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You'll notice that Patreon has changed their look for Creator pages.  I had to do some updating, like making a new banner.  Let me know if you see anything that looks screwy that I can change.


Robert B.

So far I don't see anything wrong but the pledge milestone list is not displayed, but I like the postlook linear look. Just an observation though, the banner you have up, in its current size cuts Olivia almost completely out of the picture. I don't know if you would want to resize it or not but I thought you should know.


Is Randi all there? I don't know if they center the banner or if it just starts at the left.

Robert B.

Okay. I don't know if you did anything to the banner but it is all visable now from Randi to Olivia. The first time I looked Randi was there it was just Olivia that was cut in half. Just an F.Y.I. in case it makes a difference, I view your page on both my laptop and smartphone. On the smartphone in the upright position Randi and Olivia are not visible but in the pan position you can see the whole banner with extra space to the right of Olivia. I'm not sure if the milestone list only shows up on the pledge page now or not but it is not visable nor is there a link that I can see, on the main page. I hope this helps I will look it over in more detail on both again and get back to you.

Robert B.

Okay here is what I've found so far with just a quick poke around and so far,I, don't it looks good. First off no pledge request link, no pledge page no milestone progress page. Second the only access to the patron support page that tells me who I'm supporting is through the Patreon logo link at the top of the page. Your Patreon home page shows your number of patrons, your monthly pages and how much I've pledged to my followed (you). But there is no mention of how to pledge to your work. Now I don't know if what I'm seeing is only the patron's page view or the general publics page view but I would think that they should be the same when we click on Olivia's heart shaped boobs. Nice touch by the way for Feb., but you might want to try putting Randi up front too. Maybe put some Shamrocks on her nipples for March (St.Paddy' Day ya know), just a thought. Well that's it so far. That should be enough to run with. Let me know if you need anything, I'm glad to help.


I uploaded an edited banner with Randi and Olivia moved in a bit. Maybe that helped. I am not sure why the milestones are not showing. I think that's just a part of their new design. It does not look like something I can edit. All I see is a progress bar towards the next goal. no completed ones or future ones.


If you log out and look at it, the page looks a good bit different. There is definitely a pledge button. Its just not showing up for you because you've already pledged and you are logged in. All of Patreon is switching over to this new page design in March. They just gave people the option to go ahead and adopt it. So I figured I would. Its all Patreon's design, not mine. The only thing I can do is change the banner and what my page's pledge levels and goals are. So whatever they do with it, we'll just have to live with.

Robert B.

Yeah that's kind of what I thought it might of been. Well good the pledge button is there. But you might want to check the search directory because when I type in "Karmagik" your page does not come up. Also you might want to check into getting on the featured artist list, to get your page more out there and prominent. Glad I could help, let me know if you need anything else. I'll be here.


That's another thing I have no control over. For some reason Patreon's search engine does not show up any of their pages that are flagged as having adult content. But if you google it, it shows up fine.

Robert B.

Well that sucks. So if folks don't look for you on Google or your page they can't find you on Patreon. Hmm, that sounds a bit like discrimination to me. Have you ever posted to or had things posted on Shadbase? It is also an adult comic page, he has his own site same as you and he is also on Patreon same as you but from the comments he makes when posting a page it sounds like he posts his stuff as well as other artists too, I'm not sure but it might be worth checking into, he has a few thousand viewers, that, could help boost your prominence in the adult comic viewer community, with either "Wet Dreams" or the "Double D" comic. Just a thought. Let me know if you have anything else I can help with. In the meantime we'll just have to wait and see. Good luck.