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Quite the stimulating topic for conversation!




Hmmm…i feel you might pull the gun on a specific thing that a lot of people want to see within BC.

Jariah Synn

Olivia got the whole squad triggered. Trevor ain't safe! 😸

David Monroe

Trevor should start checking his drink when everyone meets at Olivia’s place.


I do believe Trevors penis is drawn bigger than now than during his first appearance on Book Club back during issue 2 or whenever it was. But I like it! Patty deserves a big one. :)


Putting all that man's business out there like that smh


You must be taking lessons from me on not revealing what you are thinking will happen in Book Club issues... :P


I always intended it to be on the big side. Not quite as big as Sven or Matt, but definitely large. I may not have been entirely consistent in those earlier issues. I feel like Patty and Olivia's tits may have grown a bit as well over the years of me drawing this one. But, I always liked the idea that Trevor has a very big dick, and Patty, being all sweet and innocent and inexperienced with other men, doesn't really know it's well above average.


It's definitely not the first time Trevor's dick as been the topic of discussion among the group. Or other guys' dicks. It's just that now there is a second source for confirmation.