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Available exclusively through Gumroad, a brand new, never before seen Selick Jones comic. 

Selick Jones and his assistant Moriarty have a new case! They set off on a quest in a fantasy world filled with strange creatures, ready for action, adventure and (of course) boning.

This is a 14 page comic never before published elsewhere.

Script by JBD

Art by Karmagik

Colors by Moose

Just to address this up front:

Why is this not on Patreon? This was done as a collaboration with the original writer of the earlier Selick series and was started years ago. I also paid Moose (from JabComix and DirtyComics) to fully color this comic. So this was done independent of Patreon support, and it felt best to release it this way in order to properly pay for the production of this comic.




Was this actually finished a long time ago? Did you retouched it, etc? Or is this like just finished bts?


The actual art was finished a while back, but it has never been released until now.


When did you finish the art for it? (Just asking out of curiosity.)


It's been a couple of years now. I was still doing everything traditionally, so all the inking is traditional inks. But full digital colors by Moose.


I updated this post and added a new promotional image with some panels from the comic.


Pretty old school. Looks good. I might get it on a sale or sumthin'.