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This past week I pulled a muscle in my back and was unable to draw for most of the week. I'm doing better now, but that threw a major monkey wrench into my plans. I've spent time this week getting caught up and making sure that the last few pages of Thrills of Victory will go up uninterrupted, but I will be taking a week off from posting comic updates next week. And The Book Club Chapter 11 will start the following week.


Devin Dickie

DUDE! I am so sorry to hear that. I hope that you get better soon buddy. That sucks. Take whatever time you need to get well. Sending you well wishes from the Lewdeverse.

Ryan Sieroty

Take as much time needed. Health over comics. Well wishes on your recovery


Hey karmagik ur in my prayers I'm glad ur feeling better but ur still in my prayers take ur time and don't let Randi or Daisy nurse u because thene u will really throw out ur back lol

Jupyter Views

Health is wealth Karmagik. Focus on getting back to 1000%. Wishing you all the best


I hope you feel better soon. Wishing you the best.