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Here's the inks for this month's original character poll winner. 

Large file attached.

Colors coming soon.



Robert B.

Yea, my vote won. I can't wait to see the colored version. By the way I have a question for you. When it comes to drawing the lace and other intricate patterns, do you have to draw them by hand or is there a tool you use? It's pretty darn good if you do it by hand. Thanks again.


This is all done by hand. The sketching is done with a pencil and the inks are done with pens. No digital stuff there. Sometimes I fix minor things in Photoshop once its inked and scanned. Then the colors will all be done digitally.

Robert B.

Ah I see, great work then. I was wondering because I saw a behind the scenes on an anime about how they draw Mangas, and some use digitals, but most used cut, peel and stick gradients and background graphics, I thought maybe that might be what you were using. But if your doing it by hand you must be and old pro at it the way you manage to knock them out each week. Thanks for the hard work.