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I've been thinking a  lot about making my own superheroes. I did a couple of sketches of some bionic villain ladies a while back. I've settled on this for my main character heroine. I'm calling her Lady Victory.  Incorporating a lot of deep V's in her costume.  Her powers are flight, super strength and toughness, as well as energy blasts. 

I'm working on some more villain designs as well, so you'll probably be seeing those soon.



Robert B.

Lady Victory huh? Let's hope there's no toes to step on with the name. She looks good though, I can't wait to see her in action. Looking forward to seeing the villans too, in skimpy outfits hopefully. 😆


I did some quick google searching and didn't come up with any characters who already had that name. I've put up a couple of villains earlier, Circuitina and Bionica. I'm working on more.

Robert B.

Sounds great can't wait to see what you come up with.