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A couple of quick updates that I shared on Discord, but I thought I'd post them here as well.

First up: I previously announced that the current Book Club comic will be 40 pages. It will actually be 42 pages, instead.

Second: I originally planned to have the next comic I work on be Getting Randi issue 4, but I have really been struggling with the script and I am unsure if it will be in a place I am happy with in time for the next comic start. I have a first draft of a Book Club Bonus Chapter started, but it's only a first draft. So I am unsure what comic will start following Book Club #10. It's possible it will be either of those two options, or it could be a short mini-comic sort of thing, something simple in story to give me a bit of time to refine the other projects.


Ryan Sieroty

I'd love a Double D mini comic to tide me over. Writer's block is tough but I know inspiration will break thru and something amazing will come forth. Patience good sir...


I don't even know if I'd call it writer's block. It may just be that this specific idea isn't gonna work. I've tried a few times with the same comic concept and it just isn't coming out like I want. I've started work on the BCBC script as a back up when I started getting frustrated with the Getting Randi and that script is looking strong out of the gate.