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What We Encountered Was

"......Has it finally calmed down?"

"......I think so. But, I never would have thought that that Suzaku-sama would actually lose"

In a certain room in the Imperial Castle. Just as we're about to head to where our objective, the First Imperial Princess, is, we, who noticed soldiers hurrying over, hid in a nearby room.

Upon listening to the passing-by soldiers' conversation while we're hiding in there, we're able to hear the reason the castle is in an uproar.

It's because an individual of the Four Beasts Houses, the Vermillion House's Head of the Family, who had participated in the Demihuman Country's war, had returned in defeat, that the castle has become tumultuous.

In the war against the Demihuman Country, which they shouldn't lose, the individual with the strongest fighting strength was defeated. I suppose that's gonna cause a tumult. It looks like Boss has no intention to hide huh.

And after hiding for a while, the soldiers' presences vanished, so we once again set our eyes on where the First Imperial Princess is. It might've turned into an uproar, but it's already late at night nevertheless. There's no way there are that many soldiers. It's not like they're being attacked after all.

Shertia and I silently walk down the corridor in the castle. I noticed it right when we climbed up to about the 3rd floor but

"......We've been noticed huh"


Shertia, who raises a voice of astonishment at my mutter. A killing intent that pours down at the same time as that. I hug Shertia in my arms and jump back from that spot. Immediately after, a black shadow flew out from the ground where we were.

"Th, this is, the Imperial Princess' magic!?"

Heh. This is obviously Dark Magic. I see. I should've asked Shertia about it in details. And then, the passage where we are is enveloped by darkness. We've been rendered unable to escape.

"I don't know why there's a wraith in the castle, but I'll be erasing you, who trespassed"

A woman who appears from the ground like the shadow just now. It was the figure of a woman so gorgeous that it's unimaginable from surrounding's dark colour, that emerged from the black shadow.

Her pink hair is wavy and waist-length. Her dress figure spells Imperial Princess.

"Eh? Wra, wraith?"

Shertia, who raises a voice of astonishment inside my arms. Come to think of it, I didn't tell her my true identity huh. However, now's not the time for that. Shadows reach over from the ground one after another, about to skewer us.

I can manage one way or another if it's just me, but right now, Shertia is in my arms. I don't plan on abandoning her, seeing that we've come this far.

"Go, Opus Killer!"

I toss a magic crystal towards the top of the Imperial Princess' head. And then, the Teleportation Magic activates in the sky and an Opus Killer appears, about to crush the Imperial Princess. 

"Wha!? This monster is!"

Elise Imperial Princess extends the shadow towards the Opus Killer and skewers the Opus Killer even while she's surprised by something. Just as we thought, 'Is the Imperial Princess, who skewered the Opus Killer, going to once again extend the shadow at us?', surprisingly, she's pulling the Opus Killer she skewered towards herself and observing it. 

"I see! It's not just one corpse that you control; you've combined and strengthened them huh! But, to do this, an equivalent amount of magic power should be required. The person who could create this possesses an outrageous amount of magic power huh!"

After she observed the Opus Killer for a while in such a manner, she looked and drew closer in our direction. 

"You! Why do you possess that monster!? Are you, an acquaintance of that person!?"

"That person?"

"Geez, don't play dumb with me! Isn't it obvious that I'm talking about the person who created that monster! Ah, a lie like you created it isn't going to work. I've been watching the war against the Demihuman Country through a familiar, so I know that that person combined the corpses and is creating the monsters!"

The Imperial Princess who questions me zestfully. I see, she knows about Boss huh. Looking at the shadow magic that she's using since just now, this Imperial Princess is also well versed in Dark Magic. 

I wonder if she's interested in Boss who possessed the same......no, the power that's beyond herself.

"In that case, let's first go somewhere where we can talk. If we're at the corridor, somebody's gonna come"

"Muu, I guess you're right. In that case, let's go to my room. If it's there, nobody can enter without my permission"

The darkness that's surrounding the vicinity disappears when Elise Imperial Princess says that and we return to the corridor we walked over. 

As I was about to follow behind Elise Imperial Princess, who's about to return to her room, there's the sensation of my sleeve being tugged. I turned around and Shertia, who looks up at me anxiously, was there. 

"Chrono-san. The conversation just now is......"

"Un, I'll properly talk to you about it. I want you to believe in just this for now. I'm your ally. I'll definitely protect you"

Shertia, who nods to my words. I follow behind the Imperial Princess while pulling the hand of Shertia, who makes an anxious-looking expression. 

Shertia, I'll protect you till the end no matter what happens. I want you to believe in just that.


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