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Sometimes roleplay can get a bit out of hand.




Aaaaaaand all the theories went to shit, as usual 😂. Oh well, as they say in spanish “sera en otra ocasión”.


Are there more scenarios in this issue after this patty/trevor scenario?


It was faster than I thought. Disappointed but I expected it


Poor Keenan. Left blue balled.


This is why patty is becoming my least favorite character out of the four

David Monroe

I’m amazed at all the people who thought Patty would go any further than role playing. Karm has developed these characters such that some things just don’t fit them. He’s created other family members that go further. Matt is a male version of Patty, in an open marriage. Vivian is Olivia with no moral code. Erika is Nicole without the guilt. There’s no reason for Patty to hook up with Keenan except for you wanting it.


It’s all part of the fun, the theories, predictions. We been doing this for years now.


If there’s no big development of her character going forward, let’s say…3 to 5 issues in the future, i might have to join that club too :(


I thought the same, as part of the roleplay. I thought Trevor would watch the whole thing happen from a distance and before it got heavy interfere, or maybe Patty at that point would have gracefully dismissed Keenan. But not this quick. I wonder then what this was all about. We will see soon i guess. But no BBC for Patty for probably…ever? 😂 Oh well, at least we got Pinups i guess.


I think we'll see her fantasize or dream about this meeting with Keenan. Like with Sven.


But that’s not what some of us want, don’t we? 😜


Also: why she makes a approach and grabs his hand and says “Thank you for keeping me company”, but later is surprised Keenan grabs her thigh? If she did not wanted that, she should not have touched him at the first place…tease…like the creator hahahahahaha. Sorry, cheap joke.


Hopefully something kewl coming thru 😊 Another character…Lupe maybe?


I disagree. I think this is perfect development. Patty is more experimental than she thinks and she is slowly exploring it but it gets a bit too real when he grabs her leg. Patty and Trevor clearly didn't discuss something like that happening but after experiencing a bit of it, perhaps they'll be pondering and considering things. I agree that it's a bit frustrating but they feel quite realistic, I love any pages with Patty and Trevor, they're easily my favourite adult comic character duo ever.


Yeah, true, now that i looked at it again, it could be seen that way, she tried to go along, full of courage, and then shit got real. Did not appreciate that as clearly the first time i saw it. And btw, it may come out as in like i hate all of this. I might not enjoy how this is unfolding, but im still engaged to BC. It was my first erotic comic i supported as a patron back in 2017. I feel so strong about this comic because this are characters i enjoy. I am frustrated, true, but it’s not like i am not enjoying all of this. I enjoy discussing this comic with other users. It’s fun!


Patty has never been among my favourite characters, but I must say I like her development. Sure it's slow, and many expect her to go from conservative (sexually) to someone completely free and open to anything in a few pages. But I actually like it's taking time, and you can really perceive her evolution between chapter 1 and today. So, I'm sure this (really short) meetig with Keenan is a step for something in the future


Sstasher - This was definitely my intent. Patty was having fun roleplaying and flirting, but then Keenan stepped things up a notch and she realized she got in a bit farther than she was ready for. Her reaction was meant to contrast the hands on flirting approaches of the more forward ladies we've seen in this issue already with Olivia, Nicole and Erika.


Hopefully it is a step for something in the future. And i know it is. But i been following this characters for like 6 years now, and i feel i will have to wait like 10 more to see what most of us want to see. And it’s fine. It’s frustrating, but it’s fine. And i will be voicing my feelings about content, because i will say what i like about a specific piece of content, but i will also voice my opinion on the not so good. I don’t pander to artists cause i don’t think that’s fair to them. In this house, honesty is king.