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A new year will soon be upon us and I have decided to take this opportunity to make a few changes and direct my focus.

First of all, starting next month, I am going to change the rigid structure of 2 pin-ups per month into what I am calling two "Flex Slots". So, effectively the "Woman of the Month" and "Monthly Pin-up" slots will be removed and replaced with two "Flex Slots".

I've already dabbled with this a bit by doing one page comics, or adding extra pages to the comics I am working on in place of the "Monthly Pin-up" reward. I am planning on expanding this idea further and using this slot and what has been the "Woman of the Month" pin-up slot as flexible places to do either pin-ups or comic pages. What these are exactly will change from month to month, as the need or desire arises. This could also mean that there will be times when two months worth of Flex Slots could be used to do something like a 4 page mini-comic, for Parody or OC stuff.

The other thing I am considering doing with the Flex Slots is a potential multi-month project for larger group pics. I have been restricting myself into single character pin-ups for the Woman of the Month projects and I think it would be fun to do more group shots. Not necessarily hardcore scenes, but something with multiple ladies all hanging out together. I think it would be fun to do a couple of group pics that you guys all vote on the characters, and I do like, 2 or 3 ladies and a setting. Then the next month you vote to add a few more ladies, until the pic is filled up with characters.

The other major thing I should note about the upcoming year is my plans for comics. I plan to focus very hard on more Book Club content. Both in the main story line and in Bonus Chapters. I would expect this to be the vast majority of the comics I produce in the coming year. I know that may sadden some of you who have a love for the other comic series, but I have so many ideas and things I want to do with the characters in the Book Club and diverting my attention to other comics only postpones me getting to do those things.  The use of flex slots should help me be able to still do one page or mini-comics for other titles.



Happy to see more of Book Club in 2024. I really love this content.

Ryan Sieroty

While I'll be sad not seeing more Double D comics, a mini is alright with me. I've always found Book Club your strongest book. Best of the worldbuilding and characters. I'm glad your focusing on one title instead of spreading it over several. I'd be happy with a VCR mini or Randi mini, tied into the Book Club universe. I look forward to more content.