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What Came Was

Amidst the chiming of the bell that's on the premise, we came to the Pope's side. In the surroundings, the Knights are running around even more hurriedly than just now.

When we enter the room, the Pope is giving various orders to the Knights. Each one of them wore a gorgeous armour......geh! 'Serpent' was it, that Knight-Captain of the Azure Dragon Chivalric Order is here. ......Of course huh. No way he's not around when something's befalling the country.

"Aah, you're here, Caroline. Come over here. Lei-kun and the others as well"

And then, the Pope, who noticed that we came in, beckons us inside. They're looking scrutinisingly at us when we went inside. A beautiful woman who wore a crimson armour and tied her golden hair in a ponytail, along with a ferocious-looking man who wore a white armour and combed his golden hair back; a brown-haired man who wore a green armour and carried a gigantic shield on his back and who's also quite large himself, along with Knight-Captain Serpent. The fact that they gathered here means

"I'll keep it short since there isn't much time, the Knights here are the Knight-Captains of their respective Chivalric Orders. I'll have them take command of their individual squads. These kids will be Caroline's guards. Their capabilities are quite something so you guys might even be saved by them for all that we know, alright?"

When the Pope jokingly says such a thing, the air in the room instantly turns bad. What are you stirring them up right before the battle for, Pope! Especially the white armour Knight, he's glaring at us terribly.

"Well, there's no time now so we'll continue afterwards. The Chivalric Orders will do accordingly to what I said just now. Basically, the Vermillion Bird Chivalric Order will cast magic attacks at the middle. The other Chivalric Orders will provide support. Caro will defend with the barrier as usual. Everybody, the country's fate is at stake. I'm counting on you"


the Knight-Captains who say and leave the room. As we're about to leave as well

"Lei-kun, can I have a minute?"

I was called and stopped by the Pope. I wonder what's the matter?

"What is the matter?"

"Ah well, I have a small request for Lei"

A request for me? I can accept it if it's within my realm of capability though.

"My request is regarding Caroline. We don't have the slightest intention to lose either even if our opponent is an Ancient Dragon. However, something unexpected might happen on the off chance. At that time, the time when Lei-kun judged that we've already lost, I want you to escape together with Caroline"

"Your Honour"

"Caroline's happiness finally came. I do not want to let it end at a place like this"

The Pope who looks at me with a serious expression. ......He cares that much for Caroline. As I'm thinking about it

"Well, we plan to win, so think about it when something of the off chance happens. I'll get serious as well after all"

He says to me with a smile. The Pope's seriousness huh. His aura is also one that's close to Shishou so he's probably quite strong.

"I understand. I will think about it when something of the off chance happens"

"I'm counting on you. Alright then, let's go. I have to have you go on a date with Caroline tomorrow as well. It has been a while so I'll go on a date with Christina as well"

"I think Christina-sama will be delighted as well"

"Un. And you know, Christina, she was saying that she wants you to call her Okaa-sama"

the Pope says to me with a grin. I guess I'll try calling her that once this fight is over. ......It's somewhat flag-like but I'm not bothered by it.

While having such a conversation, I came to the top of the castle walls where Caro is on standby. Its height is about 10 meters huh. Well, I guess it's meaningless against a Dragon though.

"Lei, what were you talking about with Otou-sama?"

"Nn? It's a trifling conversation. More importantly, how are you feeling?"

"I can give it my all since you're with me"

I look to Caro's direction and Caro's hanging her head with a crimson face. It's to the extent that I can tell even though she's wearing a mask. It's somewhat embarrassing.

"Le~i~, pay attention to us as well~"

I was embraced by Alexia from behind as I'm looking at Caro in that manner. Maybe it's because my growth period recently came, my height is about 170 and the height difference with Alexia is pretty much gone. A soft sensation is on my back.

"Yeah! We're also your fiancés!"

Ferris who says and lightly taps her tail on my right hand. I pat Ferris' head while smiling bitterly. Seeing that, Aerith giggles. Hey, this ain't the 'we're going to enter a battle from now on' mood.

As we're fooling about in that manner

"It's here!"

we hear a shout from somewhere. Everybody bring out their weapons the moment they heard that voice. I also bring out Rolgar and look at the direction that everybody is looking at and, over there

"......It's large"

Even though it's still close to 1 kilometre away, a Dragon that's quite the size is flying over. Its size is about 5 meters with just its body, but because it's spreading its wings out, it has a size of probably close to 20 meters. There are crimson lines here and there in the places that are clad in black scales.

Thereupon, the Dragon's crimson lines started shining. In the next instant, a crimson beam was released from the Dragon's mouth. That's!

"Br, breath is comingg!"

Somebody amongst the Knights shouts. The crimson beam that ploughs forward in a straight line. Just as I wondered if it'll carry on to reach us, the beam was curved towards the sky. I look at the place where it was curved and, it's slightly difficult to see but there's a thin membrane-like thing being put up. I look to the side and

"「Holy Severence」, like I'll let you do it that easily!"

Caro puts both her hands out in front and shouts. As I thought, that membrane was Caro's technique huh. However, to actually curve an attack with that intensity, how impressive.

And then, perhaps it reached a distance where the magic over here can reach

"Vermillion Bird Chivalric Order, cast your magic!"

a woman's voice was heard. It's the Vermillion Bird Chivalric Order's Knight-Captain huh. The moment I heard that voice, all kinds of magic were cast from each and every Knight.

Along with the spears of ice, there are spears of flame, along with a large number of blades of wind, there are blades of ice. Along with a downpour of rocks, there's also a downpour of lightning.

All kinds of magic land on the Dragon one after another, but the Dragon ploughs forward without caring at all. And then


there was the sound like that of something crashing into a wall.


It crashed into Caro's barrier huh. However, the Dragon tries to plough ahead nevertheless. Caro endures while clenching her teeth,

"「Reflective Barrier」"

Caro shouts. Thereupon


the Dragon throws its head back, appearing as though it was repelled. In that case, I as well

"Lightning Spears 100 Chain"

I raise my hand and spears of lightning appear in the sky. When I aimed at the Dragon and swung my hand down, all of the spears that shine bluish-white were released towards the Dragon. While making sparking sounds, all of the spears that travel at the speed of lightning land on the Dragon.


Maybe because the ones now were effective, it raised a different voice from just now. However, it looks like it's not really injured. What tremendously hard scales those are. Maybe because the Dragon also knew that I was the one who attacked it, it glares at me. It then stores crimson magic power in its mouth and starts shining in crimson as well. That's the breath just now huh.

As I readied Rolgar once again and waited, a white beam was released at the Dragon from a different location. What's that?

The Dragon's breath and the white beam then collided and caused a huge explosion. It was curved by Caro just now so there wasn't any explosion but it actually has this much power huh. However, to have an attack that's equal to that....... Who in the world is it? As I'm thinking about such things,

"Geez, Otou-sama"

Caro lets out an exasperated voice. Which means, the Pope did it? The Pope was readying something when I look to his direction. That's


I'm also not really knowledgeable about it so I don't know the type but, the Pope was holding things that are like the pistols of my previous life in both hands. As both the Pope's hands start to shine, the pistols also start to shine. ......Is it absorbing the Pope's magic power? And then


and two flashes were released. The Dragon narrowly avoids the bullets that were shot at the speed of light. It'd have probably been quite powerful had it landed. But dual pistols huh. I was thinking that it's kinda cool.

When I thought, 'At this rate, we can even defeat the Ancient Dragon, can't we', I heard a voice.

"Guhahahaha! Ain't too shabby huh, you guys. I'm gonna join in as well!"

And, what jumped down from the Dragon's back and landed before the gate, was a man with a large build of about 3 meters, four arms, purple skin and short silver hair.

I didn't notice it because I was focusing too much on the Dragon but that's......a Demon Race.



Hope to see faster release. It is very enjoyable. Thank you for the hard work


I'm glad you like it. I'll try to keep to my schedule as far as possible. ( *• ̀ω•́ )b グッ☆