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Here it is! The final page of chapter 5. I hope you guys have enjoyed this one. We'll be back for more Book Club soon, but I'm going to change things up and work on some different comics next.




I like where this is going!


Man, that fur-coat Olivia is something else!


I'm eager to dive into the Patty's Party issue. A lot of story threads I've been wanting to explore for quite a while now are coming up. It'll be the first time the Book Club hasn't had a time jump between issues. But I need to dabble with something different for a bit before going into that right now.


Sexy Lupe she has appear 😍. Also I don't like the look in victoria's eyes. I sense sexual intent


I wasn't sure if Lupe fans would be happy that she showed up or upset that she didn't have more to do this issue. She'll have a role to play later on again. As for Victoria... she has schemes, that's for sure!