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Good news, bad news.

Bad news first: I've decided that I won't be doing Theme Streams moving forward. It's becoming increasingly harder for me to schedule streams and for the most part the same handful of people show up to request things every month, anyway. So moving forward the only way to get sketch requests from me will be through the Suggestion Box tier.

Good news: I'm going to start doing something I haven't made time for in a long while... personal art projects. Right now my drawing schedule is heavily regimented around the comics and other rewards. I have lost a lot of the random spontaneity that is fun to indulge from time to time. My drawing time is so structured that it would be nice to just do something on a whim. Ink and/or color an old sketch I liked, just doodle and fill the page with some fun stuff, experiment with different techniques or styles, etc.

These personal art projects will be posted here on Patreon and I'll put them as a sort of Early Access exclusive for supporters for at least a month before I share any of them publicly.



Awww I'm so sad oh well I'm over it hey do you feel like wat ur doing I'm kool with it but it was fun though

Mister Fedora

I think anything that makes your life more fun is a plus. I've seen what happens when when the job robs ppl of passion. If this allows you to explore and imagine better, go for it.


Now u have more time to pose wat u want