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I recently commissioned a story featuring Olivia van der Meer of The Book Club from DarkRonin21. I thought you all may enjoy reading it.

Poolside Pleasure

It was a hot, summer's day in Cloverdale. Olivia Van der Meer lounged by the pool.  With her husband away on business and her daughter off on some weekend trip with her friends, it seemed like the perfect time to try on her newest swimsuit.  It was a skimpy one-piece number that did a wonderful job of accentuating her generous bust and firm, round backside. Her body glistened in the midday sun with tanning oil, and she smelled lightly of coconut.  She reached over to the small side table next to her deck chair and brought her frozen daiquiri to her lips. Taking a nice, long sip, she gave a contented sigh.  Life was good when you were rich and beautiful.

She took a moment to look around briefly, making sure she was alone, though it mattered little.  It was herback yard and she was going to do anything and everything she wanted there, everyone else be damned.  She pulled the strap on one side of her swimsuit askew, exposing her pale, pink nipple to the bright sunlight.  Bringing the cold glass of frozen alcohol to her chest, she lightly pressed it to her exposed bud.  Olivia let out a small "oooooh" as the cold glass was pressed to her hot flesh.  She could feel her nipple harden instantly as it reacted to the cooler temperature.  Putting the glass down, Mrs. Van der Meer brought her fingers up and lightly pinched the now-stiffened nub.  With her other hand, she slid the piece of her swimsuit that covered her freshly waxed crotch.  Running her fingers along her smooth outer lips, she made a mental note to tip the woman at the salon extra next time.  She did excellent work.

Olivia's fingertips traveled down to the sensitive pink button of her sex.  With her nails freshly manicured, she wasn't about to stick them inside herself, but that didn't mean she couldn't furiously massage her clit.  As she began to rub, she writhed in pleasure in her deck chair.  Closing her eyes, she began to imagine a few of the different men she had been involved in various trysts with.  As she masturbated, the images in her mind flashed between Sven, her chauffeur, a few of Victoria's more attractive male classmates, Trevor Collins... wait a minute.  She hadn't  had the pleasure of pleasing Patty's husband, though she certainly wouldn't turn down the opportunity.  Her mind lingered a bit on that image of Trevor's hairy chest and what she assumed his hard cock looked like, going from Patty's stories.  Subconsciously, she sped up her rubbing, imagining Trevor's strong body bearing down on her, his thick, throbbing cock driving itself deeper inside her.  She could practically feel him thrusting deep inside of her until finally...."

"Um... Señora Van der Meer," Lupe said as she poked her head out of the back door.  "The gentlemen you hired to build the pool house and the patio are here."  She gripped the hem of her apron in her hands, subconsciously wiping them.

Olivia let out a soft, yet frustrated grunt of disappointment and took a second or two to compose herself, not even bothering to turn to face her maid as she responded.  "Wonderful, show them back here please, Lupe." As she heard the maid respond in the affirmative and shut the door to the house, Olivia got to her feet and began to stretch some of the stiffness out of her back and readjust her swimsuit.

"Uh, Missus Van der Meer..." The two workers were struck by the sight of Olivia's glistening tits.  "I'm uh... Tony Angeletti and this here is my apprentice, Sean.  The contractor sent us over to start measuring for your patio..." The larger man extended his hand towards her in greeting.

He certainly had a rugged attractiveness to him.  A few years younger than Olivia herself, he had close cropped hair and thick beard that clung to his chin and helped define his strong jawline as opposed to covering it up in coarse hair.  He was a strong bear of a man, his arms showing a thin layer of dark hair on them and body full of bulky muscle that had been cultivated through years of physical labor, as opposed to the type that may have been more aesthetically pleasing, but served little purpose more than lifting barbells in the gym.  As Olivia shook his hand, she could feel his calloused grip was strong, but was holding back so as not to hurt her.  He certainly piqued her interest.

His apprentice, by comparison, was lean and lanky, with a pointed, clean shaven chin.  His long, dirty blonde hair was an inch or two longer than Olivia's own, but nowhere near as expensively styled.  Instead, it was pulled back and held in place with a bandanna over his head.  He didn't look to be much older than Victoria, possibly choosing to go into a trade as opposed to furthering his education.

Olivia took a sip from her daquiri before addressing the two of them.  "So, what I was thinking was, I want a patio off the back of the house, going to the pool, with a little extra part to the side for possibly a fire pit or a jacuzzi, we'll see how I feel when it's built.  Then we're going to have a pool house put in that roped off area, so I'd like a walkway going from there to the patio so we don't have to walk on the grass with wet feet and get them all muddy."

Tony had taken a pencil from behind his ear and started to jot down what Olivia was saying on a small notepad he had pulled from his pocket.  "We can do that easy, Missus Van der Meer.  Sean, go and get the equipment from the truck and we'll start measuring out how big this is."  As the apprentice ran off to get the surveying tools, he turned back to the lady of the house.  "So, what were you thinking of making the patio out of?  We have stone, brick, concrete..."

"Oh, I'm not too sure.  I was just thinking of browsing and seeing if anything caught my fancy." She gave the strong, rugged landscaper a sultry smirk, coupled with a smoldering look.  She playfully traced the tip of her finger around the rim of her glass, then brought it to her mouth, licking the strawberry-flavored alcohol from it.

Tony felt his words catch in his throat as he called out to Sean, who hadn't fully made it around to the side of the house yet.  "Br... ahem.... Bring the sample book too!"

Olivia let out a throaty, seductive chuckle as she sat down at the table and took another sip of her drink as she waited for the apprentice to return.  A bead of condensation from the glass dripped and fell onto her ample cleavage.  She looked at Tony, not breaking eye contact as she reached down to wipe it away, and pull her strap to the side, giving him a good view of her breast.

Before Tony could act upon such a blatant invitation, Sean came back around to the back of the house, his arms full of surveying equipment and a rather thick sample book.  leaned the tools against the side of the house and brought the book to Olivia, practically dropping it on his foot once he saw her tit fully exposed.  "Um.. h-h-here you go, Ma'am.  There's some uh... nice options in there."

The large landscaper let out an annoyed grunt to get his apprentice's attention.  "Get the ranging rod and the tape measure.  We've got some measurements to take."  He had wished that Sean had taken a bit longer getting the gear from the truck.  No way the lady was gonna give him any now.

"Yes, young man," Olivia said, a slight smirk coloring the tone of her voice.  "Go and grab your rod and get to work."  She leaned back in her chair, pressing her shoulders to the back of it and presenting her breasts proudly as she flipped open the sample book and began to feign interest looking through the different pictures of patios.

The workers took their measurements and began to outline the area that the patio would be with wooden stakes and twine.  Olivia watched with bemusement as she flipped through the book with little interest while every now and then glancing up to give flirtatious winks to the workers.  By this part, her daiquiri was down to the dregs and she was feeling the liquor pretty strongly.

The two landscapers had begun to sweat in the summer heat.  Sean had taken his bandanna off and was now using it intermittently to mop sweat from his brow.  Tony, by comparison, had taken his shirt off and tied it around his head to keep his head from getting sunburned.  This gave Olivia a good view of his muscular, barreled torso, broad shoulders, and thick arms glistening with sweat in the midday sun.

Almost as if to mirror them, Olivia reached behind her neck and grabbed the strap to her swimsuit.  She lifted them up and over her head, uncovering her large, succulent breasts.  She made sure to wait for the two to be engrossed in their work so that it would be quite the surprise when they came over to talk to her.

After having the entire patio area mapped out and outlined, the two workers went over to the woman of the house to see what material she wanted to have it made out of.  "So, Missus Van der Meer, have you picked out what you waaaaaannn...." The words died in Tony's throat as his brain had to hard reboot, wanting to comprehend the fact that the gorgeous, rich housewife's enormous breasts were in full display in front of him.

Olivia brought her finger up to coyly pull down her sunglasses just enough to look over them at the two men.  "Oh, I'm expecting to entertain quite often, so I'm going to need something that's very... sturdy."  She stood up and strutted her way over to the older man, her massive mammaries bouncing and jiggling deliberately with each step.  "Something that can handle a lot of activity."  She boldly grabbed his crotch through his jeans.

Tony let out a little moan, enjoying both the sight of a dazzling, half naked woman, and the feel of her fondling his cock through his pants.  His mind swirled with all the depraved sexual acts he and the busty babe were about to get up to.  It was due to him having his eyes closed, lost in thought, that he didn't notice the look of confusion on Olivia's face.

She cocked an eyebrow and her lips pursed together in a frown.  This... this couldn't be right.  She felt around on the large man's crotch a bit more.  There had to be some sort of mistake.  She must have gotten a grip on a bunch of his underwear.  That was it, it had to be.  She undid his fly and yanked his pants and briefs down in one swift tug.  She looked in shock at the 4 inch erection that was pointed at her nose.  "What.... what is this?" she questioned, her voice sounding quite annoyed and unpleasantly surprised.

Her words knocked Tony out of his fantasies and he looked down to the woman knelt in front of him.  "Wha... what do you mean?" He was a bit confused by the question.  I mean, it was pretty obvious she had seen a man's cock before.

Olivia just gripped on to the smaller-than-she-thought cock and sighed as the tip was just barely sticking out of her grasp.  She gave a disgusted scoff as she looked up at it's owner.  "Just what the hell am I supposed to do with this?  It's so small, I can't even jerk it off properly! You'd be better off using your finger!"  She stood up with an annoyed sneer and began to walk over to his sidekick and grabbed the fly of his jeans.

Before Tony could voice his anger, or Sean his surprise, Olivia had his button undone, his zipper down, and his pants around his ankles.  Her lips curled in a very satisfied smile as she saw what she had been looking for.  The sight of her naked tits had Sean nice and hard, sticking out to his full length, which had to be in the double digits, with the foreskin not fully retracted yet, and a nice, upward curve that she just knew would hit every last pleasure spot inside her.  She wanted to drop to her knees and start sucking him right then and there... but he had been working all day in the sun, and his body, groin included, was coated in a sheen of sweat.  She had derided what she had called 'Manual Labor Sweat' before, and if she gave into herself and started sucking that lovely length of manhood, Lorraine would never let her hear the end of it.

She thought for a minute and then started to tug his shirt up.  "You, Steve," she pulled his T-shirt off and tossed it aside. "Take your boots off.  We're going for a swim."  A simple fix.  She'd just have him swim across the pool to rinse off, then she could thoroughly enough the meal before her.  She ran her finger along the top of his hard cock as a tease as she turns around and walks to the pool, taking a moment to drop her suit down fully and kicking it off to the side, showing the men her pale, bare ass.  She turned back to Tony and pointed at him.  "As for you, you may sit over there and watch.  I may even find a use for you later."  She gave them both a smirk and proceeded to dive into the deep end.

Sean was no fool.  He knew a good thing when he saw it, and the naked MILF currently backstroking across the pool was certainly a good thing.  As quick as he could, he doffed the rest of his clothes and dove into the water fully nude, swimming after her.

Tony grumbled and had half a mind to pull up his pants and drive home on his own, leave that little turd here to find his own way home.  Something told him, though, that doing that would only work out better for the kid.  So instead, he did as Olivia had instructed and went to sit in one of the deck chairs, his hand barely moving to pump his shaft at the sight of the naked woman swimming.

As Sean's head broke the surface of the water, he saw Olivia leisurely back-stroking  her way to the shallow end.  Her breasts were clearly seen sticking out of the water like twin beachballs, their siren's song calling him to chase after them.

Olivia reveled in the scenario, having the full attention and control over two men, and all she had to do was feed her own desires.  As she felt her feet touch the bottom of the pool, she turned over and made her way to the wide steps that allowed people a less sudden entrance into the water as opposed to a quick jump.  With the steps being broad enough for a person to lounge on comfortably, Olivia made her way up to the second step and got on all fours so that the tips of her breasts were just touching the water.  She looked directly at Sean and gave him the 'come hither' finger beckon.

Sean didn't have to be told twice as he swam as fast as he could towards the shallow end.  He was hardly up the pool steps before he felt Olivia grab on to his hard, throbbing erection and stroked it a bit before wrapping her ruby red lips around it and beginning to bob her head.  The young landscaper moaned as he felt the rich woman's tongue swirl around his bulbous head and stroke along his shaft as she sucked his cock.  She even reached up and gently cupped his balls, testing their weight and fullness for a bit before he started to let out a few more strained grunts.

Having humored the young man enough in her opinion, Olivia pulled back, releasing Sean's cock with a barely audible pop.  "That's enough of that.  Can't have you finishing before I even begin.  Now, sit down."  She stood up and pointed to the step she had just been kneeling on.  She looked over to Tony and smirked, leaning down and cupping some of the cool water in her hands before slowly pouring it over her naked breasts for his viewing enjoyment.  She thought to herself that he had better hope his apprentice suffered from youthful over-eagerness, otherwise this was as close as he was going to get to her.

Doing as he was told, Sean sat on the step.  The pool water did do a decent job of calming down his raging boner, though it didn't make it go down, just kept him from blowing his load too early.  He took a moment to enjoy the sight of Olivia's naked body, glistening with pool water in the midday sun.

The sun was suddenly eclipsed by Olivia's form, however, as she stood over him, hands on her hips.  "My turn," she said with a dominant tinge to her voice.  She put her foot over his shoulder, holding on to the rail for balance as she pressed her cleanly-shaven crotch to his face.  She even took her free hand and grabbed a hand full of his hair, making sure he couldn't pull away until she wanted him to.

Not having needed to be told twice, Sean moved his hands up under her legs and grabbed her ass with both hands.  Sticking his tongue out, he began to lick Olivia's clit as though it was made of candy.  Not knowing if he would ever get an opportunity like this again, Sean ate Olivia's pussy with the fervor of a thirsty man given water in the desert.  He savored the taste of the upper class like it was the greatest thing he had ever had, which, if you asked Olivia, it most certainly was.

The wealthy socialite was pleasantly surprised by her paramour's fervor.  She held tight to his wet hair as she gyrated her hips, grinding her glorious sex against him and riding his tongue.  Glancing back over in Tony's direction, wanting to see how the older worker was enjoying the show.  She tried not to laugh as she saw him pumping away at his penis... it felt inappropriate to call something that small a 'cock'.  She couldn't even see it's head sticking out of his meaty fist.  She decided to be charitable and turned towards him, giving him a clear view of her large, heaving breasts.  The cool water had made her nipples stiffen and she decided to give him a bit of a show by taking her free hand and pinching her left one.  Electric jolts of pleasure shot through her body as she rolled the stiffened nub between her fingers.

"A-alright.  Enough of the appetizers," Olivia said, taking a moment to catch her breath.  She pulled Sean's head back by his hair and looked down at him, seeing her juices glistening around his mouth.  "It's time for the main course.  Hold that big cock of yours steady."  After making sure he was lined up, Olivia lowered herself down.  As soon as she felt his cockhead penetrate her wanting sex, she dropped down, feeling him fill her completely.  She let out a low, throaty "Oh fuck..." as she felt his girth stretch her out just enough that i felt incredible.  She began to bounce on his rod, letting the buoyancy of the water help her move more easily, going up until he almost pulled out of her before dropping back down.

Sean moaned as he felt Olivia's slick inner walls grip around him.  He gripped around Olivia's slender waist and held on as she glided up and down on his dick.  He watched as her glorious globes bounced in front of him, almost hypnotizing as they moved along with the massaging sensation on his member.  He reached up and grabbed one in his hand before latching on to her nipple with his mouth.  He could hear her moan as he teased her with his tongue, gently pinching it with his teeth, and sucking on it firmly.

Olivia gritted her teeth and sucked in a breath in pleasure.  This young man certainly knew his way around a woman's body.  That was going to make this even more fun.  Water splashed each time her ass landed on Sean's lap, but neither seemed to notice as her bouncing seemed to speed up.  "Mmm, yeah..." she moaned, stopping her bouncing for a moment to gyrate her hips, rolling them on his cock and enjoying the feel of her clit rubbing against the trimmed patch of pubic hair at the base of his dick.  It seemed this landscaper was also a manscaper.  "You like my big, fucking tits?"

Unable to resist the siren's call of the massive orbs in front of him, Sean reached up and grabbed himself two heaping handfulls of Olivia's glorious globes.  He squeezed them, reveling in their warmth and softness.  "They're fucking incredible, Missus Van der Meer."   He placed his face between them and motorboated her a bit.

"I know they are," Olivia said with a smirk.  She held his head to her bosom, but made sure his ears were free so he could hear what she was about to say next.  "And if you make me orgasm before you cum, I will let you shoot it all over them."  She looked over to the happless Tony and gave him a similar smile.  "And since I am feeling generous, you can as well, ifI climax first."  That should have given them all the incentive needed to get her off nice and hard.

Sure enough, Sean took the bait.  Standing up, he laid her on the top step of the pool stairs and grabbed on to her hips, proceeding to jackhammer his cock as deep into her pussy as he could.  He tried to keep his eyes closed, not looking at her stunning figure and hopefully keep her from popping off too soon.  He could still hear, though, and Olivia's moans of pleasure, and her impassioned demands for him to 'fuck her harder'.  He gave her all the fucking that his youthful exuberance could give.  He held on to her hips tightly, so as not to buck her off with how vigorously thrusting.

With his renewed energy, Olivia found herself swept up in a wave of physical sensation.  It was all she could take as she felt her climax tear through her body.  Her whole body tensed as the electric sensation of her orgasm caused her to bend back and scream out in pleasure "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!"  She could feel small explosions of pleasure still exploding in her brain as the thrums of pleasure subsided. Taking a moment to compose herself, she turned to Sean.  "I suppose you've earned your reward."  She wobbily made her way to the top step and reclined a bit.

Both men stood up and made their way over to the supine lovely.  The two landscapers stood over her, each stroking their cocks to their inevitable climax.  Though, admittedly, one was a more impressive sight than the other, until finally, they both exploded in a orgasmic deluge of sperm that splattered all over Olivia's tits.

The two men both collapsed to their rears after such intense orgasms, however, it had allowed Olivia enough time to find her feet.  Standing up, she looked down at herself and ran a finger over her cum-covered breast and puts it to her lips as she walked towards the house.  "Not bad at all," she said with a confident tone in her voice.  "Oh, and as for the patio, I've chosen the flagstone tiles with a nice sunburst mosaic for the actual patio.  Now, if you'll excuse me.  I need to clean up.  See you both bright and early tomorrow."


Devin Dickie

Great story! thanks for the dash of SPH! :)