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VS Divine Beast

"Nice to meet you. I am the Queen of Mercure Kingdom, Elysineze・Mercure. Feel free to call me Elyze, otherwise, please call me Okaa-san, Sonny"

......I don't know whether she's being serious or she's joking but the Demihuman Country's Queen says something like that to me. I ignore the Queen's words and sit on a chair.

"I think you already know, but I'm Hardt. So then, shall I have you tell me why you know about me, Queen Mercure"

Melda panics, Liscia and Mars stand behind me. The Queen was puffing out her cheeks because of the way I called the Queen. The Queen, a long living and practically perennially youthful elf, looks as though she's not that much different in age from her daughter, Melda. It's to the extent that one wouldn't know even if they said they're sisters.

"Geez, how cold. But it's fine. I'll make you call me 'Okaa-san' during the time you're here"

......Seriously, what is this woman talking about? The Queen came towards a dumbfounded me, hugged my head tightly, and stroked it. It was too natural so neither I nor Liscia and the others were able to react, and after a short delay, I move away aggressively.

"Ara, you ran away. It doesn't particularly matter if you be yourself and spend your time relaxedly here, you know? Although you may possess strength, you're still a child after all. You still have plenty of time to behave spoiled"

"......Answer my question. How did you know about me"

I ignore the Queen's words and move the conversation on. Relax? Behave spoiled? Don't screw with me. I don't have the leisure for that. Above all else......above all else, I'm pissed at myself for being swept away even slightly by this Queen's atmosphere. What Okaa-san. I have only one Okaa-san.

The Queen who looks at my state and sighs, 'Haah'. She carries on to return to the seat that she was sitting until just now.

"It looks like it'll still take plenty of time huh. Well, it's fine. Why I know about you, is it. You might've already heard it from Melda but it's in my ability. My power is clairvoyance and my occupation is also one called 'Shrine Maiden'. I protect the Divinity Tree that's in this country"

As I thought huh. I guess she saw my fight with the Divine Beast or what happened after I won, with that power. As a result, she also found out my name, abilities, and objective at that time huh.

"From the looks of it, it seems you've come to a more or less conjecture huh. This power, on top of the fact that it's unable to look at the future for a very long time, even I, an elf, which has a larger magic power capacity in comparison to the various races, can't really use it consecutively, and when I was searching for a way to somehow defeat the Divine Beast, I was suddenly able to see you. You who fight the Divine Beast"

"In that case, don't you know the method to defeat the Divine Beast from that prophecy? You don't particularly need to call me"

"It's, useless. We'll certainly lose if we take it on all together and the country will be destroyed. However, the future split when Sonny participated. Into a defeated future, and a victorious future, even if you participated. But that future is as yet still not fixed in place"

That's how powerful the Divine Beast is huh. I'm becoming to want it more and more. Besides, it's even better that I get to steal it from the Goddess.

"In that case, let's go and have a look at the Divine Beast"

I stand up and leave the room. Liscia comes along as well with an excited look, and Mars is being nervous again. The Queen and the others, of course, come along as well.

We once again ride on the Wyvern and fly until the foot of the Divinity Tree. Although it's to the point that it's visible even from afar, that hugeness is even more apparent when we get closer. This Divinity Tree, its peak is breaking through the clouds.

At the foot of it was a beast that's releasing quite a bit of killing intent. Its entire body was covered with silver fur, on its head grew a sharp and pointed horn, and its eyes that shines red were sparkling in killing intent.

And then, the moment it saw me, that killing intent swells up instantly. As the killing intent swells up, lightning gushes from the horn on its head simultaneously, and the inside of the barrier that's imprisoning the Divine Beast shines. That barrier won't hold anymore.

"Queen, immediately send your subordinates away if you don't want to kill them. That barrier......"

"Eeh, it won't hold anymore huh......but more than the Divine Beast's lightning, I have a feeling that that thing of yours is more dangerous though......"

"Take that into account as well and send them away. I can see it rampaging the instant that barrier wears out. I want to get some headstart even if it's just a little"

I create cone-shaped objects that have quite a bit of my magic power packed in it, in the air. I create as many as I can. It probably won't settle with just a few thousand. I turn all of it towards the Divine Beast.

When Melda casts magic towards the sky on the Queen's order, the Demihumans who were putting up the barrier move away from the area. The barrier disappears due to the fact that Demihumans who were putting it up left, and at the same time as that, I release all the objects in the sky towards the Divine Beast.

"<ruby>Rain <em>of</em> Chaos<rt>Chaos Rain</rt></ruby>"

The cone-shaped objects that head furiously towards the Divine Beast. I thought about what might the Divine Beast do, but it roars,「Gaaaa!」, once and the horn on its head shines with lightning, and in the next instant, a lightning barrier that goes as far as to cover the Divine Beast's entire body was made.

My attacks furiously collided with the lightning barrier, but the instant they collided, lightning discharged into the cones and they were scorched and annihilated.

After it fully defends itself from all the attacks, the Divine Beast looks over at us and smirks. That fellow, it pisses me off.

"Shall we go, Liscia"

"Aah, I never would've thought that I'll be able to fight an opponent like this after reviving. My tremor of excitement won't stop!"

Liscia jumped down from the Wyvern while delightfully saying that. In her hand, she's holding an ashen sword like the time with the Empire.

"Queen and the others, I'll leave the supporting to you. Mars, you'll watch and learn this time as well"

"Un, understood!"

I also jump down from the Wyvern. I'm not able to do it like Liscia so I materialize disks in the air and make footholds. Scythes in both hands.



During the time when I'm descending, Liscia has finally arrived at the Divine Beast and was slashing at it. The Divine Beast repels Liscia's sword with its horn and blew Liscia away with its right leg. Liscia slams into the ground but she immediately stands up and heads towards the Divine Beast. I shall quickly head over as well.


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