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 The Slaves' Party Plan 2


"However, who will decide the outcome for that?"

It was Serina who voiced out first.

As Serina drinks up the beverage in her cup in one go, she looks at the other four persons.

In regard to that, Eleanor goes, 'Indeed. How about we have Egil-sama decide?', and then Sana goes, 'I think that's probably the best', and nods numerous times. '......But, it'll be even fairer if we concealed our names', Fiーsays and pats the White Rabbit, Runa says, 'I'd, like that, too', and nods as she holds a cup in her hands.

It seems that the five of them have made up their minds.

All of them stood up respectively, and with spirit burning in those eyes of theirs, they dispersed and went off to look for the things they want.

Because they're always renting it, this inn is reserved. There's not a sight of any customers besides Egil and the others.

And as soon as Egil returned to the inn, he opened his eyes widely.

"......What's, with this?"

The inn that's usually ordinary. And yet, just for today, it's being decorated with slightly flashy ornaments. Eleanor and Serina rush over to Egil,

"Egil-sama, welcome back. All of us thought of having a little party and prepared it together"

"Welcome back, Egil-san. How is it, it has become party-like huh"

"Ah, aah"

Fiー, and then, Sana and Runa as well, gather by Egil's side.

It's probably the inn's shopkeeper thoughtfulness for them. Having gone back to their own room that they're usually lodging at, it's only Egil and the others who are here.

And on the table, extravagant dishes that the five girls made are being lined up.

"Now, now, please take a seat"

Egil was ushered to the table and,

"Let's eat!"

"Let's eat"

Egil still hasn't gotten a grasp of the situation, but he was swept along by the girls and proceeded with the meal.

Each and every dish is delicious.

It's a given for Eleanor, who had learnt all kinds of things as a princess, as well as Serina, who often cooks at home.

Egil knows that the two of them are skilful at cooking as well.

Those girls probably took the lead and cooked.

However, Egil's expectations' were overthrown.

"I never would've thought that Fiーsan would be good at cooking. Have you been cooking somewhere?"

"......I've been cooking, for everybody"



Fi points her finger.

Over there, starting from the White Rabbit, there are cats, birds, and even small hamsters.

Those boys and girls are eating the same dishes as humans as well. They're Fiー's family, as well as the animals that become Fiー's strength.

And the party continued.

Why did it turn out like this, in what way did they make the dishes, and so forth; the six-person party livened up splendidly.

However, the main event of today's party starts here.

"Now, now, we have preparations to make, so Egil-sama, please wait in the room"

"Eh? Wai, Eleanor? What'sーー"

Egil, whose back was pushed and forced out.

Just for now, it's as though his large body is frail, and the master-servant relationship is reversed.

"Now then, the main event starts here"

Eleanor, who returned, proclaims.

Deciding the order. Inside Serina's hand that she stuck out in front are five slips of thin long paper.

Five of them drew at the same time and checked the numbers that were hidden in their hands.


Knock Knock.

"......Go ahead"

"Ex, excuse, me"

The first one was Runa.

She, who's in thin pink slumber clothes, fidgetily brings both her hands around to her back, and as though saying, 'I'm hiding something', she approaches the bed that Egil sits, making sure to not show her back.

"May I, sit, beside you?"

"Ah, aah, take a seat"

She, who's normally mature and slightly restless.

Today, that suspicious behaviour of hers increases and she gives off a somewhat disquieting vibe,

And then, she, who sat beside him, sighed a lengthy, 'Fuu', and brought a red colour box that she's holding behind out to the front.

"This is, a present"

"Present? For what?"

"......I don't know, but I went with the flow since everybody is giving something....... Besides, I too, was thinking, that I want to thank Egil-san for having helped me"

"I see. Thanks"

The red colour box is wrapped beautifully with a ribbon.

Its size is about that of a person's face. Egil undoes the ribbon, carefully removes the wrapping paper it's wrapped in and, it was a bear plushie that came out from within the box.

Egil, who takes it out and looks at its entirety.

It's just an ordinary plushie.

Runa, who stares at Egil looking confused, blushes, and her eyes that are always covered by her fringe, dampen and wobble.

"I, I I, I didn't know, what to get......as I thought, you, hate it huh. Something, like a bear-chan plushie......"

"No, there's no such thing. Thanks, Runa"

When he pats her head, Runa smiles and becomes bashful happily.

"Ac, actually, you know. Amongst the animals, I like bear-chan. And soーーーー"

In the hour after that, the two of them had a trifle chat.


Knock Knock.

"Go ahead"

He read the flow through the case with Runa.

A person has about an hour. The girls visit the room in an unknown order.

And the next person who entered was, Fiー, who brought along her beloved pets.

"Fiー is next huh"


As soon as she, who's always taciturn, sat on the bed next to him, she released the pets that she's carrying.

The animals move around unrulily. In an instant, the inside of the room was enveloped in the smell of animals.

And then Fiー, she handed a small box to Egil.

It's a box that's not at all decorated. 'It's like Fiー to not decorate it', Egil smiled inside his heart.

And when he opens it up, there's a diversity of feed inside.

"This is?"

"......Everybody's feed. Everybody smiles when they're eating"

"Feed huh......"

She's still trying to feed something, to the animals who were eating home cooking until just now huh.......

Egil had a feeling that he had a slight glimpse, of Fiー's slightly extreme way of expressing her love.

However, that's like her as well.

Besides, it's indeed as Fiー said, to Egil who has never fed animals before, he felt slightly relaxed when he feeds animals.

It's an experience that he's never had before until now. Although there wasn't any particularly conversation-like conversation, it became a great present to Egil.


Knock Knock.

"Yes, go ahead"

"Excuーse me. Hey, it somehow reeks of animals"

In the room that still smells of animals, a cheerful voice reverberates.

It appears that the next one is Sana. It had been a continuation of two people who are way more matured so inside Egil, the word, 'Fresh', comes to mind.

As she smiles, she dives butt-first next to Egil while making a delighted expression.

Egil's body softly floats from the recoil of that and both their bodies nestle close to each other.

"It somewhat reeks heavily of animals huh, this room. If I'm not wrong, it's Fiーsan before me, right? What kind of a present were you given?"

"I fed animals. It was unexpectedly soothing"

"Heh, I see. If I'm not wrong, the pets Fiーsan are rearing......aah, she gets angry if I don't say, 'family'. Fiーsan's family are friendly huh"

"Aah, yeah"

"If I'm not wrong, their names areーー"

The trifle chat continues.

Even so, Sana doesn't try to bring out the present she hid at her back.

5 minutes.


15 minutes.

The time passes with just some small talk-like trivial conversations.

And then fidgetily, Sana is waiting for the right timing to hand the present she hid at her back.

"Are you, giving me something?"

Egil asks, and 'Paa', her expression brightens up, and she brings a small light blue box out in front while nodding several times.

"Erm. I've never given a present before, so I don't know what would make you happy, but I chose it in my style, so if you'd like......"

Sana who says and hesitantly hands it over.

Inside the box was a small and lovely glasswork angel ornament when he opens it up.

"This is?"

"I don't have much money, so I was able to finally buy it after haggling with the stand's old man. I thought it's transparent and beautiful. I, like these kinds of beautiful things"

Sana says and worriedly asks, 'Egil-san, doesn't really like it? Such things'.

Egil, he doesn't really get delighted at the sight of nightscapes and beautiful things. But just for now, her kindness, her smile, is delightful to Egil.

So he pats her head and replies with a gentle smile that's like him.

"Nope, I like it too. Above all, it's something Sana bought for me, so I'm happy"

"Really? I'm glad....... Erm, erm, this, you knowーー"

Her worrisome figure of whether or not to hand it over is no longer there.

The expression of her, who explains her gift, is unusually lively and blissful-looking.


Knock Knock.

Two people remain.

Eleanor and Serina.

And the one who entered was,

"Egil-san, are you awake?"

Serina, who worries whether if Egil is asleep for some reason.

With her hand still placed on the doorknob, she peeks in with just her face and timidly enters.

"No, I'm not asleep. Why?"

"No, it's already late in the night, so I was thinking if you're sleepy"

It's her personality to worry for him huh.

Kind. It's because she notices even the slightest indication that Egil ends up smiling happily.

And before she sits beside him, Serina put out the room's lights.

"How were the presents from everybody?"

"I was happy, of course. They're somewhat individualistic and portrayed their respective personalities"

"Fufu, is that so. I purchased it apart from everybody, but I chose it thinking, 'I have to make sure not to get the same as everybody else as wellー'. How is it? Did I get the same thing?"

She prepares a small table in front of Egil, who sits on the bed, and places a candle on top of it.

And when it's lighted up, the inside of the room was engulfed in orange light, and they could perceive a sweet fragrant through their noses.

"This is?"

"It's apparently a candle that's made using a special wax. It apparently has a relaxation effect, how is it?"

"Aah, it smells very good"

"Let's try lying down for a bit, shall we"

Serina, who sat beside Egil, grabs his sleeve and lies down.

And then Egil too, lies on top of the bed.

Serina, who lies facing the left, glues her body to Egil, and blissfully brings her face to his shoulder and rubs on it.

"I thought that maybe something that lasts might be good, but as expected, I didn't want to get the same thing as everybody else"

"Indeed, if it's this then it won't be the same as theirs"

"Yeah. It feels good lying down and slowly passing the time like this, doesn't it? ......Hey, like this, it's me who's happy huh. It's as though it's a present for me"

"No, I like doing this as well. Thanks"

"No no. Likewise, thank you"

Serina said and closed her eyes.

"Nevertheless, why did you guys suddenly think to have a party and give presents?"

"......It's, of course, because everybody is grateful to Egil-san. It's all thanks to Egil-san that we can all laugh and stay together like this"

"I didn't do much. I just did it, because I want to. ......Or rather, is Serina fine with it?"

"With what?"

"Isn't there any place you want to go, anything you want to do, or whatnot?"

Thereupon, Serina mutters, 'Nnー',

"I think, I had things I want to do. Expanding Otou-san and Okaa-san's plantations, rearing more livestock, and so forth. However, it won't come true anymore. After that is......"

Serina, who closed her eyes, continued her words after taking a slight pause.

"I wanted to be with those girls forever, my two younger sisters whom I got separated with, is what I think"

"......You, had younger sisters huh"

"Ah, sorry. Please forget what I just said......"

It's the first time Egil has heard of it.

It's not that she was hiding it. Rather, if he asked, she would talk about it immediately.

It's just that, it's probably because she herself didn't want to make Egil, who saved her, worry any more than this that she didn't talk about them until now.

Just as it is, Egil is already trying to help the people around him.

If Eleanor and Serina, and the newly added Fiー, Sana, and Runa are troubled, he will lend a hand gratis. And those troubles, they're not completely gone yet.

The girls who are wounded. Egil gives his all to save those girls.

Hence, surely, it's why Serina didn't talk about it. So that she doesn't burden him any further.

"I'll try calling out to my acquaintances to see if there's anybody who saw them. I'll give my all to look for them as well"

But now that he's heard it, Egil will probably give his all to save Serina's younger sisters.

She'd known that he's that kind of a man. Nevertheless, Serina reconfirms that, becomes happy, and grabs Egil's arm tightly so as to hide her face.

"......Thank, you"


Knock Knock.

"Egil-sama, excuse me"

The last one is Eleanor.

As she politely bows and greets, she sits down slowly beside him as it is.

"How were the presents from everybody?"

"I was very happy. Besides, I got to hear various things"

"I am glad. Planning it was the right choice huh"

"Perhaps, did Eleanor come up with it?"

"Yes. It is because there were many things even after returning from the Goliath Fortress. I could see that Egil-sama was busy and did not really talk to everybody, so I thought, 'If only there is the chance for Egil-sama to talk to everybody, just two people, even if it is just a little'"

"Is that so....... Indeed, I'd been busy and couldn't really talk to everybody. Thanks"

"No no. However, I received the last place in the order though"

She closes her eyes and grins.

"Don't tell me, you schemed for it to end up that way?"

"No no, I will not do such things. Besides, Serina said to decide it through a lottery so I am unable to cheat. I think maybe I was just lucky"

"It's somewhat suspicious......"

"Geez, what kind of impression does Egil-sama have of me?"

Eleanor says with a sulky look.

And then, both of them laughed at the same time.

The encounter with Eleanor was a coincidence.

However, upon seeing Eleanor, Egil fell for her instantly.

Both of them were wounded. It is probably not such a fate-like reason, but it is doubtless that he felt something.

A slave who heals Egil. A woman who supports Egil. Egil's precious girl.

It has become a given for her to be beside him now.

"Oh, oh. A present from me as well"

Eleanor says and, hands a slightly brownish yellow flower petal bookmark to Egil.

"This is?"

"Yeah. I have never given a 'present' before until now, so I took into consideration what Egil-sama wants, what will make Egil-sama happy, and looked for something to give but I still could not find anything. So I thought maybe I shall give Egil-sama the thing that I cherish the most"

"Is that this bookmark? Is it alright for me to receive the thing that you cherish the most?"

"Eeh, that flower petal's name is, 'Eleanor', the same name as me. It is a flower that no longer exists now, so by any chance, that might be the last flower. I want Egil-sama to have that"

Eleanor said and sat between Egil's thighs.

"Think of that flower as meーーI will not say such lines of a clingy woman, but if I can have the person whom I will continue to love dearly from now on until forever to have the thing that I have cherished the most the whole time, I will feel happy"


"Well, it is the utmost present of the destitute me"

Eleanor, who raised her head, kisses Egil.

Various things accumulated, and Egil, a prominent existence known as an S Rank Adventurer, sadly has no money.

Hence, the girls who are with him are also inevitably, living a very destitute life.

Nevertheless, like this, each of them displays their home cooking, and each of them gives him the present they racked their brain on.

Money and such doesn't matter, for Egil, he felt very happy.

"I wonder how long has it been, since I received something like a present"

"Hereafter, there is plenty, to receive, as well as to give. Since we will be together forever. Me, as well as everybody......"

The pair who kissed once again.

And then everything's over and it's time for the announcement of the resultーーwas what was planned, but Egil isn't a man who can decide something whose present he prefers, and the girls had known it right from the start.

Hence, without even asking boorish questions like, 'Whose present was the best?'ーーthe transient breakーーthe event that cultivates each other's relationship ends peacefully.

Be that as it may, the five people who thought, even if they're unable to monopolize him, they want to sleep together with him, and with Egil in the middle, the six people ended up lying on a cramp and narrow bed and sleeping together.