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Edited and fixed broken link for Chapter 47

...he appears instinctively like your hair...


...he appears to instinctively like your hair...

Stellaria's Love

We were enjoying our picnic at Nemophila Hill.

As we were teasing Veronica and laughing, Kohaku, who was lying beside me, suddenly stood up and glared at the top of the hill.

Kohaku is making a low growl. I speak to Kohaku.

『Kohaku, what's the matter? Is something coming?』

smelly one, coming

『Relax. I'll stop it, so it'll be fine. Kohaku, you don't move』

okay, don't move

"Everybody, Kohaku is saying that something is coming. So that we don't agitate it, don't raise your voice no matter what comes. You can't even move. It'll be fine, so relax, alright"


In the next instant, some small dark brown fluffy things tumbled out from the bushes at the top of the hill.

Two, no three, came out. They're bear cubs. It's just bear cubs playing about.

"They're baby bears huh. Which means, from behind, the mother bear is......"

Bakii! Gasa Gasaa!

Here it is! It's a gigantic bear. As soon as it showed up, it noticed us humans, and it stood upright. Its height is about 3 meters. Be it wolves or bears, the animals in this world are huge huh. I guess that means that's how vast their territory and plentiful their prey is because of how few humans there are.

"Here it comes! Uwah! How huge!"

Stellaria places her hand on the sword on her waist. I placed my hand on her hand, and

"It's alright"

I said, hovered, and flew towards the hill.


I could hear Okaa-san's worried voice from behind.

I'll end up worrying her if I let it drag on for too long. Let's not take my time talking and settle it quickly here.

I lifted the mother bear and cubs into the sky in one go and consolidated them in one spot. Everybody, is floating in mid-air and flailing about.

"Everybody, I'll bring these children somewhere safe, so wait there, alright"

"Will you be fine?"

"I'll be fine! I'll come back with Teleportation after talking to them and calming them down"

I carried on to fly with them in the sky, and flew deep into the mountains. I speak to the mother bear while flying.

『Did you end up coming all the way down to the village today?』

you, what

『I'm a human. My name is Tsukuyomi』

a, human?

『Did you just wake up from hibernation?』

children, run, chased

『Aah, your children ended up running over here huh』

there, seldom, go

At that moment, a pond and river within the mountains came into sight. Let's put them down by that pond. I use See-Through Vision inside the pond as I put them down slowly. I could see big fishes. I lifted those fishes with Telekinesis and dropped four to five in front of the bears.

The cubs leap at the fishes and play with them engrossedly. The mother bear is looking over here blankly.

『It's my apology for scaring you』

fishes, for us?

『Go ahead. You probably just woke up, so replenish your nutrients with these』

The mother bear was sniffing the fishes curiously.

『Alright then, see ya!』




I returned to where everybody was.

"What happened to the bears?"

"Un. There was a pond deep in the mountains, so I put them down around there. I caught and gave them fishes that were in the pond, so they're eating as a family around this time"

"Why, did they appear somewhere like this?"

"Apparently, after coming out from the cave upon waking up from hibernation, the cubs ended up coming all the way around these parts where they normally don't come to while running around happily"

"I-, is that so......"

Stellaria is obviously feeling down. I wonder what's the matter?

"Stellaria. Were you scared?"

I float in the sky and go beside Stellaria.

"N-, no, I was thinking that, since I would not have known about the bears' thoughts if it was under normal circumstances, I would have slashed at them without holding back"

"That can't be helped, you know. It's not Stellaria's fault. You're in the position of having to protect everybody after all"


"But it's fine when I'm around, alright"

I pat the head of the slightly lifeless Stellaria.

"I-, is Tsukuyomi-sama, Stellaria-sama's husband?"

"Ve-, Veronica!"

Stellaria turns crimson red on her face and shouts at Veronica, who mutters unwittingly.

"Eh! I mean!"

"Well, it is inevitable for it to come off like that huh. Tsukuyomi. You cannot be treating Stellaria like a child"

"Ah! Sorry. Stellaria"

"N-, not at all. Tsukuyomi-sama. I am alright"

"You really get along well huh"

"I am so jealous! Onii-sama. When is the next dance party? I, am starting to want to hurry up and get married!"

"Tsukikage-nee-sama. That is some good enthusiasm huh. I have to quickly get planning then"

"Please, most certainly do!"

Although there was a bit of a happening, it was a nice flower viewing as well this year.

That night, Veronica called out to Stellaria upon returning to the dormitory.

"Stellaria-sama. I have a little something to discuss with you; are you free after this?"

"Veronica. What's the matter? Let's go and have a meal then"

"Yes. Please"

The two of them got onto the small ship and came from the Royal Castle all the way to the shopping district outside the noble's residential district.

Upon entering the restaurant that they frequent, they ordered 3 to 4 random side dishes and beer.

First, both of them raise the wooden pint above their head and lightly touch them. That's the cheers in this world. And then they pour it down their throat gulpingly.


"So? What is it you want to discuss?"

"Ah, today, it ended up with Tsukuyomi-sama giving me guidance on the successor issue after marriage alongside Meyer-sama and Richter-sama, did it not. Is that fine?"

"What do you mean 'fine'? Veronica saw the incident at House Laurel together, right?"

"Eeh, yes. That was amazing huh. The Head Maid went 'pyuー' into the sky!"

"Two more beer!"

"Yes! Right away!"

They take one boiled broad bean in their hands at a time, toss it into their mouth, and wash it down with the beer.

"That individual is kind to any and everybody, and he will earnestly take things into consideration for you, so I am sure it will be fine"

"But, both Philip-sama and I are the Viscount house. Meyer-sama and Richter-sama and their partners are the Marquis house after all; would it be alright for us to be around together?"

"That individual is an individual who came from another world. It seems there are no nobles in that world. Hence, he is not bothered by something like the ranks of nobles at all, you know"

"Then, would it be alright to indulge in his kindness?"

"Eeh. I think it'll be fine"

"Nevertheless, Stellaria-sama. It was a surprise today huh"

"The bears?"

"Eeh, it was my first time ever, seeing such a huge bear. I actually couldn't move at all"

"It is my first time with a bear that huge as well, you know"

"And yet, Tsukuyomi-sama, he casually lifted them and flew off without being surprised even the slightest. Furthermore, he even caught fishes and fed the mother and baby bears!"

"Two more beer!"

"Got itー"

They grip the roasted chicken leg firmly and bite into it. The meat juice flows out. And then they wash it down with the beer.

"To that individual, something of that extent is nothing. Last year, when we encountered 20 whole wolves at the lake, he also calmly talked to the other party and sent them back without hurting them"

"20 wolves! If it were me, I might have fainted"

"Yeah. But I wouldn't laugh even if you did. That's how big the wolves were"

"In that case, it would make sense for even Stellaria-sama, who was touted as a sword prodigy as a student, to have her heart stolen huh"

"I? have my heart stolen. You say?"

"Eh? Have you not noticed it yourself?"

"I will serve him for the rest of my life, so it goes without saying that I have sworn my fealty to him from the bottom of my heart"

"Two more beer!"


They pick up the smoked salmon and carry it to their mouth, pick it up, and carry it to their mouth. And then they drink the beer.

"Not that. I am saying, what do you think of him as a man?"

"As a man? That individual is my master. I do not look at him that way"

"Eeーh! Really? But Tsukuyomi-sama treats Stellaria-sama as a woman, right"

"Tha-, that is......"

"You were wearing a wonderful dress we had never seen before back at the dance party as well! That was a present from Tsukuyomi-sama, rightー"

"Ah! That is......yeah. Uh......because I did not have a dress and whatnot......"

"Two more beer!"

"Eh? Already?"

They stuff their cheeks with a piece of black bread topped with cheese. And then they gulp the beer down in one go.

"Besidess, you were even properly escorted! weren't youu"

"N-, no, th-, that is......yeah"

"Today as well, he was patting your head! Kyaー!"

"He-, hey! What are you......saying"

"Stellaria-sama's face at that time! It was as thoughh......a maiden in love!"

"The-, there is no way that is true!"

"Two more beer!"


"Not just tha~t. During swordsmanship training as well, you know~"

"Swordsmanship training?"

"Tsukuyomi-sama, he is alーways, looking at Stellaria-sama!"

"Yo-, you're lying! There's no way that happened, right!"

"I am noーt!"

"I have never made eye contact with that individual in the training ground"

"That's a given, you knowー, I mean, when Stellaria-sama isn't looking, Tsukuyomi-sama is alーways going like thiss......and chasing after Stellaria-sama with his eyes after allー"

"Two more beer!"

"Re-, really? Ye-, yes!"

At that moment, at the back of Stellaria's mind, the words back when she talked to Armeria surfaced.

『He appears to instinctively like your hair and eye colour. I'm sure you'll be fine』


Stellaria's face dyed crimson red.


Stellaria, finishes drinking the beer she just ordered in one go, and 'daーn!', she slammed the pint onto the table.

"I am going home!"

After chucking a few large silver coins onto the table, she quickly went out of the store by herself.

"Huh? Huhh? What happened?"

Veronica, who was left at the table by herself, shrugged her shoulders and drank the beer in her pint.

Without getting on the ship, Stellaria went down to the first floor by stairs, and ran the deserted night-time noble street all the way back to the castle.

Her cheeks were dyed crimson red. Nobody knows whether it's because of the beer, or because of love though.

I came to Tsukikage-nee-sama's place today to invite her to the next dance party.

The previous dance party was well-received after all, and since there were also people who didn't find a partner last time, like Tsukikage-nee-sama, though it hadn't been that long, I waited for a timing when the castle's schedule was empty and made plans for it.

I went to the shrine and spoke to Nee-sama during the interval of her consultations.

"Onee-sama. Hello"

"Oh my, Onii-sama! What is the matter!"

"Since the date for the next dance party was decided, I came to inform you first"

"Thank you. So, when is it?"

"It is 3 weeks later on Nee-sama's rest day"

"I see. I have to do my best this time around! Ah! But I, will end up participating in the same dress again"

"Let's go to the boutique on your rest day tomorrow then"

"Where are we going?"

"The boutique in this Royal Capital. Previously, I have given them samples of Earth's clothes"

"Eh? Will I be wearing another world's dress?

"No, I just want to ask the progress after that. For the dress, please choose something Nee-sama likes"

"I see"

"Then, tomorrow, could you come all the way to my room after the morning consultations are over?"

"Yes. Understood. I will be counting on you!"

The afternoon of the next day, I went to the Prunus fashion workshop with Stellaria and Nee-sama, Okaa-san, the four of us.

"Tsukuyomi. Why, I am tagging along as well?"

"Because once in a while, I want to go shopping with Okaa-sama"

"My! Is that so? I'm so happy"

"The other day, I handed them samples of Earth's clothes, so I also want to know what happened after that. I was thinking that I would like to ask about it together"

"Understood. I'm looking forward to it"

We flew to the Prunus clothing workshop I'd made an appointment with beforehand from the castle through Stellaria's piloting.

"We have been waiting. Tsukuyomi-sama. Armeria-sama. Tsukikage-sama. Neumann-sama. I am this Prunus clothing workshop's owner, Bianca Prunus"

"Hello. Bianca"

"Tsukuyomi-sama. Thank you, for the samples of the Otherworld's clothes the other day. Now then, please, come on in"


All the employees stood along the wall and gave their greetings altogether. I was a little surprised by their voices.

"So, are the samples useful?"

"Yes. All of them have been nothing but surprises. There are also things that we do not know how they are made at first glance, but they have been incredible references"

"It will be summer soon, will you be able to make comfortable new clothes with breathable materials or styles?"

"Yes. When it comes to those with materials that we, too, recognise right away, and known weaving and sewing methods, we are just about to turn several of them into products"

"I see. What about the underwear and such?"

"We are able to immediately make the men's underwear. For the female-use, since we acquired the brassieres from the Campanula Kingdom previously, we have also managed to turn them into products"

"We have paid the proposer fee to Tsukuyomi-sama as well"

"Aah, is that so. Recently, I have been slacking off on the confirmation in that department"

Yeah, my money has already accumulated to the extent that I can't finish counting them huh.


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