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Edited Chapter 15 

"Stop its movementsーーEndless Sword" to "Stop its movementsーーInfinite Sword Dance(Endless Sword)"

"ーーGood morning, Egil-sama. I slightly washed with water" to "ーーGood morning, Egil-sama. I had a little wash"

'However, Eleanor who's a Saint Force began her aria without faltering' to 'However, Eleanor who's a Saint Force began her chant without faltering'

'has neither the need to get close nor the need for an aria in order to use magic.' to 'has neither the need to get close nor the need for a chant in order to use magic.'

In The Dragon's Den 2

"Oh baby foxes of light, emit the light that bewilders the enemy, display your form in this world and show your powerーーDesignationーーLight Fenrir!"

Be it whether or not the three Drakes noticed us, Eleanor was the one who made the first move.

Light Fenrir is a light Saint Beast, it emits a glaring light from its fox-like tiny body, runs about, and draws the attention of the enemies.

"If they are weak against brightness then Light Fenrir-chan is right for the job huh"

"Aah. Sana, Runa, it's your turn"

Right now, while the four Light Fenrirs are drawing the attention of the three Drakes, it should be easy to defeat them.

Sana readies her chant and Runa readies her bow and arrow.

"Bombardment of LightーーAngel・Nova"

"Pierce the enemy, First Shot"

The round spheres of light explode loudly when they directly hit Drake A, the arrow Runa released shot through Drake B's heart.

After killing them with one hit as planned, the three of them immediately took aim at the remaining Drake C and defeated it.

No problem at this level huh. Eleanor is a given but, both Sana and Runa as well.

"Alright, it's an easy victory against Drakes huh"

"Eeh, I think the both of them did well. Good job, Sana-san, Runa-san"

"N, no! We were able to fight with ease because Eleanor-san drew their attention"

All three of them are huddling and praising each other.

I don't want to say something inept like, 'Don't get too cocky' but, I'd like them to not let their guards down.

"Now then, sorry to say this while you guys are getting all excited but, it's about time we move forward"

Drakes are also a part of the quests but, for the time being, what I'm worried about is the Red Dragon's subjugation.

After that, we proceed forward while subjugating several Drakes.

It wasn't that dangerous. It's the epitome of smooth sailing.

However, when we arrived before the Red Dragon, Sana and Runa were looking at it with their jaws dropping.

"It's largee"

"This is a Dragon huh"

Both of them who are apparently seeing it for the first time.

But they don't seem afraid, it feels like they're looking forward to it.

"Listen up, although it felt easy up until B Rank, it won't be so from A Rank onwards. First of all, as you can see, its body is huge"

"Indeed, it is somewhat overbearing"

"If you take even one hit, you can possibly die if it hits a bad spot. However, Fire Dragon is a monster at the bottom even for an A Rank"

"Why, is that"

I was asked by Runa so I pointed at the Red Dragon and told her.

"Although its body is huge, its movements are dull. Moreover, its attack pattern is also fixed, hitting and crushing with its forepaw, sweeping with its tail, and blowing fire"

"Blow fire!? That's somewhat cool!"

"You'll get burnt to a crisp if it hits you directly though. However, when it releases Fire Breath, it'll definitely bring its head back so I think you'll be able to avoid it"

"If you know its moves then it is easy to fight it huh, Egil-sama"

"Aa, for the time being, when you are going up against a large monster, it's good to bear in mind to first target the arms and legs. Seal its movements, and from there, attack relentlessly. Okay?"

"Egil-sama, is it alright for us to first target the four arms and legs and then target the main body afterwards?"

"Yeah. Firstly, I'll draw its attention and solidify our defence. Afterwards, the three of you will attack together. Okay?"

I ran to the front after the three of them nodded.

"Alright thenーーlet's go"

When I got close to the Red Dragon that's about 1〇 times the size of a human, its large eyes glared sharply at me and its body that's covered entirely with red scales moved sluggishly towards me.

Although we're lucky that there's only one now, even with just one, its strength is tremendous.

"Bombardment of LightーーAngel・Nova!"

Although one would normally freeze from fear when they fight a monster larger than themselves that they've seen for the first time, the very first one to attack was Sana.

'Bann!' 'Bann!', she bombards the spheres of light at the large body butーー.

"As I thought, it's not effective with Sana's retaining magic power huh"

"Guu......Egil-san, am I no good!?"

"I'm sorry but, you'll be supporting us this time!"

"I, I understand"

I hear a frustrated voice from behind but, to begin with, a Priest's job is to heal their companions' wounds and support them. As for Sana who took it in order to recover her own retaining magic power, she's unable to deal any damage to the Red Dragon's large body.

And then, the Red Dragon opens its mouth widely and breathes fire at Sana who attacked it.

"It's Fire Breath, dodge!"

"Uu, uuu, uwaa!"

Sana dodges the Fire Breath that's breathed at the surroundings by a hair's breadth.

This is......as one would expect, bad.

"Stop its movementsーーInfinite Sword Dance(Endless Sword)"

I take aim at both its legs and materialize countless swords.

The Red Dragon's groans and angered voice mix and reverberate but I ignore it and convey to the two of them.

"Eleanor, Runa! I sealed its movements so attack it!"

"Understood. Oh baby dragon of water, albeit with a different appearance, let that tyrannical dragon’s spirit answer to my call and summon into this worldーーDesignationーーAqua Dragon!"

"Ye, yes. Pierce the enemy, First Shot, Second Shot, Third Shot"

Eleanor summons Aqua Dragons to attack, Sana shoots arrows that fly in a straight line.

Because my swords are skewering the legs that it needs to use to dodge, the Red Dragon can't move. So both Eleanor and Runa just have to aim at the large target that's unable to move.

"It's Fire Breath, dodge!"

"It is easy to dodge since it has the action of bringing its face backwards huh"

"Yes! If you know the opponent's movements, you can shoot arrows while running huh"


Although they have no choice but to dodge Fire Breath, I'm taking on the physical attack that strikes and crushes with its forepaw all by myself so no harm will come to the three of them at the back.

It's a comfortable situation of just attacking without being attacked.

HoweverーーSana who I told to support us even though there's no need for that was, hanging her head in frustration at the back.

"Even though I want to fight as well......shitt"

I heard such a soft voice.

In this current situation, Sana's support role is unnecessary.

Even though she wants to fight, there's nothing for her to do.

Her role can't be found.

Just watching the whole time. It's no fun.......

Losing sight of her raison d'etre, comparing herself to her companions aroundーーperhaps, Sana may come to dislike her own occupation.

I ran to Sana's side.

"Sana, chant the strongest Holy Magic that you remember"

"Eh, but......if I do that, I won't have enough magic power that's necessary to do support though?"

"When it comes to that, I'll defeat that fellow. Besidesーー"

I embrace Sana from behind and bring my hand to her hand that's grasping tightly in frustration.

"Wha, what are you doing!?"

"It's fine, I'll give you my retaining magic power as well so, finish it off in one blow"

"Egil-sama's retaining magic power?"

"Look, the Red Dragon is going to pay us some Fire Breath. Quickly start the chant"

The Red Dragon throws its head back in order to breathe Fire Breath.

Hence, I send magic power into Sana's body. Although it's not that much retaining magic power, even so, it can undoubtedly manifest power that's beyond Sana's capabilities.

And then Sana brought both her hands out in front and started the chant for Advanced Holy Magic.

"Gods of Sefirot, blessings to us, despair to them, bestow the rain of light that judges allーーtake thisーーHoly Judgement!"

From Sana's body, a hexagram that's released in three layers teleports above the Red Dragon's head and sheds countless lightning of light.

It delivers impact when it sheds once, robs the consciousness when it sheds twice, robs the soul when it sheds thrice.

"One hit huh......are you alright, Sana?"

Sana who released a magic that has the greatest destructive force even amongst the Holy Magic with all her strength collapsed along with the Red Dragon.

I support Sana who reclines feebly from behind.

"You defeated it without any problem, Sana. With your Holy Magic"

"I, have never used such a magic before. The magic power Egil-sama distributed to me, it's too much"

"You'll be able to use something like that one day. This time around, we just cheated a little"

"More than half of it isn't my power but the cheated power though. ......However, I, did it. With my hands, I defeated that monster......"

Sana who slowly closes her eyes.

She fainted from magic power exhaustion huh.

"Is that Sana's power just now?"

"Aah, though she slightly overused her magic power"

"As expected of Sana. Is she sleeping now from magic power exhaustion?"

"Aah. Runa, I'm sorry but help retrieve the Red Dragon's head with Eleanor"

"I got it!"

Runa runs towards the defeated Red Dragon.

And then Eleanor smiled cheekily and looked at me.

"Did you transfer your magic power to Sana-san?"

"Just a little. However......I'm also a little uncomfortable from magic power exhaustion. Can you transport the Red Dragon with Aqua Dragon for me?"

"Eeh, will do. Please take a little rest over there"

I carry Sana's body as I look at Eleanor and Runa retrieving the Red Dragon's head.

Although she appeared childish because she always has a cheerful and energetic vibe, she has a surprisingly mature-looking face.

"Her sleeping face, it's cute"

Just slightly, I was charmed by that look.

After everything is over, we returned to the tent.

"Runa-chan and I will go and have a wash, please take care of Sana-san"

"Aa, I'll tell her that the two of you went to have a wash when she wakes up"

Because Sana's still sleeping, the two of them went to have a wash first.

The tent's door closed with a thump.

And then Sana's eyes opened with a thump.

"Morning, Egil-san"

"You're awake?"

"Just did"

"In that case, you should've gone and have a wash with the two of them"

"Well, I guess but. ......I, wanted to talk alone with Egil-sama for a little"


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