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We're getting close to starting up the new original comic, which will be about the MILFs (Olivia, Patty, Nicole and Lorraine).  The current funding level has us at weekly updates.  This is for black and white pages.

But, I thought I would give you guys the option.  Would you rather see weekly Black and White pages, or would you rather have the comic come out a bit slower (every other week) and have the pages be in color?

Effectively taking up one of the update slots to do the page in color.  Coloring comic pages can be just as time consuming as drawing or inking them.

Basically the first week it will be in black and white and the next week I'll do a color version.

Keep in mind that the downside to changing this Goal is that if the funding drops below its current level next month (back to updating every other week), this means the comic will slow down to one page each month if it is in color.

I thought a quick poll would be the best way to handle this. So, please click here to vote:



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