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Hey gang. I had an idea. I've been wanting to try to play around a little more with sketching and drawing digitally. I thought it might be good to actually use some photos as reference and see how it comes out.

So, here's the thought... If you're anything like me, from time to time you see a picture so hot you just have to save it to your hard drive to take a look at later. 

So, send me one of those pictures. For now, please just pick one, your favorite. I would prefer something with only a single person. I don't want to get bogged down in elaborate scenes.  So, something like a sexy pin-up lady would be great.  Email it to me and I'll pick out a few that strike my fancy and see what I can do with sketching them.

Photos only. No drawings from other artists. 

You can email the pic to me at karmagik@gmail.com and please make the subject Photo to Sketch.

I think this can be a lot of fun. I hope you guys think so to and I start seeing some new pics in my inbox soon.



Okay, i'm game. Try this one: <a href="http://41.media.tumblr.com/0b782400ede936e488fd37eeead51c0a/tumblr_nzw9iz0pW21teuxito1_500.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://41.media.tumblr.com/0b782400ede936e488fd37eeead51c0a/tumblr_nzw9iz0pW21teuxito1_500.jpg</a>


Done. Should be in your email