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I've decided that each month I am going to do one pin-up that will be exclusive to anyone who has been processed for at least a $10 pledge for the month. 

These will not be posted anywhere and will only be available to Patreon backers.

The first one is Lois Griffin. 




Well, I'll never see it. Already supporting a lot of patreons, to raise any higher. Unless I drop one or two. Shame. Lois is one of my faves. SIGH.


I've have to balance contributions. It is tough. However Kar is very consistent in his works and commitment. I've just never seen many as generous and varied yet keeps everyone's interest. Also Kar never said what we can do with it like having "friends" ;) But I know the main thing I'll be doing if FAPPING :D

Robert B.

It's a shame that it's come down to this because of the users and abusers but it does seem like a simple solution to the problem and a way to reward loyalty. To everyone else, personally I think your art is worth the $10 in the past I have gotten a lot less and crappier art and less often for a lot more per month. Thank you for the art.


I know all too well, but even I can't constantly contribute a lot to 15+ artists. Now, when the forum existed, white80 was there. However, we remember WWOEC as a hub for many. It was easy to drop a $100 for maintaining it.


Yes, a lot of abusers. But, it also affects the loyalists. To follow an artist, stick it out, through it all, what is that if not loyalty? Besides, loyal fans have the patience of a saint, when the artist is busy. I know. Sorry, I digress. Fact of the matter, even a loyal follower has to make a decision, tough as it is.


I know some people will be left out. And I've tried to do my best to make as many things available to everyone as I can. But I felt like there just wasn't enough incentive for people to pledge higher amounts. Its still only one picture a month. And I think there is plenty of things that folks who pledge less than $10 are getting. I just wanted to give a little something extra to those who are giving a bit more.

Robert B.

Both actually, the bonus to encourage and reward higher pledges and the emailing because of the people taking advantage. Like I stated earlier I've subscribed to artist sites were I was lucky to get 1 or 2 pics a month or sometimes none. So again thank you for what you do.

Robert B.

Dear Lonell, I understand your position you can only stretch wealth just so far and I agree loyalty is valuable too. But Karmagik is trying to make the site better and earn a wage by encouraging higher pledges without getting ripped off by those that promise but don't deliver. I don't know your situation, but you might consider who needs the patron support more. If you have been a long time patron maybe you could plead your case. But the idea of a bonus page per pledge amount is rather self explanatory and purposeful. There has to be an end to a means. Good luck to you. Robert B.


Robert B. Don't let my statements deceive you. My finances are not dire. At our now defunct forum (wwoec rip), my contributions were pretty good. Also, I've been following Karmagik for some time, even commissioned from him. Loyalty is not an issue, and I'm sure he knows it. It boils down to: How much one pays for pixels of another's drawing skill. No disrespect to the man, it's the ideal of paying more to one, when you are a fan of many.

Robert B.

Lonell, I understand. My situation is almost the exact opposite, I am a fan of many but can only support a couple. So I guess we all have to do what our conscience dictates. But we can both agree that we can appreciate good artists. Take care.