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Can't wait for this Xmas gift!

Alex Waff

Disappointing, but entirely expected. The fact the vote is unfairly swayed towards I character I like makes this feel even worse, I'd rather it was somebody I don't like, so I don't feel like I'm benefitting from unfair timing.


I know some people are disappointed that it's Law but he's a really well-drawn character from an underrated game/ not as popular as other games. If anything, he's going to see a decrease in popularity due to other games releasing more characters that are classified as "bait".

Alex Waff

Sdorica is anything but unpopular, and I doubt many people are disappointed at Law. That's the problem though, the vote was held at the exact time when everybody is most excited for law, so of course the results would be swayed in his favour. Then again, I don't think all characters done this year were part of the vote anyway, so it was "unfair" to begin with. Mind you, I'm not complaining about the vote being unfair, just stating a fact that Law would have always won in this case. The votes themselves are anything but "fair", they just serve to give the illusion of agency to consumers, which is perfectly fine. The choice of who will be drawn has already been made, the winner is not picked by you, you're coerced into picking him and thinking it was your own chice. For example SPang was utterly buried into obscurity with Law's release, while he was just as popular back when he came out (hence why he also won a month before). If their releases were reversed, and SPang was the more recent, he'd probably have won instead.


Although you're probably right about the release of Law and all that, I don't play the game and even I think that Law's character design is just better than Pang. This vote was honestly kind of skewed since there were sollyz OC's and the injury also happened so there wasn't much to vote for for an "end of the year" vote. I do kind of agree with you when it comes to it being expected though lol