It was Ely who came in.

"Alexia-san......everybody's also around huh. Helen-san has returned"

Ooh! Helen has returned huh! All of us hurried outside. Immediately after, over there, there were I supposed about 500 soldiers, Helen-san, and an old person who I presume is close to 60 years old standing beside her.


Immediately after, somebody jumps out from the side and hugs me. A pair of twitching ears on the head and a tail that's swinging buzzingly attached to the butt.

"You're alright huh, Ferris?"

When I ask that, Ferris raises her face

"Of course! Ehehe~, it's Lei's smell for the first time in a long while~!"

, and she snuggles up to my chest. Wai, it's ticklish.

"Geez, Ferris. More importantly, I didn't think that Viscount Kennus himself would actually come"

Alexia speaks to the old person who's beside Helen. That person is Viscount Kennus huh. He's a somewhat gentle-looking Ojii-san.

"Hohoho. What, if it is Your Highness Alexia's request, I will come immediately at any time. Besides, I cannot leave that rascal Mangus like this"

Viscount Kennus, who then releases killing intent. What's with this Ojii-san. Helen came to my side when I was looking at Viscount Kennus.

"Helen, I'm glad you're safe"

"Of course. After all, the only place for me to return to, is um, beside Lei-kun"

Helen, who says and grabs my right hand softly. Her face is also turning bright red. ......It's incredibly adorable though. On my left side is Ferris, who snuggles up to me, and on my right side is Helen, who quietly brings herself close to me. You two are too adorable.

"Hey, don't keep flirting outside, we're going inside"

Alexia returns to the mansion with a bitter smile and Aerith follows Alexia after glaring fixedly at me. Cait returns while cursing at me mutteringly and we follow suit. Ferris and Helen cling to my arms, and the people around are whispering about that. It's slightly embarrassing, you know.

I return to the mansion even while I'm feeling slightly embarrassed, and everybody gathers at the room where we previously gathered.

"First, I suppose let's start with my greetings. I am Viscount Elmer・Kennus. I had served as the Second Commander during the reign of the previous King. I should be able to move decently even now. I'll be in your care"

Viscount Kennus, who says and smiles cheerfully. His appearance is that of an amiable old man, but the atmosphere he's clad in is that of a veteran warrior. The true identity of the killing intent just now is this huh.

"Nice to meet you; my name is Leivelt・Runwalker. I will be in your care, Viscount Kennus"

"Aye, I'll be in your care, Lei-dono. Hmm. I can't fathom you. The comrades around you are also rather capable. This is what, a new generation is rising, means huh"

Viscount Kennus looks at us in sequence and mutters heartily. All we could do was give a bitter smile.

Afterwards, we respectively talked about the matters that happened. It seems Helen and Ferris only encountered a few monsters after that and there weren't any other problems. They arrived safe and sound at Viscount Kennus Territory, Helen represented and went to meet Viscount Kennus, and explained what's currently happening.

Viscount Kennus gladly agreed and arranged the soldiers for us as well, but it took some time and ended up becoming today. It looks like Viscount Kennus commanded 500 soldiers by himself. I ask whether the public order is fine with that, and he said there's still around 500 at the territory, and his son is around, so it's fine. As one would expect of a former Commander. He covers all the bases.

It seems the women are sheltered at Viscount Kennus' place. Dargris and the others are together with them as well. I'm thankful for everything he's done. I've got to return this favour.

Next, we talk about what happened to us and what we were talking about just now to Viscount Kennus and the others. When we talk about that matter, everybody's expression darkens altogether.

"......Hmm, it's not impossible. That fool. There were territories that were destroyed in the past, and yet he's trying to repeat the same thing"

Viscount Kennus mutters in disgust. It's a neighbouring territory, so it seems he had some connections with the previous Baron Mangus. He'd known the current Baron Mangus since then, and it appears that he had been a selfish youngster.

Viscount Kennus says that he doesn't fix no matter how many times the previous Baron says him and the previous Baron had passed away with that regret. After that, Viscount Kennus also said him numerous times, but it reached today without him fixing. And this is the result. I think if it's like this then it can't be helped even if he's hated.

"It's pointless to carry on waiting for the goblins to turn up. I'll split my soldiers into several squads and have them check on the villages within the Baron Territory. I'll send a request to the Adventurer's Guild and have them cooperate at the same time; I guess these are the only ways for now. How's that, Your Highness Alexia?"

"Yeah. I'm thinking that in the meantime, we'll help on the revival of the territory. Is that alright, everybody?"

We nod at Alexia's words altogether.

After that, we talk about various matters, decide on what to do hereafter, and it seems we'll let the soldiers rest today. It appears that they left yesterday afternoon and came by forced march so the soldiers are probably exhausted as well. We didn't have any objection either, so we also decided to rest.

It'll be busy again from tomorrow onwards, so I guess I'll also have a good rest. I also have to check my status for the first time in a long while.