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i have plan continue story from previous comic "The Differences between us"

for who didnt know , Can buy comic on sollynaka.gumroad.com/ or sollyz.store

Now , i have route from they ,Tuez and Moner after that story , they have the own way to go.

Which one you want see first?

PS1. the vote this is not guarantee , BUT will have for all route Comic that sure!
PS2. wediz is have comic after tuez and moner story route clear.

The vote on this here more important than free poll.

END vote 16 May 2023 1AM , who support1$up can vote



and in the end you think to propose an opening of commission? Because you ask other artists, it would be nice if you did, we've been waiting for so long!


Which route gets to the wediz comic faster or is it just which comic goes first


i have plan need make tuez and moner complete first , then will start wediz or... special story (not about main plot)