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I normally try to do sketch lotteries every Friday, but I'm going to be out of town this weekend starting tomorrow and coming back Sunday.  So, I decided to go ahead and get this one done in advance.



Robert B.

Have a safe trip, we'll see you when you get back. This one looks good as usual, so I guess that means we'll have to wait until next week for a parody lottery. Good deal.


Yeah, each week I alternate between parody and original sketches. Last week was parody, so this week is original, meaning next Friday is back to parody. Hopefully I won't be too wiped out on Sunday to get some work done on the next page of Gone Fishin'. I hope to post it on Monday.

Robert B.

Good deal. Take your time after all it is the holiday season, everybody deserves a little down tume. Take care. Safe travels.


I am safely in my hotel room. Wasn't sure about their internet. Its actually a work trip. But hopefully a fun one.

Robert B.

Well let's hope so. So this being a working trip does that mean you are at a comic con? If so which one? Let's hope they don't wear you out to much.