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Strange Quest

Morning of the following day.

Eleanor, Serina, and I have come to meet Gossendorf.

"I have been waiting, Egil-sama"

Also because of the fact that it's early in the morning, in this light meal shop where Adventurers settle their light meals, there are many Adventurers around.

But there's nobody in Gossendorf's vicinity.

I suppose he probably kept them away. I suppose he sensed that we're thinking it's a subject we don't really want people to hear huh.

"I appreciate what you did yesterday. Thanks"

"No, no. Now, now, all three of you, please sit over here"

Led to the table seats, we sat.

"So, you found out their whereabouts?"

It's for the sake of hearing the outcome of the『Search for those childhood friends who made Eleanor into a slave』 request that I asked of Gossendorf a week ago that we came here.

And then when we sit on the table, Gossendorf looks over the surroundings.

"I want to explain about that but......please wait for a while more"

"Nn, what's the matter?"

"No......ah, here he is"

The one Gossendorf was waiting for was, Habrik.

It's early in the morning and yet the vicinity of Habrik's refreshing good-looking face somehow feels like it's of another world.

But why is Habrik here?

I don't remember having called him......then.

"Gossendorf called him?"

"Eeh, I thought it is good for Habrik to be around as well if I am to report this matter"

"Habrik as well......?"

"It's been yesterday, Sir. As well as Eleanor-san and Serina-san"

Habrik who raises his hand and greets, 'Yaa Yaa Yaa', sits beside Gossendorf.

The two of them sit beside each other and the three of us sit side by side on the other side.

And then Gossendorf starts the conversation.

"Well then. First of all, this is my own arbitrary conjecture but, the three who Egil-sama asked for, they are people who are related to the reason Eleanor-san became a slave, am I correct to say that?"

I didn't explain it in detail but he's on the mark.

Not knowing whether if it's fine to talk about it, I look at Eleanor. Thereupon, she nodded her head.

"Aah, that's right. Although Eleanor personally also still doesn't understand the reason clearly, it seems there's no mistake that the three of them are involved"

"Is that so. ThenーーI will start from the result"

Without putting on airs, Gossendorf states the result.

"I obtained information of the location where those three people are currently at"

"Already found out huh......as expected"

But, Gossendorf's expression is different from that of a joyful expression of having accomplished an objective, it's a slightly bitter smile expression like he has something he's finding hard to say.

And such an expression is, also the same for Habrik who sits beside him.

"Do you remember that I talked to you about the『Goliath Fortress Invasion Battle』quest?"

"Aah, that A Rank's Joint Quest huh. I remember, but what's the matter with that?"

"The three people Egil-sama told me to investigate, they are participating in that quest"

"......Those three people are?"

I look at Eleanor who sits beside me upon hearing those words from Gossendorf.

"But, their ranks are C, right?"

"Eeh, it was so when they were in the same guild as me......though it has already been a month"

"A month huh......"

Adventurer Rank, as well as Guild Rank, both of which go up through clearing quests.

But, to raise it from C Rank to A Rank in just a month, it's impossible unless they complete quests fairly efficiently.

And then, the quest that one can accept is determined through the rank.

That's why an Adventurer who's C Rank is, unable to accept an A Rank's quest.

Butーーthere's a method for even a C Rank Adventurer to accept an A Rank's quest.

"......They replaced the Guild Leader with an A Rank Adventurer huh"

"Eeh, there is a Guild Leader apart from those three people"

Although Eleanor and I didn't form a guild, through the fact that Eleanor's together with me, she is able to even receive quests that her own rank is unable to accept.

It's because my rank reaches the participation condition of those quests.

And then this method is also adopted by guilds.

If the leader is a high-rank Adventurer, all of the guild members are able to match the Guild Leader's rank.

So it means that if one sticks to an A Rank leader, even a C Rank can accept an A Rank's quest.

"Thus, what I want to say is, encountering them during the quest is a good way to make contact with these three people"

"I see"

I've heard that Goliath Fortress Invasion Battle is a long-term quest.

If that's the case, I suppose slipping into the camp zone where those who participate in that quest are staying at is the most expeditious way to make contact.

Serina has said that she's not an Adventurer so there's no problem if Eleanor and I participate in a pair.

"It's as Gossendorf said. In that caseーー"

"However, Sir, the participation rule of this quest changed considerably a few days ago"

"Participation rule?"

"First of all, the participation restriction of this quest became Guild-Only"

"Just guilds huh......"

Because a Joint Quest gathers strong people from various places, there are many cases where many people like Eleanor and me who didn't participate in any guild also participate.

So a 'Guild-Only' quest is rare.

I don't understand the intention of having such a constraint.

And then, there's a condition to creating a guild.

"In other words, it means if it's Eleanor and me as a pair then we're unable to participate?"

"It says guild so, it is difficult"

It takes four people or more to create a guild.

That's why Eleanor and I can neither participate in that quest nor create a guild.

"Although the Quest Rank remains an A, it became Guild-Only so the reward went up by nearly twice when the number of participants increased and the difficulty became equally difficult to an S Rank Quest"

"I see. In that case, it means to participate in that quest, the only way is either to join a guild from somewhere, or make somebody our comrade and create a guild?"

"Eeh, that's right. ......However"

, Habrik is looking like he has something he finds hard to say.

When I ask,「what's wrong?」, Habrik says,「No」, and after pausing for a while,

"This quest is a quest commissioned by Felistina Kingdom's King-san because he apparently wants to increase the number of new territories"

"Felistina Kingdom huh"

Felistina Kingdom is a Kingdom that is right by the Goliath Fortress. Its size, as well as territories as a country, are being recognized as to be at a level that is incomparable to other countries.

Well, I guess he's thinking about making the uninhabitable monster's fortress into his own territory.

But......if that's the case, he can probably just make it an S Rank quest and gather stronger Adventurers. I think a King would be able to pay for the reward to hire S Rank Adventurers.

ーーAnd yet, why is he recruiting as an A Rank Quest?

Although I have suspicions on that portion, the surprising part wasn't there.

"ーーAnd, it has been two weeks since this quest was started"

"Two weeks......? It wasn't able to be cleared even after two weeks and yet it's still established as a quest?"

"The longer it drags on, the more the King-san who is the client puts in additionally to the reward. It seems that it is somehow becoming a popular quest"

Even if he puts in additionally to the reward, two weeks is as one would expect, too long.

In that period of time, those who are participating in that quest are unrewarded.

The reason to accept it nevertheless, let alone whether the duration of being bound by it corresponds to the reward for clearing it, are questionable.

In my opinion, I think it's a strange quest.

"However, here comes the problem"


Habrik sits leaning forward with a serious expression.

"In this questーーthere is a traitor"

"A traitor?"

"Eeh, it is exactly as it sounds, a traitor, who targeted the participants of the quest"

"......You mean, there is someone who kills their comrades?"

"Yup. In this quest, there are slightly mysterious deaths that stand out"

"Mysterious deaths? Are they not killed by monsters or the likes?"

Habrik slowly shook his head.

"After retrieving the corpses, there were wounds inflicted by a human being seen here and there on those corpses. And on various corpses nonetheless. So everybody is thinking that they were killed by a human"

"But, the prospect of clearing the quest is nowhere in sight, right? In that case, isn't there no reason to kill. Or are the equipment or the likes being stolen?"

"No, those people were just simply killed"

In a Joint Quest, there are two reasons for Adventurers to kill each other.

So as to increase one's share of the distributed reward, and, so as to steal equipment from those wearing expensive equipment.

But, either of that, it often takes place after the quest has been cleared. It's because their fighting power decreases if they kill them before they clear the quest.

"And over there, I have a proposal for Sir"

"For me?"

"Yes. I can only give this proposal to Sir......it's a slightly dangerous proposal"

"Which is?"

"I want you to accept this quest"

Habrik took out a piece of paper and placed it on the table.

On that paper was a quest called,『Traitor of the Goliath Fortress Invasion Battle』

It's A Rank and the recruitment number is three.

"This quest, it is a quest commissioned by an Adventurer who had participated in the Goliath Fortress Invasion Battle quest until recently and lost three comrades. They were, of course, not killed by monsters, but killed by a human, says the client"

"......What he who's the only who remained wishes for is, to kill the traitor who killed them?"

"Yup. So rather than the completion of the Goliath Fortress Invasion Battle quest, that fellow seems to only be thinking about killing that traitor. And then I was directly entrusted with this quest. Along with the words,『I want strong Adventurers』"

"In short, temporarily affiliate with the guild of that one person who was left behind and assist in searching for that traitor?"

"Yup. And......it is my own personal feelings from this point onwards but, this fellow who was left behind is my friend. So I want Sir to accept this quest instead of the original quest"

I suppose it's the kind of feelings of wanting to be helpful to a friend who harbours a grudge.

I suppose it's the same feelings as me helping Eleanor.

"......Since I owe you a favour. I'm fine with that butーー"

I look at Eleanor and, smiling sweetly,

"I will follow Egil-sama"

"Is that so. In that case, I'll accept that quest"

I answer and, Habrik's expression brightens up.

"Thank you very much. I think that fellow will be delighted as well"

"But Eleanor and I are the only ones to participate, alright? Is that fine nevertheless?"

"Eh......aah, Serina-san is not an Adventurer huh. Well, I will do something about that somehow"

Habrik who looks slightly surprised.

Well, since I chose this location, one would normally think Serina is an Adventurer as well.

"And, when should we head off to that quest?"

"It seems this quest itself is currently on a break. I think there will be a gap of one to two weeks"

A quest that has taken a total of four weeks since it started huh......it's not something you see very often.

Anyhow, the conversation concluded for the time being so we settled our breakfast together.

I slightly organize the objectives hereafter as I'm having breakfast.

First of all, the first objective is to let Eleanor meet with the three childhood friends.

I don't know how things are going to conclude but, if I don't do that, it feels like Eleanor can't move forward.

For that sake, it's necessary for Eleanor and me to head to the Goliath Fortress.

And then I'll receive the quest Habrik's friend or whatever commissioned, identify the《traitor》or whatever, and dispose of them.

We have to complete both Eleanor's childhood friends' matter and the traitor's disposal, at the same time.

"Habrik, can we already meet with that client?"

Habrik is only explaining it to us as a third party.

That's why I want to directly verify various things in detail like, what kind of a situation was it, was there anybody suspicious.


"I think he will not come until right before the quest starts. ......He has to leave for his comrades' birthplace to report and send his comrades off"

"Is that so......"

Although it's a little tough to not be able to ask about the situation, it can't be helped that the person who was left behind is busy.

I shall do what I can, and be ready for the time that is soon to come.


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