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Erotic: The Female Bandit, The Female Magician, And The Princess In Japan

Until Alicia returns to the Otherworld, I guess there's about another 2 hours.

If Alicia continues her Sensation Sharing with Yuri, I'd very much like to match the time she returns, convey the sensation, and imprint the impression that 『I managed to return because I was embraced by the Hero and my desires were satisfied』 if possible.

Rather, Princess Alicia.

Look for my house properly. I've attached a message that says you can come back with that, right.

......well, having nobody she can rely on nearby, is a situation that's more brutal than mine?

I, who was summoned with the intention of killing me at the very end, and the Princess, who was transported with the intention of ravaging her.

I wonder which is worse. I guess they're on par.


Nn? Lucy-chan, she's putting her strength into something; what's with that action?

"What's the matter, Lucy-chan"


Immediately after, Lucy-chan writes words in the air with her Magic Claws. What have we here?

『I can't grow a horn!』

Don't grow one!

Don't go trying unnecessary transformations when we're trying to revert you to your original form!

"However, 【Demon Lord's Seals】, and then 【Demon Lord's Wings】 along with 【Demon Lord's Wings】 huh"

"Aah. Did the previous generation Hero not defeat the Demon Lord? She was phrasing it like he deliberately sealed it"

"We do not know for certain because it is a story 100 years back....... Was such a folktale passed down in Shinta-san's world?"

"......no, mine was not a true story; it was a deduction"

"In spite of that, it got through to that Aira-san though"

"It's a coincidence. It's a deduction coupled with the information I acquired with the skill as well, so it just happened to hit the nail on the head"

A Demon Lord who's divided up and sealed is the cliché after all.

Someone trying to obtain that power and become the Demon Lord while planning for the Demon Lord's resurrection comes in a set as well.

They definitely exist. And then it's the kind where their body gets usurped by the Demon Lord.


Lucy-chan appealed to me with her Magic Claws again.

『I'll be gathering the respective Demon Lord's parts and become the 【True Demon Lord】 huh!』

Don't. Revert to your original form.

......whyy, but if we look at just the result, that's the only way?

It's really turning into a journey of turning Lucy-chan into the Demon Lord, you know.

Don't I just have to not let her absorb the genes?

If I do that, will the curse remain at that spot and do harm?

I wonder if the previous generation Demon Lord's sense of self, remains in the seals? Is the previous generation Demon Lord also no more than a powerful monster with no sense of self.

For all we know, Lucy-chan might stand in our way as an enemy......!

Does it not absorb the gene even if I defeat a Demonfolk with the Holy Sword, or does it absorb a little.

The future sure is full of uneasiness huh, oi.

The relationship with the curse has insufficient explanation after all, and examination has its limits as well.

"......what do we do about the Sword Saint's corpse? It's a corpse covered with the Demon Lord's curse, right? I have a feeling that it'll be harmful"

We directed our eyes at the dead Sword Saint.

"Like he might revive as a monstrosity if we handle it poorly"

"......no. The miasma accumulated in him has been cleared cleanly. That is a mere corpse. I believe it is likely because Lucy and that Aira-san sucked him dry"

"Is that so......"

I didn't have any grudge against the Sword Saint though.

The stealing of Alicia was prevented before it happened after all.

He ended up like this because he got involved with the Hero?

No, it's the Sword Saint reaping what he sowed when it comes to the Demon Sword.

Even if the Hero Summoning threw a wrench in his plans, if we had to say, the responsibility for that is on the Princess.

It's his retribution for misjudging the Hero's capability and dabbling in the Demon Sword or whatnot.......

I'm an opponent who's inconceivable to have surpassed him in pure capability, so he could've just defeated me through an orthodox method.

Somehow, I feel a bit bad for him.

Even if we're not acquainted enough for me to lament, 'I couldn't save him'.

"I guess we'll send him off. He's Mayria's acquaintance after all"

"Yes. Let's do that"

Just as I thought, 'I guess I'll summon a shovel and dig a hole or something'.

"──Oh Flame, Burn Everything To Ashes"

Mayria-sensei blasted her Fire Magic at the Sword Saint's corpse! Oi, he's your father's friend! How merciless are you! Show the deceased some sympathy!


Lucy-chan is troubled. Is she sensitive to the smell of corpse burning?

"──Oh Wind, Swirl"

Mayria, encircles it with a visually perceivable Wind Magic, closing the smell and the force of the fire in.

......why, is Wind Magic visually perceivable? No, is making it visually perceivable just Mayria's preference?

The Magicians who made the wall at the tournament put up an invisible wall, didn't they.

"......what's the matter, Shinta-san?"

"No, I was wondering why Wind Magic is visible to the naked eye"

"Aah....... In my case, I've deliberately made it so. Normally, it is a manipulation of air, so I believe the wind itself is not visible. Of course, it depends on the magic you use though"

"Why do you make it as such? What do you mean the magic you use?"

"If you use gust or whirlwind-type of wind, it's pretty much the way it is, but in cases where it includes different dispositions like the Wind Blade, it will naturally become visually perceivable because Magic Power is coloured. The fundamental understanding of Element-less Sorcery also plays a part"

Hmm. It's hard to call Wind Blade pure wind after all.

『Stirring up the wind』

『Launching something with Wind Element』

are, different things.

Is that what it is?

"If I, who can utilise the magic of every element, show the Offensive Magic of Wind Fire Earth Water Holy, the enemy will be wary of those variations. I am deliberately making the Wind Magic visually perceivable as well. Over there,"

"You make the colourless and transparent Element-less Magic the clincher?"


"I see"

Mayria-sensei, who, on top of also having high firepower, is versatile. As you would expect of our party's strongest character.


Mayria, she burns the Sword Saint's corpse, furthermore, she crushes the bones with the golem, and she burns it again. ......you're going that far? In this world, is cremation common? She's doing it in a way where not even a bone remains though.

"......as far as it goes, just to be safe"

Ah, she's just wary of a revival huh.



I, hugged and pulled Yuri over from behind.

Alicia who's in Japan and her......are they still connected? I stroke the injury on Yuri's arm which was seemingly wounded by Alicia.

"Yuri, should currently be connected to Alicia; how does it feel?"

"Who knows......nothing aside from this on my arm"


I gently crawled my finger on Yuri's arm.

Furthermore, after sliding my finger from around her elbow, 'ton ton ton', I tap the back of Yuri's hand three times.


Oh? There's a response from Alicia. Their sensations stayed connected?

Alicia, too, tapped the back of her own right hand three times.

"......a different sensation from when it's done by Shino came"

"Aah, it looks like Alicia noticed it as well"

So, it's what comes after this.

As I watched over Mayria's work process, she started digging a hole with Earth Magic.

As I thought, you can dig holes. It sure feels like you can destroy a large army that uses horses if you can do that.

As expected, it will primarily be an exchange of magic in wars that implement magic?

"Are you making, a grave?"

"......he is my father's friend after all"

After the Sword Saint is gone, it feels like all kinds of troubles will spring up at the Royal Capital though......

"As for the reporting of this incident, after we arrive at Langhir, we can probably just submit it to the guild or a messenger"

Mayria performs a cremation, a burial, and she even constructs a gravestone with her magic.

She can go as far as to create a golem after all....... The stone grave is built in no time at all.

"For adventurers and such who died in the middle of a mission, there are also cases where they're not left with any corpse. There is also a communal graveyard to mourn for those people as a whole, so after submitting the report, the Sword Saint-sama's death will probably be mourned there. That said, I will just do the formalities since his corpse is here"

『Here lies, Sword Saint Gromond=Lekzainus』

Hmm. I guess it's fine for the gravestone to be something simple.

"However, having 『The Sword Saint, fell here!』 in front of the cave, sure begs the question, 'how powerful is the monster in this dungeon?'"

"That is true huh"


Lucy-chan gets back on her feet and looks at the cave. Is she saying that her adventurer's heart is itching?

"How about we, prepare and set up treasure chests and treasures with the skill. It's gonna be a new famous spot of the Royal Kingdom"


"What are you doing, Shino"

"It does seem interesting though......"

"For the time being, the place Alicia will return to is here, so we'll wait here. We'll move the carriage, have a discussion, come up with an Alicia countermeasure, and share the information regarding Aira"

"Eeh, let's do that"

The oddly long fateful encounter with the Sword Saint, it comes to an end here.


We, move the Carriage of Hope all the way to the site of the battle with the Sword Saint, get inside, and take a breather.

Alicia is......, oh? She's looking at the map. How do I put this; although she's adorable and out of place, she just comes off as an ordinary Earthling nevertheless.

Aira, is still flying off to somewhere in her camouflage state.

"I'm able to monitor Aira, but as I thought, it looks like the Transportation is unable to lock on"

Tch. If I could, I could've weakened the 【Demon Lord's Wings】 from afar!

"Just being able to monitor her is more than enough. ......is Alicia-sama, alright?"

"Aah. No problem"

"We cannot reveal the monitoring ability to Alicia-sama, right? In that case, she might find it out of place that Shinta-san can sound out Aira-san in the future"

True enough.

"First, regarding how to handle Aira-san......"

"Are we going to go and kill Aira?"

"Is it alright to kill her? As far as it goes, she's Yuri's pal in the past, right"

"Yeah, but the other side is holding a grudge against me after all"

Hmm. Well, I guess there won't be anything like Yuri valuing her friendship and her battle power becoming sluggish, or her becoming our burden or something?

"I want to capture and research her rather than kill her. She seemed similar to Lucy condition-wise after all. Even if the present priority is Shinta-san's strengthening, I believe we cannot completely leave her be. Including the various circumstances as well, I believe it is a good idea to wait for a chance where we can jump her from our side"

A capture mission huh.......

The Sword Saint was in an abnormal state, but Aira didn't have the feeling that her sense of self had gone insane.

In Lucy-chan's research, she's an optimal subject?

"While we continue to monitor her, we will have a strategic conference at the chance that Alicia-sama isn't around, and whenever we do, we shall come up with a plan, so that what we do fit our schedule. ......if we have the habit of spending the night with Shinta-san individually, we can create numerous chances"

We'll talk about the secrets we have from Alicia on top of the bed, huh.

"As for the explanation to Alicia hereafter, I'll reveal everything to her aside from the monitoring function. Is that alright"

"Yes. Regarding the 【Demon Lord's Seals】, if the Royal Family Alicia-sama who supposedly studied about the Demon Lord doesn't know......it will come down to whether or not, it has been passed down to the Holy Kingdom's Holy Maiden-sama"

"The Holy Kingdom's top brass might unexpectedly, be the mastermind behind the circulation of the 【Demon Lord's Seals】 or something"

'Here comes the final boss!', kinda deal.

......come to think of it, doesn't it feel like it's paving the way to that? The cliché additional mission of rescuing the Holy Maiden who noticed the country's corruption....... Uu, it feels possible....... How troublesome.

"Yuri, has no objection to the capturing of Aira?"

"Nope. Rather, I'm on the targeted side, so we either launch an attack from our side, or you properly protect me, Shino"

The Female Bandit says while being hugged in my arms and leaning her back on me. Those words, aren't they strange position-wise? A fellow saying cheeky things deserves to be punished.

"Alright, now then, for the time being, we'll have Lucy-chan go to Lucy's room"


"You're going to write what happened today in your diary, right?"


I wonder if there's a chance to visit Lucy-chan's hometown again? For the time being, I've numbered the picture diaries and prepared several copies for both the sending and receiving sides.

Lucy-chan, she goes up the staircase-shaped shelf installed by the wall and goes up to the Lucy's room on top.


"Wait for a bit, alright"


Since we're going to do that spousal deed that we can't show kids.


"Now then"

I, extend Yuri's arm, and I tap the back of her hand after crawling my fingers over there again.


Perhaps Alicia noticed as well, she tapped the back of her own right hand.

Hmm. The Sensation Sharing is in an activated state. Furthermore, it's in a bidirectional state.

Which means, at the moment, Yuri's body is the same as Alicia's body.

"At the moment, Yuri and Alicia are connected, and Alicia is searching for my house in Japan"

A cute foreigner exploring Japan with a map in one hand. ......it feels like some bad guy will approach her.

It sure feels like we're gonna get a burnt corpse.

"Thus, in order to make Alicia return to the world on this side, I'll embrace Yuri"

"......what 'thus' is that"

"I understand the reasoning, but Shinta-san......"

I mean, that's the rule I showed Alicia after all. And what I do know, should also only be up to that point.

I am reluctantly embracing Yuri in order to send Alicia back to where I am.

This is my pride as Alicia's knight!

"Then, we just have to stimulate Yuri-san huh"


Ah, Yuri objects to the fact that Mayria will be the one to stimulate her. Hmーm? What's this, how do I put it, 'power dynamic'.

Mayria is in the position of stimulating Alicia with me,

Alicia is in the position of stimulating Yuri with me,

In which case, shouldn't Yuri be in the position of stimulating Mayria with me?

However, the ones with Sharing Sensation, are Alicia and Yuri, and it's presently a situation where my approach ought to be to embrace Yuri.

Hmーm. Let's think about it while fondling Yuri's breasts. This is something necessary for the sake of a healthy relationship for our party hereafter.

Yuri being the only one at the very bottom one-sidedly, is probably not good. A triangle system is the ideal.

"Nn, fuu......! Shino, you know you"


What should I do?

"Lust Tattoo activate"


For the time being, I'm just gonna make Mayria go into heat as well beforehand.

Speaking of which, Alicia's Lust Tattoo also stayed activated. Receiving the sensation of her breasts being fondled roughly in that situation is Alicia au Japon.

Fuu, nn......!? Tha-, that animal, e-, even at a time like this......!?』

Ooh, nice reaction. Alicia's body is more ripe for the picking than Yuri's after all.

It increasingly feels like she'll be preyed on by some bad man. Well, it's the setting where she'll return if it turns into a pinch though.

This, is that. If Alicia is the mental body active in the VR game space, then the current Yuri, is her physical body left in reality......kinda deal.

Either that, or Yuri is a controller.

Through Alicia's will, she can't refuse the sensation given to herself.

No, she just has to turn off the Sensation Sharing though. Is it something like she can't turn it off since the sensation of, 'being hugged tightly by me', also gives her a sense of ease?

"Fuu......fuu, Shinta-san, you know"

For the time being, while projecting the state of Alicia on a big screen, I continue caressing Yuri.

I look at the sight of Mayria who started going into heat and calm my heart down.

Fuu, fuuuu

Alicia wiggles her body in agony in the world on the other side.

While fighting the uneasiness of not knowing her way around, with her body that was forcefully made to go into heat, she's experiencing the sensation of being caressed by me.

Is it something like, she kept the Sensation Sharing on because she actually doesn't find this sensation bad?

She's sexually a masochist after all, Alicia.

"Shinta-san, uh"

It's necessary to reward the Mayria whose body is burning up as well. She's the MVP of the battle after all.



I changed my posture and sought Yuri's lips.

"Hmmm, chuu......"

Fuu!? Ki-, kissing.......what did he do with the Sword Saint-sama, kuu......!

While blushing red on her face, Alicia is complaining.


Hence, 'ton ton ton', I tapped on the back of Yuri's hand again after kissing her.

It's the appeal that, 'I'm doing this act for the sake of Alicia'.

"Yuri, connect our hands"

"Nn? Un, got it"

I take Yuri's hands and entwine our fingers, covering her hands from above. It's the appeal that both my hands are occupied.

"Mayria, come in front of Yuri, grab Yuri's breasts with both hands, and kiss her neck that's on the other side of me"


"Understood, Shinta-san"

Mayria's preference is Alicia, but as a woman-lover, it seems Yuri is also within her strike zone.

I've imposed the settings where, in the case where she wants to climax, she only can when it's done by me or when she's thinking of me......but she's a brilliant assistant for making Yuri and Alicia feel it.



The Princess and the Female Bandit each show themselves feeling it.

Mayria, while fondling Yuri's breasts, learns from me and taps the back of her left hand three times.

『Bo-, both of them......? Mayria-sama......? Why......』

Seeing that only the Hero's party knows about the Sensation Sharing, and there's a response again, she won't think Yuri was caught by the Sword Saint.

Hence, she saw through the fact that the hands of the second person who caresses Yuri belong to Mayria huh.

"Is it better to make the three of you share sensations?"

To alleviate the stress from the long journey, I want to satisfy all three of them after all, and I also want to monopolise them.

"Haa....... Just do whatever Shino likes"

"You sure are throwing it all to me huh, Yuri"

"To begin with......that's our relationship, fuu!"

Mayria is making Yuri feel it even more.

I freed my right hand and hugged Yuri along with Mayria close to me.


"Although today's star is Yuri, I've got to make both of you feel good"


While kissing Mayria's cheek over Yuri's shoulder, I fondle Mayria's butt firmly.

"Mayria, remove your clothes"

"Ye-, yes......"

"I'll reduce Yuri's clothes to the bare minimum as well"


I make the two beauties almost naked and intertwine with them on top of the magic bed.

"Set the cleaning-use slime around the bed, and fill the inside with the bath-use slime"


While still making bodily contact with the two beauties whose bodies I made burn up, we entered the breathable slime pool.

Despite adjusting the size to the bare minimum, I make it foam up and all kinds of things.

So that it doesn't dirty the vicinity, the cleaning-use slime makes a wall for us.

The carriage is closed completely, and it's also fully equipped with soundproofing.

"What's this?"

"It's the first time for Alicia and Yuri huh. It's a bath-use slime. We'll wash our bodies that got sweaty from the battle with this"

Every nook and cranny of our bodies. It's a little different from a bubble bath, but it feels good.

It's a convenient magic where you can casually get into a bath inside the carriage.

And then, this bath doesn't just clean every spot of their bodies; it also includes the caressing of the girls.

"Ah......wai-, it's ticklish"

"Fufufu, it feels good, right, Yuri-san"

While washing their bodies, I'm making the two of them feel good and readying them for the real deal.

Fuu, haa....... Wha-, what is it, this sensation......』

......while being given such sensations, Alicia walks in Japan.

Ah. That park, I recognise it!!

......Alicia is really in the street where my house is.

However, perhaps Alicia's body is near its limit, it looks like she's going to sit on the bench she found in the park and take a break.

The remaining time and situation-wise, is this as far as it goes? There are people in the park as well, but there's nobody who calls out to Alicia.

I'm glad there's nobody trying to pick her up or get her into the sex industry.

Alicia will be in a pinch if there are, and she'll return right away though.

......I guess I'll make her wear a piece of equipment that distorts the perception of the people around, choose that park as the save point, and designate it so that it sends her there during the next Japan transportation.

In any case, I'll do what I should do in order to make Alicia return.

I'm also fully ready with the two beauties who finished washing their bodies and got ready in front of me.

"Mayria will be on to the very bottom"

"Ye-, yes......"

Yuri is, in the very middle. In the case where I want to make both of them feel good, I guess I ought to be in the very middle.



"Fuu, fuu......Shino"

Yuri, who's in a posture of lying over Mayria, is pointing her butt at me.

I didn't set up the Lust Tattoo on Yuri, and I did put a slime in her butt.

There's no longer the need to defecate, and it doesn't give off any weird smell either; the Female Bandit's butthole is merely a hole.

While looking closely at that hole that became just erotic, I inserted my object 『between』 the two women.



I rub the two women's weak spots simultaneously.

Whyy, seeing that I'm taking on two women, I've gotta do this.

Well, from the two's perspective, it might be vexing, but I feel good.

"Shi-, Shino......, it, isn't in, so, nn, nn"

Even so, because her sensitive spot is being rubbed by my body, it seems she's feeling good.

I can see that they're having expressions that are feeling good from the front view through Yuri's monitoring function.

Fuu, fuu......

Furthermore, that sensation, it conveys to Alicia.

It sure seems she intends to endure the impending real-deal sensation while sitting and resting on the bench.

Looking at how she doesn't turn the Sensation Sharing off over there, it's something like Alicia also agrees to this act.

Alicia who's like stealing the sensation from afar and masturbating all by herself.

I was teasing her in the middle of her travel, so her anticipation is also much more than the rest?

I'm gonna stick it into Yuri"

"Nn, un......"

And then, I show Yuri that I'll be gentle......and instead, in one go, I inserted it all the way into her readied insides!



The Princess and the Female Bandit react at the same time.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Fuu, fuu, fuu......!

I'm moving my hips rhythmically.

I fondle Yuri's breast with my right hand, and Mayria's breast with my left hand.

"All three of you, are my women. Even if a fellow like the Sword Saint appears......I'm the one who will have sex with you"

"Shi-, Shino......"

"Shinta-san, nn"

While sticking into Yuri and aggressively moving in and out, I declare that I'll monopolise the three of them.

"I won't ever give you to anybody"

 "Ah, Shi-, Shino......! Nn!"

Yuri shows a reaction to my words.

Hmm? Is she unexpectedly happy?

I trained her to be a masochist after all.

When she gets declared as my possession, she feels it?

"Hey, Yuri. You'll come at the same time as when I come!"

"Go-, got it......aah!"

"Haa, haa, theoretically, it should feel better the more you get embraced by Shinta-san after all......"

Mayria says something like that.

【Leveling】's gains may not be fixed, but it's true that the girls should be able to feel better the more I embrace them.

"I'll hammer a pleasure you can't experience from other men into you. All three of you, don't you think you can escape from me!"

"I won't......."

Won't escape, you say? That might be true, but this is an issue with my fetish.

I'll give them the greatest pleasure with my hands, satisfy them, and monopolise the three (evil) beauties!

That is the Hero and party's journey!

"Ah, I'm coming, Shino, I'm comingg"

"Come! Yuri! I won't let you escape!"

"Ah, aaah! I'm cominggg!!"

I ravage Yuri from the back, and then I let it out inside her.

At the same time, Yuri who was interposed between Mayria and me, quivered her body in pleasure.

"Ah......, aah......"

......and then.

Fuu, fuuuu......

It looks like Yuri's current climax is conveyed to the Alicia who sits on the park's bench in Japan as well.

Like they synchronised, she's making a face that can't hide she's feeling good like Yuri.

It's just that, in contrast to Yuri looking satisfied, Alicia was exhaling, slightly frustratedly.

Fuu, fuu......that animal』

Alicia, while making an erotic post-orgasm face, muttered something like that with teary eyes.


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