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March Woman of the Month, Lupe from The Book Club.

High Resolution versions attached.

Edit: Just realized there was a typo on the St. Patrick's Day version. Updated and added the correction.



Jariah Synn

Hahaha yes! Know she was gonna win. I mean seriously with that wagon how could she lose? 😸 My favorite alts are the cum on the maid uniform. Love the idea she gets serviced while cleaning. 👌🏿

Jupyter Views

I still have motivation for a Lupe sex scene and these alts just give me more hope. (False hope or not….motivation is still amazing!!!)

alain lamarche

a sex scene with marcus robinson..he nail her cousin catalina so he can have lupe too..


Love this Man Great work i really want to see Lupe in more Sex Acts


Having been a longtime Lupe fan, this makes me very happy! I appreciate how you've been careful with her character up to now- having her be Olivia's shoulder to cry on has been great!